The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 134 Small Spells: Blossoms and Fruits

Chapter 134 Small Spells: Blossoms and Fruits

"Not for now." Mingli declined.

"My father said that our place is remote, and there are many young and strong, my father also bought some weapons." Chu Shiluoyou said.

"Don't worry, I've already made preparations on my side." Mingli said in a firm tone.

After hearing this, Chu Shiluo didn't ask any more questions.

As soon as he left, Mingli's wife Chun Xing directly asked her husband beside her. "Lang Jun, why don't you let Dashan and his family move in and live with me, it's safer."

All kinds of weapons and defense methods have begun to be arranged at Old Qizhuang.It won't be long before Old Qizhuang will become a battle fort.

Reasonable and speechless, "Why did his family move here? There are so many spiritual fruit trees, spiritual medicines, and spiritual ginseng planted in the house. When people leave, can things stay?"

Chun Xing said helplessly, "This house has too many belongings, and it's really not easy to move."

"The key is that they are all living things, and it won't do if we don't take care of them. Besides, they can also be counted as a retreat for our family. If there are too many refugees, the places that the city magistrate can take care of will become limited, but No matter how limited it is, the city magistrate in their house has appointed Miryang guards to guard them.

On the day when the old Qizhuang could no longer hold on, we would move to their place. "

Old Qizhuang was moving, and old Chuzhuang was not idle.

Young and strong were organized long ago, and light and dark whistles were set up, just to prevent the sudden appearance of refugees.Those with short courtyard walls in the village even took the initiative to increase their courtyard walls by one floor.Families without courtyard walls have also built courtyard walls one after another.

The original courtyard wall of Chu Dashan's old house was built very high, so there is no need to rebuild it this time.However, several long-term workers resigned, which made Chu Dashan more depressed.

Hearing that the severe drought and refugees were coming, the long-term workers at home naturally resigned because they were worried.

There were eight long-term workers missing all of a sudden, and Chu Dashan was still wondering where to recruit some new long-term workers who knew the basics.Yuan Feihu came to visit him again.

"Can you sell a few acres of land to build a yard for me?"

Chu Dashan was delighted when he heard it. "I'll build the land in the yard, you can choose whatever you want."

"Besides me, there are a few others who want to move here, do you think you can sell more to me?"

"Okay, you guys can move here, you can talk about which one you like."

"Well, that's right, when these families move here, the young and strong in their families can also come to do long-term work for you. At least seven or eight long-term workers can be added to you." Yuan Feihu said with a smile.

"That's good." Chu Dashan, who was worried about where to find the long-term worker, was immediately happy.

Although Zhang Xiu said he would come the next day, in fact he only came on the fourth day.

The family had already prepared the Spirit Valley for him.Except for keeping a few thousand catties for myself to eat, the rest was sold to him.

This batch of spiritual valleys directly exchanged 70 yuan of spiritual stones for Chu Dashan.

When Zhang Xiu asked Mi Yangwei to carry the Linggu, he happened to see the Taohua sisters and the Chu Qi family performing the small cloud and rain technique to water the seedlings.That's really a lot of watering.

He was so envious that he didn't want it.

"Mr. Chu, I wonder if you can cultivate a spiritual field for my family to grow elixir?"

Chu Dashan thought for a while and said, "This is very troublesome."

"It doesn't need to be too big, it's only about a hundred acres." Zhang Xiudao.

"That's fine, I'll get it for you when the winter is free." Chu Dashan said.

Zhang Xiu immediately thanked, "Thank you, Mr. Chu."

"You're welcome, Lord Cheng Ling has also helped my family a lot," Chu Dashan said.

Zhang Xiu secretly laughed in her heart, so you know it too.But Chu Dashan is so sensible, he should get a piece of spiritual land for their family, Zhang Xiu is very satisfied.

After they left, Chu Shiluo came to his father's side, "What did the Zhang family man tell your father just now?"

"He said that Lord Cheng Ling wants to acquire a piece of spiritual land." Chu Dashan said.

"Father, you agreed."

"He said he would only get one hundred acres." Chu Dashan nodded.

"If you're talking about a hundred acres, you can just use the soil gathering array." Chu Shiluo said.

"I planned to use the earth-gathering array for them. Later, I asked Qingmei and Taohua to make the array posts. Then I will insert the array posts according to the array diagram." Chu Dashan thought of a way. .

"A lot of materials are needed to condense the array." Chu Shiluo said speechlessly.

"At that time, the Zhang family will be embarrassed not to reimburse me for the money of the array?"

"Okay, let me go with you then."

"Why don't you worry about your father going to do this job?"

"If you put it in the wrong place, this formation will not activate. Dad, you are good at everything, but you are not very good at arithmetic. Why don't you go with peach blossoms or green plums?"

Chu Dashan gave him an angry look before saying, "Okay, you should go with me."

The rouge yellow at home was matured by Chu Shiluo, Taohua and his sister in five days.Then the three brothers and sisters moved to the wheat field.

On Guzi's side, Chu Changjie led the long-term workers to collect them.The millet here has just been harvested, and the wheat over there has also been brushed and matured.The main reason is that the peach blossoms are too powerful, and she has learned a new little spell to blossom and bear fruit!
It is specially used to brush this kind of grain and fruit trees with half-ripe fruits, and the effect is really not ordinary.

The long-term and short-term workers are divided into two halves. Generally, they continue to harvest wheat, and half of them sow grain seeds in the field.As soon as the grain seeds were sown, the peach blossoms took root and sprouted into small seedlings.

This time, the family harvested five hundred catties per mu of Linggu from Yanzhihuang, which is 25 catties per mu.Not only Yanzhihuang, but also Hanling rye harvested 25 catties per mu, and [-] catties per mu.

Both the new millet and the new wheat have been put into the basement of Chu Dashan, and the new spiritual food will not be sold for the time being, let's see what happens next year.

The sudden increase in production this time is due to the reason why Taohua and the others have often used spells on the grain land from the beginning, and also the reason why the small spells bloomed and bear fruit in the end.Because the effect of flowering and fruiting is so good, Taohua thinks that everything will mature in the future and give them a set of flowering and fruiting!
Especially for peaches, if the peaches also bloom and bear fruit this year, it is estimated that the output will increase! !It's a pity that she didn't learn the little magic of blossoming and bearing fruit at that time!
Chu Dashan was not idle this time, and was called by his daughter to perform the little fertile soil technique on the wasteland on the other side!
All kinds of small trees, weeds, and mud were melted into the soil one after another, and the land was improved into patches of good land suitable for farming.

Such plots can be planted with new seeds after the long-term and short-term workers make a little adjustment.

Two thousand acres of new millet land were directly opened up, and the seedlings grew under the support of daily small techniques.

In a blink of an eye, a month will pass.

All the rice in the house has grown to half its size. According to the method of brushing peach blossoms, it will probably start to form ears in a few days.This appalling growth rate shocked the long-term and short-term workers in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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