The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1341: Express Edition Lingzhifu

Chapter 1341: Express Edition Lingzhifu
"Hey, when the Chu family came to the Angry Customs, I never imagined that they could grow up to what they are now." Hang Xinghe said.

Now, the Chu family has gradually grown into a genuine spiritual plant, a medicine pill boss.

This family is not only good at planting various spiritual plants of various grades on a large scale, but also good at developing various new medicinal herbs.

Among the divine court forces, there are also many outstanding performers in medicine pills.

However, most of the medicinal pills they have refined are of excellent quality, but their thinking is relatively rigid, and no force likes to invest resources on a large scale to allow the pill masters to study new medicinal recipes.

Therefore, there have been no serious Dan Fang research bigwigs.

However, their shortcomings were indeed Chu's strengths.

It is conceivable that if the Chu family continues to develop according to the current development trend, it will not take hundreds of years, I am afraid that it will be able to catch up with the major elixir forces within the court.

Now this cub has made a tender chirping, and in the future it will definitely show its hideous fangs.

Of course, it is also possible that the Chu family will not live that far.

This seedling is a little too shining, and many forces will not want them to live.


Chu Shinian and Taohua received the main hall master and deputy hall master of the Inner Spirit Planting Hall of the Sword Sect in Taichu.Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun.

Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun were not incompetent in a palace where Jianxiu Zongmen was in charge of Lingzhi.In the early days of the Sword Sect, there were millions of acres of spiritual fields alone.Fully self-sufficient.Spirit Medicine Garden is also hundreds of thousands of acres.

Of course, these spiritual fields are all in the affiliated world, and the elixir gardens are also mainly in the affiliated world. The elixir gardens developed in the Zongmen only have more than 3 mu.

However, this number is much worse than that of the Chu family.

After the fusion of the two worlds, the Chu family has rebuilt the elixir garden with an area of ​​400 million mu.It can be said that the elixir gardens spread all over the new world.There are even more Lingzhifu who have been taught by themselves.

Because the ratio of Lingzhifu to Lingyao field outside Wuyuan Mountain is four to one.

Therefore, the number of Lingzhi husbands that Chu Clan cultivated in Baidoujie was over a million.

This does not include apprentices.

A spiritual plant husband takes care of three or four acres of spiritual medicine fields. This ratio is too normal.

It is very acceptable to others outside.

As for how the Lingzhi husband of the Chu clan inside Wuyuan Mountain takes care of the elixir, what does it have to do with the outside world?
Chu Taohua and Chu Shinian received Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun from the Sword Sect of Taichu to pick them up this time, and they were in Xiandaocheng with the largest number of Chu's Spirit Medicine Gardens.

Earlier, the Chu family promised to train [-] Lingzhi husbands for the Taichu Sword Sect.Later, these people have been sent to the Taichu Swordsmen.

What happened to these people later, Taohua heard that they went to the affiliated world of Taichu Sword Sect.

However, it has been more than a year since they were sent away, and Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun came to visit them again. Why?
Could it be that those Lingzhi husbands did something wrong?

Under the bewildered eyes of Chu Shinian and his wife, Zhou Li revealed his true purpose: "The [-] spirit plants you gave us from the Chu family are of extraordinary strength, and they have done great things for our sect's spirit medicine garden. contribute.

Now they each bring several apprentices.

But Lingzhifu is not easy to cultivate.Lingzhifu's apprentice, it will take at least several years to really play a role.

Therefore, there is still a big gap in the spiritual planting of our sect.So the head and the elders discussed it, can the Chu family send us another [-] Lingzhi husbands? "

Chu Taohua and his wife did not speak.

"Of course, our Absolute Beginning Sword Sect can't let you cultivate Lingzhi husbands for nothing. I wonder if your husband and wife have heard about the spirit essence?" said Zhu Hanjun.

"Are you the spiritual marrow?" Chu Taohua asked.

Zhu Hanjun directly took out an opaque but powerful piece of jade and put it on the small coffee table beside the young couple. "This is chalcedony, which only grows in large or super-large spiritual stone veins."

"What's the benefit of this spiritual marrow?" Taohua asked.

"This spiritual marrow can cultivate immortal roots. Although ordinary spiritual veins can also make immortal roots grow, it is far less effective than spiritual marrow. On average, 100 yuan of chalcedony can make immortal roots grow to the first level. Not only can we I will give you 500 yuan of chalcedony. I can also give you a purple cloud vine with fairy root." Zhu Hanjun said again.

"Xiangen? Why? How important is the immortal root, why didn't the Sword Sect in the early days keep the immortal root, anyway, they want to give it to us?" Peach Blossom asked inexplicably.

At this time, Zhou Li said again, "Because this grape vine is almost dying. An ancestor of our sect who practiced wood-based exercises was seriously injured. In order to survive, she absorbed the origin of Ziyun grape. The fall of this fairy root.

Now it only has a residual root, ahem, you may not be able to save it, but it is not Xiangen.

I think using it to trade is enough to express our sincerity.In addition, we also intend to trade with you one hundred Mirage Longo.must live. "

Chu Shinian frowned, just about to speak, but Taohua agreed, "Okay."

Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun were satisfied after hearing this, and gave Taohua couple a sensible look.

After sending them away, Chu Shinian said puzzledly, "This is obviously an unequal transaction. It is us who suffer the big loss. On the contrary, it is not painful for them to send something away. A piece of stubble, even if it is an immortal root, is not worth it. Trade [-] Spirit Planters. Don’t we spend Spirit Stones and other resources in training Spirit Planters?”

"Whether it is in Wuyuan Mountain or in the Spirit Medicine Garden outside, there are some people who are not suitable. I arranged for them to learn some things about Lingzhi early on, but they are only ordinary knowledge. These people stay for a long time. In our hands, that is smashed.

It's better to give it to the Sword Sect of Taichu.They went to the Sword Sect in the early days and could still work honestly.

And the Sword Sect in the beginning is not us, we treat them generously and very preferentially.Teach them how to behave. "Peach Blossom Road.

When Chu Shinian heard this, he was stunned.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, no matter what kind of talents are cultivated, there are always some people who are not worth continuing to cultivate. I have people teach them separately. Even in terms of use, they are used separately. Many people don't know that what they have learned is incomplete." Taohua laughed. "Lingzhifu is even more so, our family is built on spirits, how can I pass on some important knowledge of spirits to White-eyed Wolf?

Lingzhifu not only values ​​talent, but character is also very important. "

"(⊙o⊙) Oh, so that's how the [-] Lingzhifu you kicked out last time also came?" Chu Shinian asked busyly.

"Naturally. Anyway, most spirit medicine fields don't need a powerful spirit planter." Taohua said.An ordinary Lingzhifu is enough.And in the outside world, she can also cultivate a more simplified version of Lingzhihu.

In this way, the quick and simplified Lingzhifu does not cost much.Usually a little woodling root will do.

(End of this chapter)

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