Chapter 1343
However, Zhou Li was willing to give out prizes, so it was a good idea.

After all, the Chu family organized so many spiritual plant husbands to choose from, how much manpower, material resources and time would it take?
This means that there are many people in the Chu family, and there are also many spiritual husbands.

However, the Chu family had to prepare for the examination.

People with foreign surnames will not only be given good treatment, but will also be given enhanced training before the exam, which is not bad.

Besides, there are more loose cultivators from the Baidoujian Sect.

If you want to seek stability, it is not bad to take the path of Lingzhifu.

Besides, it is said that this time, there is still a good opportunity to join the Sword Sect of the Great Sect of the Divine Court.

How many people are happy in their hearts.

Therefore, regardless of whether it was cultivated by the Chu family, Ling Zhifu, who served in the Chu family, came to save his life, and then joined the Chu family's low-level basic training and strengthening class.

The Chu family gave a lot of teaching at one time.

Due to the intensive training classes are available day and night.

Therefore, Ling Zhifu, who signed up for the exam, studied hard.The Chu family also prepared a large number of vacant spiritual fields for their experiments.

Through the training of teaching, I also selected many Lingzhifu boys who yearned for the Taichu Sword Sect and had amazing talents.And they organized their qualifications into a book and handed it over to Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun of the Sword Sect in the early days.

The two of them have made a big change in their impression of the Chu family.

The impression of Chu Shinian and Taohua is very good.

If Chu Shinian was dealing with family affairs, he didn't have time to accompany Zhou Li and the others in their usual training classes, to meet with all the talented future masters of Lingzhifu or something. Chu Junshu accompanied him.

Chu Junshu is the eldest son of the head of the family and the great commander of Chu Shinian.

Also the only son.

The attention received from childhood is unusual.

Although he often cheated not to accept the training arranged by his father.But this kid is smart enough.

Except for the yelling of the beaten, it seems that he has not suffered any major losses.

This time, he accepted the important task given to him by his father and mother, but played with him. Keke actually hid the secrets of his family.He was still very comfortable.

After all, within the Chu family's sphere of influence, it's not difficult to do something.

The new world, the new atmosphere, and the surrounding environment have changed. If mortals want to survive in such a mutated natural environment, they can only become monks.

So only if someone has spiritual roots, they will not give up.

Even if there is no spiritual root, everyone will train a monk to rise up in the whole family.Then he took shelter under the monks he had cultivated at home.At any rate, the family will not be too vicious to exploit the family.

Of course, if that kind of really treacherous person, there is no way.

Because mortals need their families to have monks for a long time.

Therefore, Lingzhifu, who does not participate in fighting and killing, has become the first choice of many mortals who are not very talented in cultivation.

So much so that the Chu family has squeezed in too many spiritual husbands in just [-] years.

If these spiritual planters have no place to consume.It's really embarrassing.

Because Baidoujie is still under the management of the Taichu Sword Sect for the time being, they will not let the Chu family have too many spiritual fields.

With the current reputation of the Chu family, it is already the limit to own the millions of acres of spiritual fields.

It has been more than ten years since the Chu family, and Lingtian has not grown at all.

So what do you do to cultivate so many spiritual plant husbands?

Or give it to the Taichu Sword Sect.

The examination has finally begun...

The seeds selected by candidates from all over the world, the breeding methods, and the various grades are constantly coming together.

On the big ranking with tens of thousands of people.

Many powerful characters began to show their talents.

Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun laughed every day and paid attention to the scores transferred from various places and the performance of the candidates.

An invigilation area in an exam room.

Several Jin Dan Jianxiu from the Baidoujian faction silently checked the score rankings in the local examination room.

"The top [-] are all Lingzhi husbands of our Baidoujian School, who will make the superiors think that we cheated in the [-] inspection?"

"Probably not. Our Baidoujian Sect's named Lingzhifu spends all day researching ways to increase the yield of cultivating spiritual plants, etc. It is the most high-end local Lingzhifu small group. He also often hires high-level spirits from the Chu family. Shifu came to class. Other Lingzhifu, I'm afraid it's difficult to compare with them."

"This opportunity is too rare. Usually, it is difficult to get a place to enter the Sword Sect of Absolute Beginning. This time there are [-]." You Jianxiu sighed. "If only I had studied Lingzhifu back then."

"You can do both. I heard that there will be another selection next year, or in a few years."

"Well, then I'll think about it carefully."

In addition, in the anger customs, Chu's resident.

Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun reported almost daily.

Step on, step on back.

Strive to collect all the information of the whole process.

However, as it progresses day by day, there are too many outstanding Lingzhi husbands appearing.

This made them both suffer from choice phobia.

That all looked good.

I don't want to take that away.

Chu Junshu saw through their thoughts and said, "How about the two seniors simply order more people?"

"But the sect will not agree."

"How many disciples of the Sword Sect in the early days are there, and there are still tens of thousands of them?" Chu Junshu looked at them with a shocked expression.

"Cough cough." Zhu Hanjun was a little embarrassed.

"Actually, it's not impossible to get more people. Would you like to add to fifty thousand?"

After listening to Zhu Hanjun's kind words, Zhou Li also fell into contemplation.

The sect needs it, and the major families of the sect also want it after receiving the news.

Want more?
"In this way, [-] main elections, [-] candidates. The main elections are all admitted to the inside of the sect. The candidates may be selected by some affiliated families within the sect. What do you think of this arrangement?"

"Anyway, whether it's the main election or the alternative, isn't it all going to the Taichu Sword Sect?" Chu Jun said.

Cough, Zhou Li nodded awkwardly.

"The treatment may not be the same."

"It's okay, I don't have the ability, and I still want good treatment. This time we choose people based on their performance." Chu Jun said.

Zhou Li thought to himself, that was indeed the case.

The examination is going to be added.

The students are working harder for the exam.

In the end, Zhou Li and Zhu Hanjun took away 150 Lingzhi husbands and nearly [-] million family members.

Wuyuan Mountain once again left a group of people.

However, there are many mortals in Wuyuan Mountain.But more monks were born.Most of the mortal families who can still live in Wuyuan Mountain after living like this are the families that continue to produce monks one after another.

It is too easy for the mortal family names to be born with spiritual roots to be gradually moved out of Wuyuan Mountain by Peach Blossom.Moved to live in the new white bucket world.

Ordinary people have left Wuyuan Mountain for more than 20 years, and many new generations have completely forgotten Wuyuan Mountain.In another hundred years, these descendants of mortals will probably feel that they are natives of the Baidou Realm.

Wuyuan Mountain, there are more people walking in the new Baidou world.

Of course, the people with the best grades usually work in the Chu Family's Spirit Medicine Garden.

When they are gone, the Chu family can recruit a group of new people with more potential.These newcomers are younger and more malleable.It is easier to join the family and become a real Chu clan.

(End of this chapter)

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