Chapter 1360 Hundred Battles

"You have been abandoned by three forces? Are you lying to me?"

"Let me ask you, have you been raised by your sect or family without any relatives since you were a child? Later, you practiced all the way and worked for your master's family, but in the end you ended up being abandoned?

Do you think life is boring and you want to just die? "

The monk, who was originally numb, silently turned his eyes to the monk who spoke.

"I thought the same way when I was abandoned for the first time. I almost didn't come out. Later, another small family rescued me, paid a huge price for my treatment, and even married their daughter to me.

I feel like I will die if I don’t do this, and I can still struggle to continue living.

But unexpectedly, I was once again treated as an outcast. Even my wife and children have not come to look for me again.

They were so cruel that time. Even if I went back and came face to face with my son, it was as if he hadn't seen me.

Even if my body is broken, my foundation is greatly damaged, and I can't even maintain my original cultivation level, I don't want to die.

Then I switched to Chaos Demon Refining Art.

Not only the foundation has been restored, but also the cultivation level has been restored. Unfortunately, my vision is still as bad as ever, and I was abandoned by the new owner again. Huh..."

The monk, who was originally numb, frowned slightly after hearing his words. "Which family trained you as a monk? How could you easily join a new employer?"

"You don't plan to join the new master, how did you get sent here? As far as I know, the monks who can come here are all accepted by Tianzhu Pavilion and plan to stay in the family as guests and war cultivators. To put it bluntly, they recruit thugs "We all signed a hundred-year contract." The old monk with the missing leg looked at him in confusion.

"I paid a large amount of spiritual stones as treatment fees." The monk with a numb face retorted.

"What are you treating? The foundation?"

"No, my battle body is broken, and the foundation may not be repaired." The numb-faced monk said desperately.

"It's really difficult to repair yours. I'm afraid it will take many years of treatment." said the elderly monk with a missing leg.

"No need. Refining the Return to Heaven Pill and giving him one pill will solve his problem." An old man in a green robe walked in with the fire energy of the pill.

"Doctor Ning." Everyone greeted him.

He takes care of all the injured in the entire courtyard.

"Then he will recover soon?" the elderly monk who was missing his leg asked in surprise.

"No, because of the lack of the main ingredient of the Huitian Pill, it can only be refined once every ten years, and only seven or eight pills can be made in one batch." Doctor Ning said.

"How long does it take to wait?" The elderly monk who was missing a leg was even more surprised.

"Ten years is already very fast. There is no other way. It will also take a long time to organize the investigation." Dr. Ning said. "Besides, the maturity time of the spiritual plants in each medicinal garden is slightly different."

Doctor Ning said in his heart, this is not the headquarters. There are a large number of elixirs of different years stored in the basement. In my medicine garden, everything is ready for use.

"Then it seems that Lao Gu and I don't have to wait that long? We are both injured monks, and soon we will receive treatment and even recover. But who has to wait for ten years?

Is this related to the fact that he did not accept the recruitment from Tianzhu Pavilion? "

"There are reasons you mentioned, but the main reason is that the money he gave is not enough. We accepted to treat him, but actually we made one more pill for him by refining the medicine ourselves. There was no special arrangement for him to make one in advance. .

If you want to refine the Huitian Pill in advance, it will cost a lot of money just to plan and allocate various medicinal materials. "Doctor Ning explained to the old monk who was missing a leg. The face of the numb-faced monk was stiff.

Is it really okay for you to reveal everything like this in front of me?

"Isn't it appropriate to treat us differently?" the numb-faced monk asked depressedly.

"What's wrong? The spiritual stone you gave is worth a pill once every ten years. If you want us to make the elixir in advance, you have to pay more." Dr. Ning said without shame.

Numb-faced monk: "..."

"Anyway, if you have nothing to do, just keep it with us. We will provide you with good food and drink all day long. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?" Dr. Ning said again.

Pfft, pfft, many disabled monks around him laughed sullenly.

"Tianzhu Pavilion is indeed a famous chamber of commerce. Everything is really about money." The numb-faced monk said sarcastically.

"Thank you for the compliment. As a chamber of commerce, we will have problems if we don't focus on money, right? If we don't focus on money, we may not be able to continue operating in a short time." Dr. Ning replied with a grin. Anyway, he is used to being a profiteer and has no shame at all.

"Besides, our money helps others to eliminate disasters. It's definitely worth every penny."

Puff, puff, another monk couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Doctor Ning, after we are injured, should we start working directly, or give us some time to recover?" asked the old monk who was missing his eyes.

"Let's train. Although we are all veterans of hundreds of battles, in recent years, alien infiltration teams have come up with endless tricks and methods that are dazzling. We will regularly organize everyone to learn other people's methods so that everyone can master them. A way to quickly identify aliens.

In addition, we need to train everyone to master the various magical weapons, methods, secret techniques, etc. used by our Tianzhu Pavilion to defend against alien races.

The main reason is that if we can't beat them, we can outrun them. "

Ha ha ha.

A group of old and middle-aged monks all laughed. This kind of thinking is very good.

"Those alien races are becoming more and more powerful. When I was on the battlefield, I thought I would not survive. Fortunately, my comrades beside me blew me up. Otherwise, I would never have survived."

"I also feel that the alien race's combat power is superior to ours. We work together to encircle and annihilate each other, and often let others escape, and also trap a few of us to death."

"I was even more unlucky to meet a cowardly captain. As soon as the situation was unfavorable, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. As a result, our entire team was almost surrounded by aliens, and I was the only one who escaped."

"You are lucky, but my boss is even more ruthless. While he is running away, his own soldiers are watching us to resist the aliens and die. As long as we dare to run, those soldiers will kill us. .

Fortunately, more aliens caught up with us and surrounded us. The most important thing was that the few dead soldiers who had been staring at us were killed by the alien masters.

However, in our team of more than a hundred monks, I was the only one who survived in the end. "

"Hey, it's hard to put it into words."

Doctor Ning listened silently to their complaints. His mission was actually very simple. He just needed to treat and recover these veterans who were willing to accept the recruitment of Tianzhu Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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