The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1391 Ancient Method

Chapter 1391 Ancient Method

When that thing was first detected by him, Zhu Biao thought it was an abandoned insect nest. The key is that the nest is too dilapidated. From the outside, it looks like it has been abandoned by the insects for a long time. In the starry sky, there are abandoned insect nests almost everywhere.

If you just walk around, you might bump into one.

After all, bugs are migratory in the void. If they see something delicious, they will come down and build a nest. After eating up their favorite food, they will start migrating again, leaving an empty nest behind.

So the abandoned lair really doesn't attract attention. Zhu Biao didn't notice it at first.

"Yes, it's a beehive. From the outside, the hive looks shabby. But the inside is extremely well preserved. Lou Dan happened to have a team of craftsmen of his own, so he simply brought people over to renovate the hive. ." Fuyun said.

"I told you, that's not the insect nest, that's the spiritual mountain I forged." Lou Dan said stubbornly. "Sooner or later, my spiritual mountain will grow to be as huge as your spiritual mountain."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Biao immediately nodded encouragingly, "Yes, as long as you are willing and insist on transformation, size is not a problem. Function is not a problem either. As for energy, if you can reserve some in advance, or even if you have backup support, it is not a problem. "

As soon as Lou Dan heard this, he immediately laughed and said in a very wise tone, "Yes, heroes really see the same thing."

"This is a general trend. After all, there are only so many spiritual veins, and it is impossible to extract them all from the world to build spiritual mountains. It is better to build some spiritual mountains that do not need the support of spiritual veins. However, the energy problem is not so easy to solve. They are probably still trying.

If this problem can be overcome, I estimate that various types of spiritual mountains may appear. Zhu Biao said.

"Yes, yes, I think so too. Although the foundation of Lingshan is behind us, it is too complicated. It is not suitable for large-scale development." Lou Dan said, "The resources in the region are limited, and Lingshan is complicated and there are too many problems." Resources, simply can't develop a few buildings.

If caught up in a large-scale battlefield battle, sometimes it is not as useful as a warship. "

From a military perspective, this makes sense.

After all, the person who controls Lingshan has a profound influence on Lingshan's combat effectiveness. If the mountain owner cannot do it himself, Lingshan's combat effectiveness will fluctuate. Final defeat is more likely.

But Lingshan's blood is too thick, and even in the endless tide of aliens, he can still fight his way out.

Just like on the battlefield of Northern Wei Qiu, if the foreign army did not have the cooperation of foreign masters, it would not be able to leave any spiritual mountain behind.

The final fall of Lingshan was only caused after they paid the price of several masters and a large number of foreign troops.

Even if they fight hand to hand, Lingshan and the war fleet are different.

Most of the time, the warship team cannot hold out for long, and when it is surrounded and suppressed, it is like paper.

Very few can escape.

But Lingshan was not. Just like the rampaging ferocious beasts, most of them fought their way out.

If there are many, just try to get seriously injured or disabled.

However, this cannot conceal the performance and combat effectiveness of the warships. In terms of explosive power, the warship formation is actually not much different. If they cooperate with Lingshan, the powerful warship formation will still defeat the alien masters and alien armies.

There are pros and cons to each.

"I have also heard that some masters who command warship formations in battle are so powerful that they are willing to give up. On the battlefield of Northern Wei Qiu, there was a leader of a small force's transfer ship formation. His surname was Situ. There were only two large ships in the fleet. Warships, a fleet of more than ten medium-sized warships and several small warships, actually ate up a dozen foreign fleets in succession while fleeing.

His own team's losses were still 30%, which was a huge loss to our human race. It's a pity that there are too few such masters. "

After listening to Zhu Biao's words, Lou Dan also regretted and said, "I know him too, but I heard that his lifespan is coming to an end. It's a pity that no one uses life-extending elixirs and spiritual objects to help him."

"This is impossible. Life extension is not a big deal. Whether it is pills, spiritual fruits, or various life-extending spiritual objects, his command skills are so superb, how could he not be willing to help him?" Zhu Biao was surprised. ask.

"...There really aren't that many life-extending spiritual things." Lou Dan said.

Zhu Biao was speechless. His family has at least hundreds of various life-extending spiritual objects.

"We have a small patch of Bingzhi planted on the Eternal Glacier. Ask an alchemist to refine a furnace of Bingzhi Pill to extend your life for at least five years."

"That kind of thing won't work. I heard that Situ was mentally exhausted during the escape process and lost his longevity. But in order to lead the fleet to escape, he dragged his weak body and took some for three years. Five, ten and fifty year life elixir.

As a result, even the low-level life-extending elixir had no effect on him. "

"Then we can only apply for some precious elixirs and refine a batch of life-extending elixirs for him alone. It is said that a five-hundred-year-old Bingzhi plant can cost up to a hundred dollars in some special medicine gardens. It will grow and mature in a year," Zhu Biao said.

Anyway, the old medicine garden over at the headquarters is full of all kinds of precious elixirs.

"Those elixirs and spiritual fruits that can extend life span for more than a hundred years at a time will be blocked internally by any organization and will not be sold outside." Lou Dan looked like you were so ignorant.

Zhu Biao: "..."

Fuyun chuckled.

He is the exclusive headquarters of the Earth Master Team, so he naturally knows Zhu Biao's identity.

As Young Master Zhu Biao, there is no shortage of various life-extending elixirs. If you want them, just say a word and someone will send you a lot.

All kinds of rare and exotic fruits in his elixir garden are almost filling the warehouse.

But the fact that the headquarters has countless precious medicines does not mean that the headquarters will leak these precious medicines. Except for some necessary barter trade. The headquarters will never leak out spiritual objects above level four.

Especially all kinds of spiritual fruits and elixirs.

On the contrary, the headquarters prefers to trade out various collected and treasured skills, skills and other treasures.

Especially those who have rediscovered the top skills that were said to have disappeared in the long river of history.

The head of his family has various branches of income, and constantly uses various means to send some top skills to people with cultivation qualifications. Apparently they were experimenting with their cultivation, and were tracking and determining how well they were practicing.

The effect of this is also obvious.

Those ancient lost and rediscovered cultivation methods have been practiced by hundreds of newcomers, and various shortcomings and flaws have been exposed in large numbers. It also provides a large amount of actual data for family rearrangement and improvement.

(End of this chapter)

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