The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1401 Xiawu Lingshan

Chapter 1401 Xiawu Lingshan

In Zhu Biao's view, monsters don't matter big or small, as long as they are harmful in the future, they need to be strongly feared.

Because I suffered too many losses back then.

"We will be careful when we take it back," the doctor said.

"It's best to send it directly to Xiawu instead of the headquarters." Zhu Biao said.

"Of course, the headquarters will also let us bring such dangerous things back." The doctor smiled. Xiawu is the earliest spiritual mountain. It is said to be a spiritual mountain, but it is actually a special prison and research place. It is specially used to study alien races.

Many of Chu's methods for dealing with foreign races were developed here.

While the alien races are constantly encroaching and attacking humans, humans are also capturing and studying them. Many forces are behind the study of foreign races like the Chu family. For certain human forces that even Human Dan is working on, stronger and more interesting alien races are also their guess.

The human race itself can refine human elixirs, and it is not impossible to use foreign races to refine more weird elixirs.

At least in the underground black market, there are many different pills. For example, black lines intermittent ointment, severe blood regeneration elixir, etc. The effect is not generally good, but the side effects are also high. For example, if someone is missing an arm and goes through all the trouble to buy a blood pill to regenerate a severed limb, after eating it, the arm will grow back, but not one, but two. There is only one arm on one side, but two arms grow on the other side.

No matter how you look at it, it looks more like a foreign race.

There is also the black lines intermittent ointment. The medicine is good medicine, but after taking it, the broken and shattered arms or arms are reattached and the bones are healed, but black hair, black lines, bone spurs, etc. appear on the body. , is also inevitable.

No matter how you look at it, it looks more like a foreign race.

Some of the more crazy alien elixir alchemists simply threw themselves into the arms of the alien race. An even crazier craze for refining alien elixirs started somewhere else.

Anyway, there are conflicts between different races.

Eat each other's food, and the other's race is often used as a recipe. These reformed traitors simply don't want to live a comfortable life.

A few years ago, the Chu family used bait to capture four alien alchemists who had taken refuge in the past, and obtained many recipes for using alien races to refine special effects elixirs.

Of course, in order to obtain the prescription, the alchemists of the Chu family also battled wits and courage with the lunatics for a long time. Everyone feels that they can become psychiatric mentors.

Dark-type elixirs are also considered a basic direction among the Chu family's alchemists.

Many talented young alchemists are giving full play to their imaginations and planning to contribute to dark elixirs.

Of course, dark elixirs are also very dangerous. One careless move and people will be destroyed.

People are not puppets, they always get tired and relax, so every year alchemists die from refining dark elixirs.

Even if he didn't die from the alchemy, he might have been eaten by the raw materials. Therefore, when refining this weird elixir, one must be very careful. But apart from being eaten, there is nothing else to worry about. The defense facilities around him are too tight, leaving no room for parasitism. Pollution, even less chance. Those who can come to Xiawu for alchemy and research must wear items that are used to exorcise evil spirits.

Just the various top-notch evil jade plaques, jade pendants, jade bracelets, etc. hanging on the body can withstand most pollution.

In fact, many of the raw materials such as the medicinal liquid in the medicine pool and the regeneration pills for severed limbs that the Chu family provided to the many injured people came from foreign races.

For example, certain mushrooms and special bacteria.

As long as the side effects are eliminated and combined with some elixirs and fruits, the effect of the refined elixir will be really good.

However, the research time of Xiawu is too short after all, only a short period of more than a hundred years. According to the guesses of many doctors, pharmacists and alchemists inside the gorge house. Many powerful forces in the upper echelons of the Divine Court are only afraid of mastering more alien alchemy methods. I don't know what the upper-level forces in Shenting will think after knowing the Chu family's speculation about them.

"I heard that a large-scale alien prison break occurred in Xiawu last year?" Zhu Biao asked curiously.

"Well, I heard that the boy with the black horns on his head was actually the thirteenth prince of a foreign tribe. His subordinates discovered the location of the Gorge House and ran frantically to save him. This boy is also very good. An Feng also mobilized his fellow inmates to serve as cannon fodder for him in an attempt to escape from prison.

This kind of thing happens every few decades.

Among the aliens seeking help, there are also many who want to escape. It just so happens that we can let them hook up more in private and use new methods. Let us also see if there are any security loopholes in the gorge house.

So we played a good show with them.

This time not only did we uncover several big fish hiding under the water, but we also eliminated some bribed traitors in the Xiawu Prison.

And they also captured thousands of black-horned aliens. They all have iron bodies, strong muscles and thick blood. It is very convenient to draw blood and use it as medicine. "The doctor smiled, showing his friendly little white teeth.

As a result, the little guy in the cage was frightened and screamed.

After having the little monster escorted away, Zhu Biao said to the doctor, "This little thing's IQ is too high. You should be more careful."

"Don't worry, even if it is as resourceful as the sea, it must be able to get out of the gorge house. The entire Lingshan Mountain can quickly self-destruct, and it cannot escape." The doctor smiled coldly. How many good doctors are there who can play with dark elixirs?

I misjudged you.

"By the way, I also heard that a group of alchemists from the most powerful human alchemy workshop in Shenting want to leave my house? Is this true?" Zhu Biao asked again.

"Well, the head of the family neither agrees nor objects, and said that he needs to think about it. We doctors, pharmacists and alchemists are divided into several factions. Some people think that it is acceptable, heroes regardless of their origins. Some people think that it is not acceptable, the human alchemist has broken through as a human being. The bottom line of conscience is that such people should be killed once they are seen.

Some people think that as long as they make good use of them, they can simply circle a place for them and deal with them like a few alchemy masters captured from foreign races.

Some people think that if we do this, what is the difference between us and alien alchemists and human alchemists.

There are also complaints that the family encourages the research and refining of dark elixirs, which is wrong.

This also broke through the bottom line of their alchemy masters.

He also said that the head of the family encourages dark alchemy, which will lead to catastrophe sooner or later. "

"Oh, it's so lively." Zhu Biao said angrily.

"What do you think, young master?"

"You want to test my thoughts?" Zhu Biao smiled half-heartedly. "I still hope to test your thoughts."

The doctor laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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