The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1419 Making Money Every Day

Chapter 1419 Making Money Every Day

"Then how about I use some broken jades that have no room for planting, and trade them two against one or three against one?" said a smart sergeant.

"That kind of junk, even if you trade three for one, people won't be willing to trade with you. Who hasn't got a few complete space jades in their hands? It's not like you haven't dug before. If you find the right place, you can dig out a bag of space jades of various shapes with one shovel." The little boss complained. "You can't dig out anything else there, but there are a lot of junk. Broken bones, rotten tree roots, broken bricks and tiles, and all kinds of broken space jades, there are so many.

There are people from each camp coming out to sell. In the past few days, it has been from our camp. In a few days, we will change to other camps.

We are not fools. Even if we don’t know the news now and have been deceived, we will not ask our superiors to come and find trouble. When the time comes, our camp chief and captain will be alerted. Even if we really make a lot of spiritual stones, you will definitely be deceived. Beat him half to death. "

After hearing what his little boss said, Da Mingming suddenly became depressed. He didn't want to get beaten.

"I just want to earn more spiritual stones."

"Who doesn't want to earn more spiritual stones, but when we earn spiritual stones, we must also consider whether it is cost-effective. If you are not afraid of being beaten, then you can do it. I also support you, but I don't know what you have done. See, I don’t know, you never told me, this is all your own behavior.”

Da Mingming was immediately horrified. It turned out that his junior boss was smarter than him.

This person is really good at shifting the blame and playing dirty.

"Then I'd better quit. I'm not afraid of being beaten up, but it would be terrible if I were given a major demerit, which might affect my future promotion." Dasheng said helplessly.

The little boss said to himself: This guy seems to have some salvage value.

Not only does it affect promotion, but cheating one's brothers' soldiers shows that the bottom line of this guy is a bit low. Now it is not like in previous years, the soldiers recruited are mixed, and there is no lower limit for the soldiers. Now if you want to be a soldier, you have to be smart, be able to hold your own, and be able to withstand pressure.

If it doesn't work, just retire and clear out.

Therefore, if this person has not improved in cultivation by the end of his life, and if he has serious demerits, he will most likely be kicked out in the end.

"Then how can we take advantage of the broken space jade to make a profit and earn more?" Another young sergeant asked with an honest and honest face.

"Give them a share. It's been a big sale recently. We want 20% to 30% of our hard-earned money. It's better than this. When the space jade cannot be sold, they will sell it to make money." The little boss said. "Now is the time when the ruins are newly opened and everyone is rushing in. It will only take a few days to see whether we can make a lot of money."

"Yeah, I'll talk to them right now."

"By the way, we should recommend more and more broken space jades that have no spiritual planting space or spiritual spring. Otherwise, we will lose money if there are so many broken things left. It's all a spade and a spade. Digged with a shovel.”

"Don't worry, we will send people to sell them day and night. We will never smash those broken jade items into your hands." An old sergeant said powerfully at this time.

"Okay, then let's go to work. The accounts must be clear. When the time comes, the camp owner will personally come to take care of us."

"That can't be done, that can't be done."

"Absolutely clear."

"no problem."

The sergeants expressed their loyalty together.

Just kidding, any camp leader with a good temper will never be able to suppress a group of arrogant soldiers under his command. Therefore, if the camp leader comes in person, no matter whether it is right or wrong, he must first deal with them all.

A fat beating for nothing, that ghost is willing to do it?


On Zhu Biao's side, Qiao Linyou rushed over in a hurry. "Why are you always in such a panic all day?" Zhu Biao said to Qiao Lin who rushed in while processing the official documents collected from various places with the help of several clerks.

"Brother, do you know how much our palace ruins were sold for? In just over a day, nine billion spiritual stones were sold just for the admission fee."

"Then can the resource money I paid for myself be returned to me?"

"I've already made a bad debt, what else do you want to pay back?" Qiao Lin immediately looked wary after hearing this.

Zhu Biao's face darkened immediately after hearing this. "I said we have made so much money, but why do you find all kinds of reasons to delay me and convince me when I mention the exchange of accounts? It turns out that you don't intend to pay it back at all."

"Don't think that I don't know how much assets my aunt has given you. When you were seven or eight years old, you told me a lot of them in a showy way, and I remember them all."

"Whether I have money or not and you not paying back the debt are two different things. Public is public, private is private." Zhu Biao said regretfully. How could he not be so smart as to expose his old background to this kid?

"You have so much money anyway, why do you still care about that little bit?"

"That's not a little bit. That's a huge amount of resources worth 50 billion spiritual stones." Zhu Biao said angrily. “And they are all top-quality resources.”

Those resources are not low-level resources or basic resources. He can harvest a lot of them casually every year.

"Anyway, my aunt and uncle are very rich."

"Just because my parents are rich doesn't mean I am rich."

"Cousin, you can't think like this. It's just you and my sister in your family. When my sister gets married, my aunt's entire family will not belong to you." Qiao Lin persuaded.

Zhu Biao became even more angry.

"Maybe they will have another one sometime."

"That's not better. It saves you from getting tired after doing some work. I don't want to be as capable as my uncle."

Zhu Biao: "..." I can't learn from a model worker like my father.

"By the way, there are several people from big forces who came and said they wanted to talk to the person in charge of the ruins. They said they planned to develop this foreign ruins with us. What do you think, Mountain Master?"

After Zhu Biao heard this, he said a little irritably, "Just like hungry ghosts, wherever there is some benefit, they are indispensable."

"Don't you agree? If you don't agree, maybe they will play dirty tricks. I'm afraid our ruins won't be as lively and profitable as they are now," Qiao Lin said.

"No, I agree. Let's just say that for the ticket price of one million spiritual stones per person in the future, they will get 300,000, and we will get 700,000. You can discuss the rest. Anyway, the bottom line is still 500,000 per person. Ticket money." Zhu Biao said calmly.

Ah poof. "I understand." Qiao Lin laughed. "Then can our current ticket fees be increased in advance?"

"First come three days for 500,000, and after three days it will be 800,000 per person. When you negotiate an agreement with them, it is best to delay it until the agreement takes effect after fifteen days."

Qiao Lin understood immediately and smiled very cunningly. "OK."

(End of this chapter)

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