The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 142 Zheng Maolin

Chapter 142 Zheng Maolin

His oldest nephew was only thirteen, and no one accepted him if he wanted to join the army.There is no age limit for working as a long-term worker for the Chu family, as long as you are diligent and willing to work, you can raise both body and size after two years.

Since it snowed in October, there has been no snow in November.The temperature has also risen strangely.

The temperature is rising a little bit every day, but within half a month, the wintergreen wheat has grown a bit taller after planting at the end of September, and it seems to be knee-high.Not only the wintergreen wheat at home, but also all kinds of herbs, elixir and fruit trees at home have begun to turn green.

Tender little buds popped out within a few days.

In fact, not only the herbal medicines and spiritual fruit trees at home, but also the plants in and around the valley have begun to turn green and sprout.

Well, this year's cotton coats are all saved.

But all the villagers in Old Chu Village began to worry.It looks like a drought is indeed on its way.

The number of migrants in Miryang City also increased, most of them came here following the caravan.I heard that the plants in Miryang University started to turn green and sprout in November. Some people simply changed their faces and packed their bags to continue walking.

Some of them simply gave up and stayed in Miryang to live and dream!

For a time, various restaurants, teahouses, inns, brothels and other industries in Miryang City prospered abnormally.

There were also people who quietly settled in the cities and villages under Miryang, and silently began hoarding gas, food and other supplies.This scene continued to happen in the six northwestern prefectures, and the total population of the six northwestern prefectures continued to skyrocket for a while.

Someone from Old Chu Village also came to ask if they could settle down?

It is said that at this time, the villages are not willing to accept outsiders to settle down, but these people who want to settle down have special skills.Several households said that they knew how to grow herbs and were willing to hand over their techniques of growing herbs to the villagers.

After thinking about it, Chu Changchun decided to take these families in.

Taking advantage of the warm weather, the newcomers simply asked someone to repair the yard and bought some forest land.One of the family is said to be very good at growing ginseng. He bought ten acres of miscellaneous forest, saying that it is better to grow ginseng under the miscellaneous forest.

As soon as this family came, Chu Changjin would often go to other people's houses, both to help and to drink with them.I just want to learn this technique of nourishing ginseng.

This family surnamed Zheng heard about Chu Dashan's family just after they settled down. Chu Dashan made his fortune by planting herbs.It is not uncommon to make a fortune by planting herbs, but it is amazing to acquire tens of thousands of acres of land in a few years and become a well-known landlord around you.

There were a dozen or so people in this family. The head of the family, Zheng Maolin, was in his forties, with four sons, six grandsons, two granddaughters, two daughters-in-law, and an old wife.

It is not easy to say that the people who can run here are not simple. This Zheng Maolin is also a son of the Lianjia, and his sons are all good in martial arts.

It's so powerful, no wonder Chu Changjin often wants to win him over.

But Lao Zheng is not so easy to win over.Although he promised to teach Chu Changjin the technique of planting ginseng, and was willing to drink with Chu Changjin, he would not participate in the others.

Chu Changjin always wanted to provoke him to deal with Chu Dashan, saying that he was not good, and that he was overbearing, but when Lao Zheng heard this, he either drank, pretended to sleep, or ignored him.

There were two times when Chu Changjin's face changed, and he almost got angry on the spot. Fortunately, he still remembered that this place was not from Chu's family. If he really changed his face, he might be beaten.So every time I leave, I feel very upset.

On this day, Zheng Maolin walked all the way to the valley of Chu Dashan's house.The outskirts of the valley were originally small barren hills, but because more and more people settled down in the valley, the forest land that everyone bought was outside the valley, so when there was nothing to do, everyone went to their own forest land to clean up the land. .

Then plant the snake grass on the planting snake grass.Those who are not willing to grow snake saliva can plant some other common medicinal materials.

Such as ginger, yam, jujube, wolfberry, honeysuckle and so on.

In particular, Yuan Feihu's family grows the most jujubes and goji berries.His family has purchased [-] acres of slope land.

The trees and weeds on the slopes were all cut down by his callers, and now they are planted with wild jujube trees and wolfberry trees.The old Chu family's real money-making and easy-to-manage trees are trees. Yuan Feihu also learned from others, and also produced [-] acres of jujube and wolfberry for his own slope.The other ten acres are snake salivary grass.

Now jujube and wolfberry are still young seedlings!
But which tree doesn't grow from a seedling?In a few years, these seedlings will grow into big trees, which will naturally blossom and bear fruit, bringing a lot of income to the family every year.

With Yuan Feihu taking the lead, everyone also planted some medicinal seeds.

If it’s not possible, let’s plant ginger, fresh one-year ginger, and the purchase price is eight coppers per catty.

When Zheng Maolin walked to the slope of Yuan Feihu's house, Taohua happened to come to help Yuan Feihu rain.As soon as she arrived, Yuan Feihu greeted her personally. "Ah, Little Peach Blossom, are you here to help with the rain today?"

"That's right, my sister went to rain on our mulberry, jujube, green plum and snow fairy peach trees."

"Then I will trouble you this time. Later, uncle will ask your elder brother to send you a green-tailed grouse."

"Okay, okay." When Taohua heard about the green-tailed grouse, she immediately agreed.

Yuan Feihu was amused by her.

In order to taste more delicious green-tailed grouse, Taohua rained rain on the slopes of the Yuan family, but this time she did not use the small cloud and rain technique. The weather has been hot and stuffy recently, so Taohua simply used the small shower technique.

Crash, clatter...

Once this spell is activated, the small-scale showers will stop for at least a quarter of an hour.Although it consumes more mana, Xiao Taohua directly squeezed a spirit stone in her hand as a spiritual source to supplement consumption.

The small shower technique was activated on the slope of Yuan Feihu's house, and the continuous rain made the spirit stone shrink by a circle.

The rain was falling so thoroughly that he didn't need to worry about it for the next three to five days. Yuan Feihu was so happy that he praised the peach blossoms again and again.However, the elder brother's whistle for her rang again, and Taohua could only hurry to find her elder brother.

Zheng Maolin was secretly surprised after seeing the whole process of the rain.

Although he had inquired a long time ago that the Chu family was all Lingzhi husbands, there were still Lingzhi husbands with inheritance.But when he saw the little girl raining rain, he realized how powerful the Chu family was.

This is fifty acres, and it can actually rain continuously!

The most powerful thing is that the rain is so heavy, and the falling rain is full of spiritual rain, and the little girl is not blushing or heart-beating, and can bounce back to the valley after casting the spell. There is no mana at all, and there is no sweating.

What does this mean?This shows that other people's inheritance of Ling Zhifu is very powerful, much more powerful than the inheritance of Ling Zhifu inherited from their own family.

 It was almost in the top [-] of the monthly ticket list, dear friends, here are two more

(End of this chapter)

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