The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1429 Mutated Void Spirit Plant

Chapter 1429 Mutated Void Spirit Plant

Zhonghe asked some more questions, and Taohua's answers were always evasive.

Neither Zhonghe nor Sima Zhongruo, who was helping to investigate around him, had fully figured out the true strength of the Chu family.

Everything about this family is just the tip of the iceberg.

Returning to the courtyard arranged for them by the Chu family, Zhonghe was a little irritable.

"Zhongruo, do you think this Chu family has any seventh-, eighth- or ninth-level monks?"

"Zhonghe, why are you so anxious? When the time comes when the great monk is needed, the Chu family will not be able to bring out the great monk, so naturally everything will be exposed." Sima Zhongruo said leisurely.

"How can I spend so much time watching this Chu family under my nose?" Zhong He said in a bad tone.

"Even if you force the question and they answer it, do you think the result you got is true?" Sima Zhongruo asked in confusion. "With a family relocation like this, how can you possibly not have some trump cards?"

Zhonghe: "..."

"If we act too anxious, they may have some bad thoughts. They may guess that your uncle's status is unstable now."

"Ahem, cough, no."

Sima Zhongruo thought deeply, "Maybe, you have been acting strangely since you came here. You are very impatient. I also want to know why now? Is Uncle Qiran really in danger?"

"No, absolutely nothing. Before I came here, I heard that my uncle and the female head of the family stayed together for about twenty days. So when I saw it, I felt a little awkward." Zhonghe thought for a while, and settled on the truth. tell.

Sima Zhongruo was speechless, "You also saw the female head of the Chu family. Does that person seem to be able to curry favor with your uncle?"

"What do you mean?" Zhong He was puzzled, and his tone was even worse.

"The female head of the family is very proud at heart. How can she have to submit to your uncle? Not to mention that Uncle Qiran probably doesn't mean this at all. Even if he does, he won't be happy." Sima Zhongruo said very pertinently. said.

"Hmph, you think too highly of that woman.

Maybe she is worse than a dog in front of my uncle. "

Sima Zhongruoxin said: This guy is daydreaming.

"Don't think I'm trying to trick you. You've never seen those women who fawn over my uncle. They do whatever they can. This woman might be trying to seduce my uncle where we can't see her."

Sima Zhongruo said to himself, where did you get your confidence? Why is Uncle Qiran so seductive and worthy of being seduced?

Of course, they are somewhat related.

Sima Zhongruo was not willing to make Zhong He unhappy because of a foreign visitor. So he simply changed the topic and said, "How about we go to those floating islands tomorrow."

"Those floating islands are just part of the formation, what's there to see?"

"Aren't you curious about what kind of formations other people use? We haven't seen this kind of formation that can change an entire world, so we can observe it," Sima Zhongruo said.

Zhonghe thought for a while and agreed. Early on the next morning, the group, accompanied by Xuan He, first went to look at the refining blast furnaces of each major module on the floating island.

When they arrived at the blast furnace, Sima Zhongruo and others discovered that each blast furnace had a fixed number of refining modules. It is not that one blast furnace is responsible for refining an island. On the contrary, the modules refined by many blast furnaces are combined to form a complete island.

What surprised Zhonghe and others even more was that the soil on the surface of each floating island was a spiritual land, and it was a spiritual land covered with trap formations. Then the effectiveness of these floating islands is somewhat mysterious.

"After this kind of floating island is refined, is it really just an array node of the great array?" Sima Zhongruo asked Xuan He curiously.

"Not only are they array nodes, these floating islands themselves are also plantations, workshops, small markets and so on. These floating islands will eventually be distributed to hardworking soldiers as reward industries." Xuanhe said.

"Is your family crazy? If this kind of floating island that hangs high in the sky and is connected to this huge formation is used as a void plantation, then the capital your family has invested in these floating islands will not be used. It can be recovered in a few years.

This kind of industry can also be passed down as a family inheritance and passed down from generation to generation. You actually plan to reward such high-quality industries to meritorious soldiers? "

Zhong He had a questioning expression on his face, as if you were all worried that his brains were in trouble.

"Although rewards are given to military lieutenants and military dependents, our family also has to collect 30% of the tax. These taxes are flowing in a steady stream. Although it is a bit slow, the future income can recover all the previous investment, and it can continue Benefit.”

"That's not as much as the profits from your family directly controlling these industries."

"The problem is that there aren't that many people in our family who control these industries." Xuan He said innocently. "Our family has more than 10 million people, and there are more than one million children alone. The adult clan members don't even reach 10 million.

There are too many floating islands, and the Qingze World is too big for us to manage. "

After hearing Xuanhe's extremely bragging words, Zhonghe almost couldn't help but beat him up.

"I see that you have made the plantations and workshops on the floating island look good. Is your family good at taking care of plantations and various workshops?"

Sima Zhong asked thoughtfully.

"Our family started by growing medicinal materials." There is nothing to hide this. In the future, these people will also know that Chu's flagship products are various elixirs and spiritual fruits. When planting Linggu, you most likely eat it yourself, or you can take out food. However, because the volume is large and the price cannot be paid, more and more plantation owners are buying medicinal materials.

Anyway, I am good at this, what should I do if I don’t know how to grow it? If you treat yourself to a meal, I'll hire someone who knows how to teach you.

Landowners who own spiritual medicine gardens or spiritual fruit gardens, as long as they have been operating the gardens for more than three years, will plant at least a dozen medicinal plants and fruit trees.

"I see that the planting areas you have set up are very neat, but you have also left a lot of vacant areas in corners. Are those areas abandoned?" Sima Zhongruo asked again.

"Oh, no, you saw that there are no special formations to protect spiritual plants in those areas, right?" Xuanhe said.

"Yes, I just felt a little strange, so I asked you." Sima Zhongruo answered him.

"Our family used to raise countless wild medicine gardens in the void. Later, we harvested a lot of mutated low-level elixirs and spiritual fruit trees that can be planted directly in the void. Those white formation areas in the corners, It’s just left to them,” Xuanhe explained.

The Chu family has long tasted a lot of benefits from stocking in the void. I have accumulated countless experiences in void stocking, and even accumulated a lot of mutant seeds. Therefore, for this kind of floating island, I simply vacated some areas where it is difficult to place arrays, and planted mutant void spiritual plants. The fruit trees are finished.

(End of this chapter)

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