The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1465 Poaching

Chapter 1465 Poaching

"What do you know? You are a Tinghou with a real title. You have a real territory. Although the territory is small, you can be regarded as entering the rank of princes. A serious noble." Yang Hui said to Chu Shi angrily. A glance at the year.

"If His Majesty hadn't been so happy to get the treasure tree, you would never have gotten this kind of seal." Yang Yuan also complained indignantly.

Chu Shinian: "..."

"Do you know what a Tinghou is in Longting? The territory of a Tinghou is only thirty miles in radius. Look at this water bubble of yours. Ahem, it's a Qingchi. The total area of ​​its water surface must be more than thirty miles in radius. It's so small, I think it must be at least fifty miles in radius, but Your Majesty is so happy to give it to you, why aren't you grateful?" Yang Yuan said angrily.

"Why is the actual fiefdom of the Marquis so small?" Chu Shinian was still a little depressed.

The realm he came from before was an area dominated by sects, and there were very few official positions. Even if it exists, it is not mainstream, so he is very unfamiliar with these things.

"As soon as your words came out, I could tell that you didn't understand at all.

Real sealing and virtual sealing are completely different.

Let me put it this way, the false official positions and titles in Longting are actually equivalent to a salary increase. It's normal to seal it however you want. It can only be owned by you and cannot be passed on to future generations.

Therefore, almost no one has any opinions on the number of false official positions and titles.

Just add money.

If you make a mistake during your career as an official, you will be the first to lose the official position and title designation that you paid for.

So no one cares much about it.

But the actual title is different. Those who are actually granted a title are generally knights, not official positions.

And once the real title appears, no matter how small the title is, it is just a Tinghou like you. That's also the case with Mr. Hou. Definitely a prince, even the lowest prince. From now on, you will be a real nobleman.

Moreover, the actual seal is a fief plus a salary. It’s real estate plus money.

Any fool knows which is more valuable.

You see, although my father is also a prince, his fiefdom is Hongyang County.

His father's fiefdom included seven counties.

Look, everyone is a prince, why is the gap so big? "

Yang Hui complained smoothly.

Yang Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "Let's get down to business."

"In short, the actual fiefdoms are very small, and Tinghou is very respectable.

The key is that you have no foundation in Longting, so His Majesty treats you like this, which is an exception.

Every hundred years, if three or five Longting officials are actually knighted, it means His Majesty is merciful and dotes on the bureaucrats. "Yang Hui explained.

"So you go ahead and have fun." Yang Yuan said with ridicule and disdain. "You see, after all these years, I only have the empty title of a prince. I am given such a little clan salary every month, but if it is not enough, I can only ask my father for pocket money.

As for you, at least you have the actual fiefdom of Qingchi, and you won’t have to pay taxes on the products in your fiefdom in the future. "

Chu Shinian: OK, Marquis Qingchi Ting, I accept.

"I'll find someone to clean up the blisters later, and raise some fish and shrimps, which can be considered productive. Finally, I'll build a pavilion next to the blisters, and put a stele in the pavilion. I'll find a good spelling and engrave the words "Qingchi" on it. word."

Cough cough cough...

Yang Yuan couldn't help but laughed, "That's a good idea." Yang Hui was overjoyed.

"By the way, we came back from the God Realm late this time. I heard that you are going to send out 50,000 soldiers and pay taxes soon? How are you prepared?" Yang Yuan asked.

"It's all ready. Just waiting for the people from the General Manager's Office to accept it." Chu Shinian said openly.

"The matter of dispatching troops is not under the control of the general manager, that is the matter of the border envoys. By the way, Zhong Qiran is interesting. Someone above him looks down on him and wants to get rid of him. As a result, he accepted you last year, and he accepted you again this year. Accepted more families from your realm.

I heard that five or six people came at once. Every family is bigger than yours. Now they are all placed in the vast world.

They relocated 20 billion people in one fell swoop. Yang Yuan said like a gossip king.

"Wait a minute, is the vast world of the vast sea the same big world of deserts?" Chu Shinian twitched his lips. It's a really nice place there. He heard Taohua say that the big world was really short of water, not a fake one.

Resources are still dominated by various minerals.

If it weren't for a large crack near the vast world, leading to a ruined realm in a mysterious location. There will be no one in that shitty place.

"It's that big desert world." Yang Yuan said with certainty.

"I didn't expect that there would be people choosing that damn place?" Chu Shinian was a little surprised.

"Isn't there a big crack over there?" Yang Yuan said angrily. "You don't like taking risks, but there are still people who really like taking risks. That big rift leading to the ruins of time, so many people come to take risks every year. The whole world has become an adventurer in Wenlan Tianyu and the surrounding Tianyu. A place where we stopped for supplies.

Speaking of which, wherever they go to settle down, apart from the fact that there are always troubles and it's not very peaceful, it's much easier to survive than the dead situation you have here. "

Yang Hui also agreed.

Chu Shinian: I believed your evil deeds. I think you would like to have as many cannon fodder families as possible.

Besides, if they go to the vast world and stir things up, you might be able to find some big fish.

"But why did their five families only bring over 20 billion people? Our family brought in more than 12 billion people." Chu Shinian said proudly.

"The population they brought in is already very large. Besides, they can't control it themselves. They have to bring it back quickly and easily, not just their subordinate population. I heard that several of their families have very good control over the population under their command. weak.

As soon as they settled down, many members of the tribe joined the local forces to make a living. "

Yang Hui said with some disdain.

The large and small worlds near Qingze World collectively reject the Chu family, do not interact with them, and let them play single-player games by themselves, waiting for them to be unable to support themselves so that they can grow up smoothly and accept Qingzhou Island.

But even if she was squeezed out, Chu didn't do anything and just played single-player in silence.

Silently preparing to send troops and pay taxes.

"Since people can be brought in, there must be a certain degree of trust and control. If someone goes out to make a living just after settling in, regardless of the needs and face of the host family, I am afraid that local or nearby forces may also be involved secretly. .

Everyone is poaching, and those families can't resist it.

As long as the tail is docked to survive, releasing some less important people can be regarded as giving some benefits to the local families and strength.

Anyway, population is just the least valuable part of their assets and wealth. "

Chu Shinian said coldly and sarcastically.

(End of this chapter)

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