The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1472 The discovery of local craftsmen

Chapter 1472 The discovery of local craftsmen

"Jun Lan is actually not that bad. Don't always say that her qualifications are mediocre in the future." Taohua asked Chu Shinian.

"Okay." Chu Shinian compromised.

"I know you think everything you said is true and right. But for Jun Lan, this is a bit too exciting and stressful for her. It will also affect the relationship between their little sisters.

She's not really bad, she just loves to have fun and doesn't care much about anything. "

"To put it bluntly, there is no pressure, so there is no motivation." Chu Shinian sighed.

"So you just put more pressure on her and let her do things. As long as she does things, she will gradually be trained."

"Hey, this child is such a loser. I have paid so much attention to her since she was a child. I still haven't gotten over her playful nature and not paying attention to anything."

Taohua couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"How are you today? Are you tired?" Chu Shinian leaned over and touched his wife's belly. The little guy seemed to feel something and kicked hard.

Taohua: Come out quickly, it hurts so much.

"Hey, it's all me, I shouldn't even touch it."

"Forget it, whether you touch her or not, she exercises every day." Taohua said.

Chu Shinian smiled.

"Hold on a little longer." She will give birth in just over a month.

Taohua: What else can I do if I don’t persist?


War Zone No. 6, the war zone that the Yang Hui family is responsible for.

The new formation masters were skilled with their hands and cooperated tacitly to repair the damaged formations that were beyond recognition. If it really cannot be repaired, the only option is to apply for demolition.

The formation masters reached out to apply one after another, and completely dismantled a certain formation.

After receiving a response to the request, the array masters got up and headed to the next repair location. Here it will be handed over to the craftsmen to dismantle it. The new craftsmen led a team and cooperated with half of the local craftsmen to rush to a demolition site to work.

The local craftsmen first wanted to violently dismantle it, which was done very quickly.

But the new craftsmen wouldn't let it. They quickly took care of several formation bases that still maintained the effects of the formation, and then quickly dismantled the formation materials along the formation base piece by piece. "Look at how fast it is to dismantle it like this. It can also dismantle some usable formation materials."

The new craftsman reminded everyone to briefly classify some array materials and dismantle the usable parts.

"How do we judge whether those formation materials are still usable?" an old local craftsman asked humbly.

"You see, this kind of array material can be used. This kind of material has cracks inside, so it cannot be used. There are also this kind of original parts that are broken, and this kind of material must be recast." The new craftsman began to explain various Knowledge of the use, installation and disassembly of array materials.

In fact, these knowledge are all compulsory knowledge for formation masters.

Just to reduce the burden on the array masters, this knowledge was also taught to the craftsmen of the camp.

The formation masters will also do these things. There are not many serious workers. In order to save the formation masters, it is all the craftsmen who do it.

After dismantling seven or eight formations in succession, some ingenious craftsmen mastered some basic techniques of dismantling formations. Suddenly they hit a certain part of the ground with a hammer, and several formation materials nearby jumped out of the ground with a bang. The work is exactly the same as that of the new craftsmen.

After everyone finished their work for the day, several old craftsmen secretly followed the steward to see Yang Hui.

"How's it going? Have you learned anything?" Yang Hui asked.

Several old craftsmen nodded excitedly, "They are all talking about knowledge that only array masters can know. I don't think I know some of the array masters. I have never seen the masters of the array use it. There are also some special dismantling tools." The little tricks of the formation are also refreshing to us. This should be a method that has been carefully summarized and polished by this family over many generations.

Unexpectedly, it was used to train craftsmen. "

"The formation masters trained by their family are also very powerful. One person can serve as a dozen formation masters." Yang Hui couldn't help but admire. “I also learned that the Chu family has even more powerful formation masters.

Especially teachers who specialize in cultivating array master talents.

It's a pity that Chu Shinian was so well hidden that I never met him. Yang Hui said with great regret.

Several old craftsmen were secretly happy.

These are the treasures of other people's families. Where can I let you see them?

"Okay, no matter what, we have made a lot of money this time. You will all learn from it in the future. When I recruit a group of those formation masters, you will work together with the formation masters. Don't worry, Wangfu Your benefits will not be lost.”

"Yes." Several old craftsmen nodded in agreement.

"By the way, young prince, the craftsmen of the Chu family who are working with us said that in the past half month, they have consumed too much formation materials in the camp and need to replenish them. You see, you can replenish them directly in this area and contact the Ordnance Bureau. Do you want to work or let the Chu family send another batch of basic formation materials?" asked a gray-haired but energetic old craftsman.

"What do you think?"

"I think if you want to maintain quality and quantity, it's best to ask the Chu family to send a new batch. Their batches of formation materials are exactly the same, both in quality and appearance. Our Ordnance Bureau here made them The stuff is really not as good as others, and the various formation materials produced by the Ordnance Bureau vary in size and quality.

Compared with the strict requirements of the Chu family where all formation materials have unified standards and unsuitable materials are not selected as formation materials at all, the gap is not a little bit different. "

"That's right, the same batch of formation materials are all the same size and appearance, but the quality is actually different. How can we combine it into a formation that requires balance everywhere? It's not that difficult. We are not formations. Master mages, any kind of formation materials can be used by just combining them.”

"Well, we are craftsmen. As long as we do it according to the standards, we can do it well. We can't do it casually." Another old craftsman stood up.

In fact, they had wanted to say these things for a long time.

They don't understand the principles of formations. They just listen to the formation masters' explanations. They have helped for many years, and they almost... still can't quickly disassemble and assemble the formations. But as soon as these craftsmen from the Chu family arrived, everyone discovered that it was not our craftsmanship that was incompetent.

It's completely because you don't have a unified tone and standards.

If you all follow the Chu family's example, our craftsmen will be able to work at the same level as the Chu family's craftsmen.

This is completely a process of getting familiar with the craft. Once you are completely familiar with it, everyone can do it.

After hearing this, Yang Hui suddenly realized, "So that's what happened. Why is it so difficult to train formation masters here!! And there are fewer and fewer of them."

Even the array materials are not uniform, so how can we make them?

There are too few formation masters who can assemble any formation using any quality of formation base materials.

(End of this chapter)

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