The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1474 7 injuries

Chapter 1474 Seven Injuries

"In addition to the ordinary storm characteristics, this seven-wounded storm has other characteristics. Even those who are blown by it are prone to emotional breakdown. The seven emotions and six desires are greatly amplified. The irritable may violently kill people, and those with grudges may When his brain twitches, he goes out for revenge or something.

Those who are lustful may do something bad.

I think it is better to inform the family within the family so that everyone can be prepared. "

"I remember that there is a calamity-transmitting elixir in the family, similar to Bingxin Pill, which controls the seven emotions and six desires. It seems to be specially prepared for the golden elixir monks to survive the calamity of inner demons. This kind of elixir can be prepared in large quantities. Send it to the army middle."

“If the military loses control of their emotions, just give them a beating.

Don't worry. "

Chu Shinian said carelessly.

Taohua: "It's better to prepare some to reduce unnecessary losses. After all, it costs a lot of spiritual stones to train a soldier."

"Okay." Chu Shinian agreed.

"Children, try to take shelter as much as possible." Taohua said, "Our Qingzhou Island underground space is well constructed. Let the children and the elderly go there for a while to recuperate and escape the storm. I don't think the seven-wound storm can penetrate the earth. Bar?"

"Of course not, how deep it is." Chu Shinian smiled.

"Send those who are too weak in temperament to avoid losing a large number of people. After all, we have just established a foothold, and overall we are still short of people."

"In the future, we still need to pay more attention to education and tempering of our character." Chu Shinian said.

"Yes, if this seven-injury storm comes again, we will have to rely on our own hard power to resist its invasion step by step." Taohua said.

"Originally, I thought it would be quite peaceful for us to settle here, but I didn't expect that this matter would come to our door right away." Chu Shinian said with a smile. "You really can't be too lax."

"Well, I'm also worried that there are too many ruins in the world outside our Qingze world, and there are also an unusually large number of void beasts. When the Seven Wounds Storm comes this time, will they get angry and attack us?" Taohua said.

Chu Shinian's face immediately darkened. He said solemnly, "Don't say it, this possibility is too high."

"In the great world of Qingze, no other human forces have come to settle in the world for so many years. I am afraid that the Seven Wound Storms and the Beast Herd will also be included. I was careless before and didn't expect so much." Taohua apologized.

"What kind of carelessness is this? You just don't know about the Seven Injury Storm here." Chu Shinian persuaded, "Even if we know, we weigh the pros and cons, and we will probably choose this place in the end. There are all kinds of bad things here, But its biggest advantage is that it has a large territory and no constraints on its development.

For a family, it is much better to have room for development than to be constrained by being squeezed. "

Peach blossoms smile. It's actually quite good to have a husband who thinks about following her in everything.

"Have you gone to see the little guy? He's so noisy. It reminds me of his big brother when he was a kid."

"Well, I'll go see him later." Chu Shinian was actually worried that when his younger son grew up, he would be just like his elder son.

That's too bad.

"Come to think of it, Jun Shu, Jun Lan was noisy even when she was a child, why didn't you give me a quiet child?" Taohua said helplessly.

Chu Shinian thought to himself that the little ones were probably raised well in their mothers' wombs, so they were full of martial virtue.

Otherwise there would be no explanation.

"My mother said that I was very noisy when I was a child. She also said it was because of my roots." Taohua complained.

My mother said it, but she didn't do anything, so she had to admit it.

Chu Shinian was funny.

"Then do you want me to go tell mother? These three children probably followed me." Taohua gave him a questioning look like "Do you think my mother will reply to the letter?"

Chu Shinian smiled again and said, "Then wait until the third child grows up, and the key is to be stricter. Let him grow up to be good."

Taohua said very unconfidently, "Back then, I thought I could teach Jun Shu to be better behaved. But in the makes me cry when I talk about it too much."

Children should grow up according to their nature.

It wasn't until Taohua was tired and low on energy that Chu Shinian let her rest and left to pick up his fat son.

The little guy is really good looking and plump. He was not polite when he met his biological father, and he directly pissed on him. Finally, she looked at him with those big innocent and cute eyes.

Chu Shinian reluctantly handed over his fat son to the nanny who took care of him.

Yes, he should work for a while after changing his clothes.

Chu Shinian took a bath, changed his clothes, and returned to his office in the clan mansion.

"Master Jia Ling, are you back at work?" Chu Ziyan asked carelessly.

"I went back to eat, but my son poured child urine all over me. What can I do? I can only take a shower and change clothes." Chu Shinian said with a headache.

All the elders of the Chu family present burst into laughter.

"Young Master is at a time when you can't control yourself, so just bear with the family order." Chu Mingyi, an elder with experience as a nanny, said with a smile.

"Yes, wash it well and the smell will disappear." Another person who has taken care of children also shared his experience. "We have sensitive noses, but children's noses are even more sensitive. If you don't change clothes or take a bath, he will annoy you and won't be happy to let you hold him."

"Babies have their own personalities, but my nephew is much better. He has a great temper and doesn't recognize children." This is an uncle who likes to brag about his nephew.

When they started, everyone talked about the baby experience.

Don't think that other people's nanny dads, nanny uncles, and nanny uncles have no experience in raising babies.

Chu Shinian suddenly felt that today's work had gone astray.

"Has anything big happened in the family recently?"

"No, it's still just the Seven Injury Storm thing that came from the secret guards." Chu Ziyan said.

"Well, let's discuss the countermeasures regarding the Seven Injury Storm."

Everyone nodded.

After discussing for nearly an hour, everyone put forward their suggestions and concerns. Chu Shinian summarized it and made arrangements. Then let everyone take responsibility for their share.

"Zi Yan, I heard that your side has made good progress recently?" Chu Shinian arranged for others to go out to do things, leaving Chu Zi Yan alone.

Chu Ziyan's expression was complicated. "I really didn't expect that one day, our secret guards' infiltration plan would start from sending beautiful women to those in high positions."

"Do you feel that you are useless?" Chu Shinian smiled leisurely.

"I just didn't expect that one day I would be able to gift beauties to others." Chu Ziyan said a little aggrievedly.

"What's the point? Regardless of the means, our victory will be our victory if we achieve our goal." Chu Shinian firmly believed.

(End of this chapter)

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