The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1476 Earth Dragon Cream

Chapter 1476 Earth Dragon Cream

Chu Shinian and the others entered the venue with their family masters.

As soon as the earth masters came in, they led their respective teams deep into the cracks. From time to time, battles break out. There is nothing in this underground crack. There are also some strange beasts that like to lurk in the cracks.

However, the size is generally smaller, and the body is more slender.

Soon, the Earth Master team brought out some strange little monsters that looked like insects but not insects, and looked like snakes but not snakes, and asked Chu Shinian and others to pay attention.

There are quite a few of these little monsters in this crack.

When you pick it up, it's a sack.

A large sack of grain can hold a hundred kilograms, and at most it can hold five or six strange insects as thick as an adult's arm. This kind of insect has strong hiding ability and grows very long.

"Why do I feel like I've seen this insect in some illustrated book?" Chu Ziyan said slightly thoughtfully while carrying the body of an insect.

"Do you remember the name of this thing?" Chu Shinian also picked one out.

"Oh, I remembered. This thing is called a spirit ore insect. It is the easiest insect to be born from the spirit stone veins. If this kind of insect is boiled into a paste, it will be earth dragon paste. This is a fun thing, it can regenerate a broken limb. Follow Our amputated limb rebirth elixir is effective.

As for which effect is stronger, I don't know. "

"Earth Dragon Cream, it's not bad. It's not in vain." Chu Shinian nodded with satisfaction. "Ask the fourth and sixth fleets around to send people over. And ask the family to deploy 500,000 miners. Hurry up and get this place ready. The ore veins were dug out.”

"Family order, don't be so anxious, right?" Chu Ziyan asked in confusion.

"What's wrong with you? Suddenly you said something mindless again?" Chu Shinian looked at him speechlessly. "How come there are so many beasts outside and we are allowed to mine slowly? They can't drive us away, they can't take back the territory, they can't destroy this place to pieces?

How did the ground cracks in this mineral vein appear? Haven't you ever thought about it? "

Chu Ziyan felt weak.

Chu Shinian gave him a stern look, and then began to mobilize manpower to dig, dig, and dig again. It's a ruin anyway. You can dig as much as you like, and there is no need to use any protection measures.

He delivered a letter to Chu Zichun, asking Chu Zichun to do well with those beasts.

As long as it is delayed until the family digs out the main vein of the mine, he will reimburse them for the weapons and equipment they have spent.

When Chu Zichun heard the news, he immediately beamed.

Immediately ordered his subordinates, "Hurry, open the arsenal for me, and pull out all the good things in it. We have so many giant crossbow arrows, giant talisman arrows, formation flying swords, and flying spears. Pull them all for me." come out.

I also pulled out the special cannonballs for each battleship.

Damn it. "

Not long after, the battle outside the mines escalated fiercely, and both sides went to war.

Then the family's resources began to arrive one after another.

Fourth, the Sixth Fleet was very happy when they heard that there was a battle to be fought. They all pulled their last fighting troops over to fight with the beasts.

The beasts did not know where to recruit friends from, and the team grew stronger. The herds are also increasing.

He also insidiously learned to attack step by step and covertly.

The Chu family's fleet had not fought for a long time, and suddenly a large-scale star battle broke out, which made them more excited. It's a joy to hit. Because a lot of good equipment is used, a lot of various talisman arrows, special crossbow arrows, etc. are consumed.

It costs money to take a taxi. Just look at the special equipment that killed hundreds of warehouses in just a few hours. You can imagine how much money they spent this time.

The commander of the Fifth Fleet, Chu Zichun, was a little scared and simply ran directly to see Chu Shinian.

"Jia Ling, although a lot of the beasts outside have died, there are still more. They are clinging to us and insisting on fighting us, desperately trying to take back the ruins of the spiritual mine. But we have already destroyed all the beasts inside the base. The special equipment inventory is empty." Chu Zichun asked timidly.

As soon as Chu Shinian heard this, he immediately stopped what he was doing and silently calculated his harvest before saying, "The mining work here has just started. It will take at least five days to dig. Let's do this. I authorize you to use 800 special equipment depots in the entire Fifth Fleet base.

You also need to support the Fourth and Sixth Fleets with these special equipment, so not all of them are available to you. "

When Chu Shinian saw the other party's smile, he immediately reminded him not to make peace. It's not all yours.

Chu Zichun: Hi, I’m so happy.

"Okay, I'll give some to them."

"Half for yourself, and the rest will be divided equally among them." Chu Shinian said.

After all, this is the home and warehouse of the Fifth Fleet base.

Only then did Chu Zichun laugh again.

"Okay, you go out. Fight hard and don't let the beasts come to harass us." Chu Shinian reminded.

"That's not possible, just don't worry about the family order." Chu Zichun said.

Chu Shinian simply waved his hand and told him to get lost. I was busy making earth dragon paste again.

It is said that as long as it is thrown into the pot, the water will dry and it will be done. Why didn't he do it?

Chu's pharmacist finally came and accepted Chu Shinian's semi-finished product. After looking at it with disgust, he rolled up his arms and sleeves and fished out some useless bone residue and other things, and then mixed in some scented powder.

After a while, a pot full of earthworm paste was boiled. And it seemed to be a bit richer than the Dilong Ointment recorded in the secret pharmacopoeia they collected locally.

"Do you need someone to test the effect of this earth dragon ointment?" Chu Shinian asked.

"No need." The pharmacist took out a white mouse and gave the mouse a full-body fracture massage. Then he applied the earthworm ointment and started timing the effects.

Chu Shinian looked at the pitiful white mouse lying flat, and suddenly felt that it would be better to try again later.

This pharmacist doesn't seem like a good person.

In less than half a minute, the mouse regained its ability to move lively.

The pharmacist was less than satisfied.

He asked people to get several large pots, and prepared several kinds of earthworm paste, and finally identified a light green earthworm paste as the genuine earthworm paste for the family in the future.

"I see that you have brewed several kinds, including colorless, light yellow, milky white, etc. Why did you finally choose this light green one?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

"Because this is effective, the dosage is small." The pharmacist said. "This kind of earth dragon ointment is not the same as our amputated limb rejuvenation pill. Our amputated limb rejuvenation pill has its own nutrients. For those who use the elixir, the best thing to use is the energy of the amputated limb rejuvenation pill.

This pill for limb rebirth has no sequelae.

But this kind of earth dragon paste, I saw it, half and half. Half of it uses the energy it brings, and half simply stimulates the energy contained in the body of the person who uses the elixir.

If the energy is insufficient, it can only stimulate the final vitality, which is life span. "

(End of this chapter)

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