The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1479 Special water and transparent spiritual plants

Chapter 1479 Special water and transparent spiritual plants

It was fluffy, with big blisters on it and no one knew how much black water had accumulated there. This time, as soon as the body was revealed, the black water inside couldn't stop spurting out.

The black and fishy water fell into the colorful sea, immediately polluting the nearby ocean.

Many little creatures either turn their stomachs and float to the surface of the sea, or sink directly to the bottom of the sea and become fertilizer for the sea.

There are a lot of nine-star corals that are so exciting.

The young nine-star corals that originally had to run to the boundary line to get a cup of mutated seawater swam over in dense numbers. Waving its small tentacles, it continuously absorbs the black water and foreign objects in the black water.

Several sergeants suddenly made a discovery, and they excitedly grabbed the body of a newly disappeared Pao Ze.

As a result, it was found that the body was caught by two large tentacles.

They pull, and it pulls.

No! !

The originally stiff body of Paoze almost broke.

But there are also unexpected benefits, ahem, people have more work to do.

Ahem, maybe it was just drowning, not completely dead.

Surprised, one of the brothers was clever and quickly threw out the body of a phantom ocelot he was carrying. "Change."

The tentacle reached out cautiously, touched the big corpse, and pulled it away.

The tentacles that trapped people were also taken back.

Okay, now everyone wins.

"Wocao, give me some purification elixir quickly. I've eaten too much sewage in my stomach." The young sergeant's face turned dark when he just woke up.

When a group of brothers heard this, one of them gave him a few pills.

woo woo woo...

I want a few pills, why did you just give me a handful?

It's terrible! !

Pfft, pfft, this guy really couldn't hold it back and had diarrhea immediately.

"It stinks, it stinks, it stinks, my god..."

"I've never been the one whose shit smells so bad"

"Tell him to get away."

"Take him away quickly."

The brothers around him immediately raised objections and asked a few friends who were good friends with him to carry him away. If those guys weren't snickering and laughing while dragging him away, it would have seemed like they were united and friendly. .

As for the one who was being dragged, what comment could he have? He was so ashamed that he passed out.

Now my face is lost in the depths of the sea.

A total of eight people were lost. On the days when the black water sprayed wildly, ahem, during the period when the black water sprayed wildly, everyone worked very hard and found them all.

No one was really dead, after all, they were all wearing battle armor.

The armor's ability to isolate pollution is quite strong.

There was a kid who was afraid of death and wore five layers of armor from the inside out. Although he was the last one to be found, nothing happened to this guy. He didn't even take a sip of the sewage. His last layer of inner armor has the function of automatically protecting, waterproofing and fireproofing.

This inner armor makes everyone envious.

Everyone secretly swore that they would do one too.

The most stupid person is the reckless one who is afraid of death.

After the black water poured out violently, the water bubbles in the sky gradually shrank, squirming and squirming, and gradually turned into a huge transparent bowl or basin, with many transparent tentacles extending from underneath, like the claws of a jellyfish. . It is suspended in the air, as if floating in the sea.

Swaying in the wind.

But it just doesn't move.

This can be considered a dynamic balance, right?

This little secret looked more like a creature, and everyone looked at it in confusion.

However, even though it looks a little weird, its body no longer seems to need to be washed away by the origin of Qingzhou Island, and there is no sign of being contaminated at all.

However, Chu Junshu still remembered his mother's advice. Let...please Qingzhou Dao give it a brush.

A colorful torrent rushed out of the sky directly from under the sea and rushed directly into the small secret realm. The little secret place overall shines. After about a quarter of an hour, the large swath of colored light converged again and disappeared into the small secret realm.

Right in the center of the small secret realm, in the center of the large transparent bowl, a huge spring gushes out.

This spring has fast water flow and large water volume. It soon spread to the entire bottom of the small secret realm, and the water level quickly rose again.

It didn't take more than an hour for it to spread to the edge of the large bowl, and then it began to overflow.

A large amount of clear water flows from the edge of the big bowl to the sea.

In the sea water, countless beautiful transparent spiritual plants suddenly bloomed out of nothing, and various strange creatures began to appear around these spiritual plants. They gather around the transparent spiritual plants, like guardians.

Even the Nine-Star Coral, with its explosive combat power, is protecting the transparent spiritual plants around it.

"What the hell is this?" Chu Junshu looked in shock. "Can transparent spiritual plants be born in the falling water? Go and fish some out and see."

The process of fishing for transparent spiritual plants is also a process of fighting. Even Nine Star Coral fought against them.

However, the transparent spiritual plant was still fished out.

Ling Zhi Master Chu Fenglu quickly stepped forward to check. "This is a marine spiritual plant that I have never seen before. I don't know where the seeds came from. Maybe I have to go to the secret place above to have a look. But the taste, ahem, is not bad. When it is opened, it behaves like a normal spiritual plant.

It should be that except for the abnormality of transparency, everything else is similar to ordinary spiritual plants.

Woo hoo, no, after taking a bite, I felt a warm power wash deeply into my body.

This special spiritual plant can actually increase vitality. Isn't this a simplified version of the longevity elixir? "

When Chu Junshu heard this, he suddenly smiled. This effect is good, this effect is great.

"In addition to increasing vitality, are there any other effects?"

"We need to continue researching this, I feel it exists." Chu Feng said.

"Then let people pick more and bring them back for you to study. That weird little secret place is constantly overflowing with this water. You guys can see the water flowing to the sea. There are more and more transparent plants around. "

The area where the transparent spiritual plants originally grew has changed from a few hundred meters in radius to several thousand meters in radius, and now it is 10,000 meters in radius.

This newly emerged water has quite strong penetrating power.

However, its appearance also brought a new specialty resource to the Chu family. As long as it is not harmful to the Chu family, then the Chu family will be responsible for protecting it from now on.

"This little secret realm is too magical. I'll take people in to have a look." Chu Feng Lu said.

"Okay, bring a few more sergeants up."

Chu Fenglu nodded. "By the way, bring Xu Zhengdao with you. Don't let him continue to study the ruins of the ruined palace."

Xu Zhengdao ran to preside over the demolition of the core of the palace ruins formation. The main formation just now should have been dismantled by him. Not to mention the demolition effect is great, the big blisters and weird little secrets were directly demolished.

It's just that it's very lively here, and a lot of black water spurts out. Why is that guy still coming out of the palace?

(End of this chapter)

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