The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 148 Hunting and Encountering Monsters

Chapter 148 Hunting and Encountering Monsters

"To disgust you?" The third princess was rather strange in her heart, "Why does he disgust you? Concubine Chen Xian is the emperor's favorite concubine?"

"Whatever I do, as long as I see that I am doing well, my father will let Concubine Chen Xian go bad-mouthing. If I do something wrong, he will let Concubine Chen Xian say that I am unworthy. The emperor wants to promote my official position, so he will let Concubine Chen Xian Concubine Chen Xian said that I cling to the princess and get promoted through nepotism.

In short, if there is something good about me, he will let Concubine Chen Xian to trouble me.

Father knows what he does, and he only treats it as a joy in ordinary times.But as time passed, Concubine Chen Xian still had more and more influence on him, and my father had already lost two confidantes to be my deputy.It is said to be auxiliary, but it does not mean monitoring. "

"What?" The third princess didn't know what to say.

"Father, what is he really thinking?"

Chen He suddenly burst out laughing, "Of course it's to disgust me."

"But sir, since you know what Concubine Chen Xian did, why can you still laugh." The third princess said sadly.Could it be that my husband is going crazy because of his father?
If it was her, if she was played by her father like this, she would probably be driven crazy.

In fact, Chen He is not crazy, not only not crazy, but also very grateful to his father for this arrangement.If Concubine Chen Xian hadn't bad-mouthed him every day, it would have been impossible for him to become a powerful minister in the hands of the emperor at such a young age.

Jane is in the heart of the emperor, these four words are light and light, but in the hearts of many courtiers, they are more important than mountains.

Concubine Chen Xian is undoubtedly smart, but it is precisely because she is so smart that she always speaks badly about him, Chen He, so the emperor trusts him more and more.

And his father even counted on his own son regardless of face, so what are the women around the prince?
At any rate, the prince had several sons at such a young age, but the emperor didn't have any sons at the age of the prince!
Besides, Concubine Xu has just given birth to a pair of twin sons for the prince.

It should be said that the prince already has seven sons at a young age, five of which are contributed by his father.It's too late for the emperor to be secretly happy, how can he really blame his father? !

Didn't see that once his father proposed to be Qingyang Order this time, the emperor approved it.

Changed from a hunter to Qingyang Ling of the seventh rank.It's just that his father's life is getting better and better, but he left him behind.

It was impossible not to be angry, but when he got angry again, the old man still said to leave him alone.

"My father just sent a woman to my father to disgust me. Compared with other enemies, his method is like playing tricks. After all, it is my father. The shot is just to embarrass me, but he doesn't want my life. On the contrary , Now many people are planning to kill me!"

The three princesses are speechless. Does this mean that there is no sense of happiness without comparison?
In the Xiongshan Mountain in the northwest of the Song Dynasty, Lin Changge led a group of boys and sneaked near a group of wild boars.There are six varieties of wild boar in Xiongshan.The herd of boars they were aiming at were black-maned boars.

Mao Hei didn't say anything, but his voice was very loud.

Moreover, sows are so capable of giving birth. Ordinary wild sows only give birth to six to eight cubs, but black-maned wild boars can give birth to fourteen to eighteen in one litter.This year's temperature has risen strangely. Even the sows have come into heat early and have given birth to cubs. Lin Changge and the others are squatting to guard the litter of wild boars. play and forage for food.

In order to catch the piglets, Lin Changge brought over twenty boys this time.They first hid firmly near the three adult wild boars, and then they started together.

A sow wild boar and two sow wild boars fell to the ground with a spear inserted into their heads.

Just when Lin Changge was about to kill the male wild boar with his last shot, a mournful roar suddenly came from the depths of the forest.

Aww, when he heard the roar, the male wild boar also yelled.

Lin Changsinger shook, changed the angle slightly and still plunged the spear into the back of the boar's head.

The howling of the boar stopped abruptly.

Aww! ~ Lin Nei's roar became even more shrill, accompanied by violent ground tremors.

"Hurry up and grab the little piggy and leave. I'll stay and deal with the big guy behind."

How many times have they cooperated in normal times? The boys laughed and quickly caught a group of little wild boars, and then ran away quickly behind Lin Changge.And Lin Changge also took a posture with a spear in his hand.

As for the three big wild boars, after he has dealt with the big ones that rushed out from inside, he will ask the boys to carry them back. Seeing how kind he is, he will try to keep them neat and tidy every time he hunts.

The big guy stepped on the ground, Emma's head.

As soon as Lin Changge saw the figure of that big guy, he immediately knew that he had miscalculated.This guy is stronger than his own courtyard, no wonder it took a long time to rush out.

Every time this guy stepped on the ground, the ground trembled, and his small eyes burst into a cold light, looking at him full of hatred.

It's turned out to be a sow wild boar! !
And it's a Tier [-] monster! !

What on earth did this guy eat to be able to transform into a Tier [-] monster so early?

Now even first-order monsters are not common, okay? !

Aww! ! ~
The sow rushed over and saw the three corpses on the ground, she raised her head and howled, with grief and anger in her shriek.Lin Changge immediately knew that trouble was coming, this guy actually had human intelligence.

If he didn't get rid of it today, then this sow with deep-seated hatred would bring him and old Chuzhuang great trouble.At least in this regard, many hunting teams in Old Chuzhuang are definitely not its opponents, and they may have to be wiped out by it.

Lin Changge clenched the spear tightly and said to himself.

At this time, the sow also glared at her enemy, and moved her legs.

Boom boom boom!The sow rushed to the enemy, trying to trample and kill this guy.But Lin Changge was very dexterous. He changed his position several times, and gave way to the rushing female wild boar.

Just kidding, with its head, hitting it once would be fatal.

The sow became more and more angry, and hit him harder and harder.Lin Changge was stunned even if he scratched even a little bit of fur.The worst thing was not a somersault, but the spear he took the opportunity to tie tightly to the sow's body broke with a click.

Broken... This is a gun made by the Miryang Guard Weaponry Workshop that can kill monsters!
The sow obviously also found that the enemy's weapon was broken, and it was broken by her own thick skin.Aww, the sow wild boar screamed excitedly, this time it depends on where you are going to escape, my sister will definitely kill you.

The sow pawed the ground with her hooves, made an aim, took a small run-up, and then rushed towards Lin Changge.

Lin Changge's face turned dark.

In terms of IQ, this sow has at least the IQ of a five or six-year-old child.

(End of this chapter)

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