The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1481 Chu Xiang

Chapter 1481 Chu Xiang

I have to say that this person is quite determined to retaliate.

"Have anyone explored these locations?" Chu Junshu asked immediately after looking at the secret map left behind.

"We have gone, most of them are empty. There are a few places that are confirmed to be private prisons with some bones." said the junior officer who came to present the picture.

"Private prison?" Chu Junshu was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Yes, it's a private prison. There are still a lot of broken words left on the walls of the prisoners' cells. They thought so and so should not die well. And so and so was designated to be eaten.

It is also said that the master was eaten, and the whole world was also eaten.

Those weird fish eat people.

And so on.

Oh, by the way, we also found a hole in the corner of one of the cells. This hole can be used to escape from the cell. We kept digging along the hole, and unexpectedly found that the last hole actually led to a weak spot in the formation, which had been damaged.

However, there are traces of repairs later. "

"That means someone escaped." Chu Junshu guessed.

"Well, that should be the case. It was discovered later and someone repaired it."

"Awesome, indeed there are geniuses in prison." Chu Junshu laughed. "Okay, if you keep searching carefully, I'll tear the entire palace apart and don't let anything go."

With Chu Junshu's instructions, the palace demolition process there was more careful. Sure enough, a large number of hidden items were found one by one.

The first thing to be found was the introduction to those half-human and half-fish creatures.

Blue Sea Murloc Tribe.

It’s the Sea Clan!

There is nothing surprising about this. People from the Chu family have also seen the Hai Clan before.

Everyone knows that the sea tribe has a strange appearance.

This fish-man tribe saved a human being. This human practiced a certain special skill provided by the murlocs to her. Later, she became famous and built the Jellyfish Yuan Palace near the Blue Sea murloc tribe. He also believes in the tribal god of the Blue Sea Fishman Tribe.

People who recorded this period of history speculated that it was difficult to say whether there really was such a tribal god, but this tribe was good at illusions, which convinced the palace owner.

Later, the first-generation palace master was about to die of old age.

In order not to die, she took away her eldest disciple.

Someone recorded that the palace owner lived for more than two thousand years and passed through four generations.

Later, the great disciple of the new generation was a person with different talents. He was born with a different soul and had strong soul power.

The old palace master failed to seize the body, and his soul was devoured.

Finally, someone wrote that I knew this great secret unintentionally and would definitely not be able to live long, so I left this secret in a secret compartment on the wall. If someone discovers it in the future, it may be useful.

In the next few copies, someone knew the secrets in the palace and secretly left relevant information. Even if he dies in the future, this secret will not die.

They are all talents.

Later, a person recorded an interesting incident.

It is the contemporary palace master who obtained a soul-eating technique from outside. You can use it to devour the souls of other monks and increase your own foundation. Even if he is reincarnated, he is stronger than others.

Moreover, ordinary people can only seize the body once, and they will fail if they seize the body twice.

However, the palace masters in the past generations have the support of the half-human, half-fish tribe, and they can succeed by using special methods and constantly seizing bodies. At most, the new body is becoming more and more repulsive to the soul, and the use time is shortened.

However, if you practice this soul-eating technique and swallow the soul of the original owner, then the new body will not be too repulsive to the soul that lives in it.

After acquiring this technique, after the new palace master took over, he did not treat his fellow disciples and sisters well. Instead, he imprisoned them in a secret prison and devoured their souls one by one. The person who recorded this record finally said: My soul should be swallowed up soon.

That is to say, she is also the physical sister of the new palace master. I just don’t know if it’s a senior sister or a junior sister.

"This is really a witchcraft, a new trick." Chu Junshu couldn't help but sigh after reading it.

"This soul-eating technique, isn't it the Soul Clan's technique we have seen before? If people practice it for a long time, they will gradually transform into the Soul Clan." Someone said.

Chu Junshu turned his head and it turned out to be Chu Xiang.

"Then I don't know. Among the information we collected, there is no training information on this technique."


"You should study less. You almost turned yourself into a soul race last time. Your father didn't beat you to death, so you are lucky." Chu Junshu looked at Chu Xiang, deeply feeling that this was a A crazy and tempting master on the verge of death.

"I wasn't even close to transforming myself into a soul race. And later on, my father used me as a guinea pig and experimented on me."

"Doesn't that have sequelae? I heard that you get headaches and go crazy whenever there is a thunderstorm? And you bite people?"

Chu Junshu said this and subconsciously took a step away from this guy.

Chu Xiang twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Does your heart say that you are in trouble?

Haven't I bit you yet?

"The most I can do is bite you once or twice and bite off a piece or two of your flesh."

"Thank you. I don't want to help you with a piece of my own flesh." Chu Junshu said with a dark face.

The two little guards who were watching laughed together.

"Look, you've embarrassed yourself in front of a child."

"As long as I can keep my body, I don't mind even if I am embarrassed in front of my grandfather."

"You are too embarrassing for our brothers." Chu Xiang is about the same age as Chu Junshu. We used to play together when we were kids. For this reason, he often went to Chu Taohua's place to eat and drink.

"I heard that your father is planning to give birth to the seventh child?" Chu Junshu asked curiously.

"His first six numbers are all useless. What if he doesn't give birth to the seventh one?" Chu Xiang said carelessly.

"What? He's not satisfied with all six of you?"

"It's strange that he is satisfied. My father is the real weirdo who doesn't explain. That is to say, there is a clan leader suppressing my father. Otherwise, he might just go to the demon clan to do research. I heard He said he is very interested in researching certain demons."

"It's impossible for my mother to agree, and it's useless for your father to even think about it." Chu Junshu said.

Chu Xiang secretly laughed, snickering and nodding.

"Yes, yes. So my father has no choice but to have another baby and see if he can have a trumpet with the same hobbies as him. At that time, the father and son will be each other's guinea pigs.

Anyway, we six brothers and sisters are not willing to be his guinea pigs.

I am very happy. But the father himself refused. "

"Yeah, I know that. I heard that your mother is very devoted to your father. When she got married, she wanted to be his guinea pig."

"You made a mistake about the object of your affection. In my family, my father is devoted to my mother. My father's temperament is probably just a little bit worse than your father's. In short, he regards his wife as more important than himself. "People." Chu Xiang complained, "It's strange that they have survived for so many years."

(End of this chapter)

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