The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1484 Blown to pieces

Chapter 1484 Blown to pieces

"Then it's settled, Jun Shu, you go and replace your father, and I'll prepare the resources for him to break through. Jun Lan is in charge of the family's general affairs, and defense against the Seven Injury Storm is now the focus."

"Okay." Both children agreed in unison.


Chu Shinian was a little confused when he saw his eldest son coming to replace him.

"What? Wait until the Seven Injuries Storm passes?"

"Mom means to wait and wait. If something else happens again, should I ask you to continue waiting? It's better to finish the breakthrough as soon as possible." Chu Junshu said.

He actually didn't believe that his father could break through and fail. I may fail in the future, but my father certainly cannot. Mainly because Chu Shinian made him feel too powerful.

Chu Shinian was just surprised.

He also had no problem with his wife arranging a breakthrough for him.

"Okay, please pay more attention. The Seven Wound Storm may really be coming. These beasts are ready to move. I think that storm may be the signal for their counterattack."

"Dad, I know. I brought a lot of special equipment this time." Chu Junshu also made preparations in advance, and he also took away a large amount of special ordnance reserves in the clan.

"Hmm, if there is any movement, please contact the backup battleship formations on both sides of the floating continent and the tribe. Although they are not as powerful as the formal battleship formations, they can also be used as cannon fodder. And they are still cannon fodder with good combat effectiveness.

The enemy wants to use a massive cannon fodder tactic with you, so you have to respond in real time. "

"I see."

Chu Shinian had a detailed conversation with his son about his predictions for the future. He also asked the military commanders to come over and take a look. Now it was Jun Shu who was in charge.

Mainly because his wife arranged for him to go back and break through, and sent his son over. You have to do a good job and protect my son.

Everyone said: I understand, boss, you can go back. We can do it.

As soon as Chu Shinian returned to his clan, Taohua arranged to go to the largest blessed land near his clan, Yuanlang Blessed Land. This is a huge blessed land sandwiched in a valley. From the outside, it looks like a desolate stone canyon.

In fact, you enter the blessed land through a certain space door. It is definitely a blessed land with beautiful mountains and clear waters and inspiring aura.

Chu Shinian was arranged here mainly because it was attached to the Grand Canyon, but when Chu Shinian broke through, he could go to a peak next door from another exit.

There he overcame the tribulation and was promoted to the sixth level.

Chu Shinian was very satisfied with this place, and his wife gave him that thing. In fact, before he entered the Cangqing airspace, Brother Yuebai Qilin also came to him to discuss the situation here. The man said that he still had some things to deal with, so he wouldn't come over for the time being. Wait until he wants to come over, then come over.

Since that old man left the Bai Dou world, his whereabouts have been relatively mysterious. He only comes to look for him occasionally and meet him.

Since he said he wanted to stay there for the time being, Chu Shinian could only agree, what else would he do. Can't control it.

He might still be An Sheng's breakthrough.

Chu Shinian readjusted for sixteen days and finally felt it was OK. Just start trying to break through.

The sixth level is actually a very important level. After a breakthrough, people become completely different. You can derive a world and integrate it into your own body. You can still be an ordinary person.

It’s okay to call him an ancestor.

This step of evolving the world is a bit difficult for others. It's a major hurdle.

But for Chu Shinian, it was not too difficult.

Who can compete with the former world consciousness in understanding the world.

Although the derivative world is not difficult for him, it cannot be much faster. It is a world after all. Even if it is small, it is not that easy to create it.

Chu Shinian started silently.

A large amount of the resources he brought in were taken away by him and integrated into the small world.

A squirming energy mass full of vitality in the void finally began to change under the influence of Chu Shinian...

…On the fourth day after Chu Shinian began his retreat to break through, the Seven Wounds Storm came.

The first thing to be baptized by the storm was the huge suspended continent and the surrounding floating islands.

It really blew the floating islands everywhere up and down, which was no better than the leaves of broken trees swaying in the strong wind.

Some floating islands were blown into pieces.

Fortunately, when the floating island was first built, the weapon refiners everywhere maintained good quality. Otherwise, the floating island would not be broken into several pieces, but directly blown to pieces.

However, the floating islands that were blown into several pieces were out of the control of the formation.

They all flew away without a trace. Or it fell onto a huge suspended continent.

A certain amount of casualties were caused, but in fact the biggest loss was when they hit the ground.

There was originally a protective array cover on the suspended continent. But in Storm Face, it's a piece of cake.

It was blown to pieces.

Fortunately, except for the high-altitude protective cover that was broken, the reinforced low-altitude protective cover remained. Still plays a great protective role.

After all, it's so low that it's not easy to blow it to pieces.

Well, the city is fortunately protected by multiple layers of formations. Those mountains that were not protected by formations were in dire straits, with all kinds of holes being smashed out, teeth being chipped, and so on.

Fortunately, those mountain peaks with medicinal gardens and fruit trees are equipped with powerful protective formations.

Otherwise, these medicinal gardens and fruit groves will also be ruined.

However, the formation protection on the largest grain field on the floating continent is not very good.

It was smashed in many places. All the soil on the ground will be blown away to you, let alone food.

It is estimated that after the storm passes, all the topsoil here will have to be reset.

All in all, the losses were heavy.

Big storms also brought widespread rainfall.

I don't know where the water came from.

The color is a little weird, and things are falling out in the rain.

Everything is there.

There are beast corpses, human corpses, and monster corpses.

There are also monsters and so on. I don’t know if he is completely dead or not. After the storm passes, cleaning up these debris is also a big project. After all, it is the blow of the entire continent.

Fortunately, the floating continent is a man-made continent, and there are still blueprints. If there are any ditches or bumps in the place, you can follow the map. So cleaning up will not leave any hidden corners.

It took several days for the first storm to blow over the suspended continent.

Then it blew towards the surrounding battleship foundations and the large formation of the floating island Lingshan combination.

The Suspended Continent hurriedly started repairs.

They already have a certain understanding of the intensity of the storm, and the defense level of the reactivated continental shield has been raised by two levels again.

It shouldn't be blown to pieces this time.

In addition to the mainland protective array cover being blown to pieces, the remaining ground protective covers are also being repaired and strengthened.

For a time, the basic arrays used by various protective formations were pulled out of the entire warehouse, and the reserves were almost emptied.

(End of this chapter)

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