The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1491 Delivery

Chapter 1491 Delivery

"Bat monster? A big bat?" Zi Yan asked strangely.

"No, it's a humanoid monster that looks like a monkey but has bat wings." Chu Shinian said.

Over the years, he has been dealing with various monsters in the starry sky every day, and he has become accustomed to meeting a new monster every three or two months.

"Can you speak human language?"

"I don't think I can say it, but I can control the beasts." Chu Shinian continued.

"How many were caught?"

"We caught three. Two dead, one alive. The others ran away." Chu Shinian laughed. "But several of our battleship bases are eyeing those things, and we plan to come back and revise them again, and continue to develop the ruins over there. Maybe we can encounter them again in the future."

"Yes, meeting special monsters means that there is something in the ruins over there. It must be a valuable treasure. Otherwise, we won't be able to provoke a group of special monsters." Zi Yan immediately said with great interest.

"Yes." Even an old man like Chu Shinian was quite surprised.

If you encounter this kind of treasure monster, you must search more. It is best to find the other party's lair.

Thinking back to the time when the family later developed Lingshan, many of them were built by demolishing other people's old homes. Otherwise, where else could the Chu family find so many special minerals, floating stones. This thing is the foundation for building suspended continents, floating islands, and spiritual mountains.

The Chu family had dug hundreds of special monsters' nests to accumulate this little floating stone.

However, consumption has been relatively high recently, and most of the floating stones stored in the warehouse have been lost. I was worried that I couldn't find the next home, and it seemed that the delivery guy was here again.

"Do you want me to follow you and have a look?" Zi Yan volunteered.

"No, you should continue to build the intelligence network. I'll take Zi Qian over to check on him. He has been idle recently. Zigong must also provide sufficient resources over there, and don't let our fleet suffer from insufficient logistics supplies. , let the monster go.”

"The family is relieved."


The unlucky child was finally left to his father Chu Shinian. Taohua finally relaxed, but was scolded by her mother again.

She was punished until she became disgraced, and her second sister picked her up for fun.

She was also drunk.

Aren't you just impatient to take care of that brat?

That brat won't stick to her, either.

"Wait until your mistress grows up and see what he says about your mother, who doesn't like to take responsibility." Chu's mother scolded her daughter irritably.

This guy, as soon as the child was thrown away, he let himself go.

If you don't want to take care of it, let your man take care of it. You should go over and take a look from time to time.

What a terrible girl.

"Just rely on Chu Shinian's good temper and work hard at home without complaining."

"Mom, I'm actually quite good. Really, otherwise Chu Shinian wouldn't be able to find me." Taohua retorted immediately. "The two of us are obviously suitable for each other, and our temperaments complement each other. It's a match made in heaven."

Pfft, Chu Qingmei burst out laughing.

This shameless energy is beyond words, it’s so irritating to the eyes. "Hey, how old are you? What can your mother say about you?" Chu's mother was really speechless. This child is so shameless and shameless, unlike others, especially her biological father, Chu Dashan. That old guy is becoming more and more naughty at home.

There is simply no cure for it.

"You and your father are indeed father and daughter."

"Mom, you do it, you take a break, you take a break. Look, you came here early in the morning to scold me. Aren't you thirsty? Come and drink a glass of water."

Taohua hurriedly brought water to my mother and showed her love.

Chu's mother took a sip of spiritual spring water and felt comfortable everywhere. The expression on his face became kinder. "When you and your husband get along, you should take more care of Chu Shinian. Don't wait until there is a problem between you two before you rush to remedy it. By then it will be too late."

"It's good for us to be together. Mom, you worry too much. Just take care of dad." Taohua accidentally exposed her dad.

"What, your father won't come to you to complain again, right?"

"Hmm, he came again and said you were taking too much care." Taohua looked at my mother's frantic eyes and stood up with a strong posture. She didn't dare not say anything, so she could only continue to expose her father. "He even went to have a drink with Chu Shinian, saying that it took too long to get married, and you didn't pay attention to him anymore. He felt that he was being left out."

"Is he the only one who has been ignored? For my birthday last year, that old guy even forgot to give me a bowl of longevity noodles. No, I can't just let him go. I have to go back and fight with him." Chu's mother said angrily. Sayazi ran away.

Chu Qingmei was dumbfounded.

"Xiao Liu, I admire you so much. Are you deceiving me again? To divert the conflict?"

"What are you talking about to divert the conflict? I accidentally told my mother about something that made my father feel depressed. What if my mother comes home and the two of them reconcile?" Taohua said with a smile.

Chu Qingmei laughed again.

"Then I guess we have to wait until their fight is over. I'll know the result tomorrow when I go take a look. Taohua, you can't do this. How can you always instigate your parents to fight?"

"I was helping them communicate. Otherwise, Dad would never tell Mom, and he felt left out. Mom also felt that Dad was rough and careless in doing things, and always made mistakes when he did things, and was always dissatisfied.

It's better to let them quarrel. In the end, the quarrel is over and the two of them have communicated well. No matter how dissatisfied they are, it will be over. "

"Maybe." Qingmei thought for a while, if the two of them could reconcile in the end, then the result would be good.

"How has Jun Lan been doing recently?" Taohua asked.

"Not bad." Qingmei frowned slightly and said, "It's just that my eldest brother wants me to take his five golden flowers with me."

"Okay. Find something to share with them."

"Is this good?" Qingmei hesitated. "If you let him go like this, it will bring more pressure to Jun Lan."

"Otherwise she will also be stressed in the future. Pressure early and pressure later. It's not all pressure. Just face the difficulties." Taohua said.

"Aren't you afraid that Jun Lan won't be able to bear it?" Qingmei asked.

"You just pamper her too much, and she has been the only little girl in the family for a long time. Everyone pampers her together, which makes the child squeamish." Taohua rolled her eyes and said, "I plan to train her hard this time." , so that she can no longer be squeamish."

"That's cruel enough." Qingmei gestured to Peach Blossom. It's amazing that my own daughter is so aggressive.

"This is something she will have to face sooner or later. I'm afraid that this blue sky is more difficult to mix with than our original realm. It will take more effort and skills to stabilize the family and us. So, Jun Lan Gotta grow up as soon as possible.”

(End of this chapter)

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