The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1495 Compromise

Chapter 1495 Compromise

At the same time, important news came from Chu Junshu.

As Chu Junshu and his fleet continued to sweep the ruins, the beasts continued to retreat. In the territory where the beasts retreated, they discovered a large number of various mineral deposits. There are a large number of low-level spiritual mines, some of which are directly exposed on the surface. There are also some rare spiritual minerals and high-level spiritual minerals.

The most important thing is that they also discovered a large amount of usable spiritual soil.

These spiritual soils will change some ruined areas and be used to reset the land on the suspended continent. They were able to obtain at least three times the void cultivation area.

Moreover, the family can also use the spiritual soil here to arrange more floating islands and spiritual mountains.

Two important pieces of writing are now on the clan leader's desk.

Whether it's Taohua, Chu Shinian, Jun Lan or Qingmei and others.

All a little worried.

"Those people are sure that our Chu family will not dare to resist. They will definitely send out formation mages and a large number of guards." Zi Yan sneered coldly. "It's really hard to pick the weakest persimmons. If we use up all the formation masters in the family.

Even a fool can think that he will be able to take everything back with him in the end.

In the end, we were the ones who damaged a lot of array masters and damaged a lot of family vitality and development potential. "

The other family elders present all remained silent. Who can't see this trick?

"What does the family order say?" Zi Lan asked.

"What do you think of Zilan?" Chu Shinian asked.

"They are too bullying." Zi Lan said with a gloomy face. "Bringing all the formation masters of the family will definitely affect the future development of the family. But if we only bring some of the formation masters, we will be disobedient.

A disobedient family has no meaning in existence. That General Manager's Office can make us disappear directly. "

Chu Shinian nodded.

"No one likes subordinates who work against the will." Chu Shinian nodded again.

"But if everyone is involved, if something goes wrong, the family will most likely be cut off from the current prosperity of the formation master inheritance. There will even be a formation master fault." Zi Lan said aggrievedly.

Chu Shinian nodded again.

"Can you not go?" Zixian asked.

"Impossible." Taohua shook her head. "The General Manager has the power of life and death over the families and forces under his command. Besides, this is a major counterattack that has been prepared for more than forty years. We cannot be a target that hinders our progress.

Nor should we be the chicken who kills the chicken to scare the monkeys. "

"Then these days have been too frustrating. They are not as good as the ones we had in the original realm." Zizheng said angrily.

Ziyang's expression immediately changed. "Zizheng."

Zizheng and Ziyang were both promoted to elders later, and they were both more considerate. Among the elders, he usually keeps a low profile.

"It's really frustrating. But we can't survive in the original realm." Taohua said calmly, "Maybe you don't know. The situation of our family has been investigated several times by the black market and some big forces. . I guess some forces already know the true situation of our family. We are too rich and we are considered a big fat sheep.

If he didn't run faster, he would have been killed for meat. "

"Oh, actually I had a vague feeling at the beginning." Zihan also said. "I was also responsible for the family's large-scale black market transactions for a period of time. There are indeed people who have grasped the crisis of our situation."

"Yeah, me too. During the years when I was responsible for my family's large foreign transactions, I always felt that the attitudes of the big worlds with which we had the largest transactions were a bit strange towards us. They were attentive and overbearing. They seemed to treat our things as everything they owned. Things." Lin Changge also stood up and spoke at this time.

In fact, crises come from all aspects, and it is not just what the clan leader says.

Taohua is just more sensitive than others and feels the fatal crisis. The other elders are not given for free, they are actually very keen.

"When we decided to relocate the family immediately, it was a sudden decision. As soon as we made the decision, the family immediately took action and sold out all unnecessary properties or severed ties with the family. But in the end, we still had some people and important assets. Not taken back.

Including but not limited to Lingshan.

In a matter of days, we lost four major spiritual mountains. Including Fengyu Mountain, Jinsong Mountain, Baili Mountain and Qicao Mountain. They are all important resource-based spiritual mountains. It can be said that it was a heavy loss.

Three more spiritual mountains are missing.

Including Wanqiang Mountain, Jianzhong Mountain and Jindou Mountain, which are extremely powerful in combat.

It is estimated that it will eventually fall into the hands of those big forces. "

All the elders were silent.

"Nowadays, the elders of the Xin generation have withdrawn from the family's management. Occasionally, some who come out to shine are responsible for a certain position at the grassroots level.

Now the great responsibility for the development of the family rests with the clan leader, me and you, generation after generation, generation after generation.

The younger generation was too ruthless in opening up wasteland. There are not many people left now.

It is the younger generation who does the best job and has the most talents.

Everyone has accompanied the family from a small family in the small world to the present.

When it comes to having a deep relationship with the family, I think there is no one else except us.

The new generation of little guys are still undergoing experience.

The Yan generation and the Heping generation are not yet able to take on big responsibilities. "

Chu Shinian didn't mean to belittle anyone, but everyone also knew that the entire family was actually built on the talents of the secret guard system.

Because of the family's direct lineage, those elite disciples such as civil servants and military generals Kuan'er had long been kicked out by Chu Taohua.

Nowadays, no one has any money for military officers and civil servants, because everyone is both civil and military. Can someone who comes out of the secret guard system not be both civil and military?

In fact, this substitution method is not very good. At least for some big families, the new head of the Chu family actually came to power through a coup.

This is true.

How did Taohua confuse her direct descendants in the first place? Let’s understand the good reputation of the Poisonous Widow.

Besides, after she was reborn, she was also a side branch. Use side branches to drive away the direct line of superiors. I also knew that my reputation would not be good.

It's just that Chu Taohua is in the upper echelon of strength, and the secret guard system supports her with no brain power. This allowed her to take control of the entire clan and control the wind and rain.

For such a clan leader, she is much more aggressive than ordinary clan leaders. But in front of her stood Chu Shinian, who stood up for her in everything, so people didn't pay too much attention to her. I thought she was easy to bully.

"Now that something like this has happened, the family is about to be weakened by those self-righteous guys, and we have to make compromises. But I believe in you, I believe that with your talent and resilience, we can get through this." Chu Shi Nian Dao.

All the elders held their breath.

Taohua also looked at everyone silently, with hope.

"Clan leader, please tell me what plan you have." Zigong said.

(End of this chapter)

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