The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 150 Zhu Chen

Chapter 150 Zhu Chen
"Who? Brother?" Lin Changge stuttered. "You are big brother Chu Muyu? But aren't you dead?"

"Aren't you still alive, why should I have to die?" Chu Moyan asked speechlessly.

Cough cough cough...

Lin Changge's eyes turned red suddenly, and he ran over and hugged Chu Moyan, even if he wanted to break free, he would not let go, just hugging him tightly, tears soaked Chu Moyan's clothes.

"You say you are ashamed but not ashamed, a grown man still sheds tears." Chu Moyan didn't know how gentle he was when he said this.After experiencing so many betrayals, he thought he could forge an iron heart.But sometimes I am still moved by the unconscious weakness of some little bastards.

"Brother, how did you find me?" Lin Changge also felt embarrassed, and quickly wiped away his tears secretly.

"It's a coincidence that I found you a long time ago, but I'm not sure if it's you. So I followed you and observed you for a while."

"What, brother, I didn't expect you to be such a person. You actually stalked and peeped at me? You wouldn't peep at me taking a shower, would you?" Lin Changge immediately covered all the important parts in front of him.

"How many times have I seen it, what's the use of covering it now?" Chu Moyan said angrily.

"Hey, brother, I really don't like that. I won't be happy with you." Lin Changge said weakly.

"I like women, and I don't like that." Chu Moyan said angrily.

"Then who is your current identity, big brother? Why didn't I find that you were by my side? You followed me all day long with your face masked?" Lin Changge immediately regained his energy when he heard that his big brother had no interest in him. Gossip asked.

If this bastard is given some sunshine, it will shine brightly, and if there is nothing to do, it must be suppressed, otherwise it will cause trouble.Chu Moyan was used to dealing with him.But when he doesn't need to suppress this bastard, he still dotes on this guy.

"I am Chu Moyan."

"Ahem, ahem, a bookworm with no strength to restrain a chicken." Lin Changge said in shock immediately.

"I'm a Dharma cultivator, as long as I don't attack, who knows that I'm strong in combat?" Chu Moyan didn't mind the rumors in the village at all, but was quite satisfied with this protective look.

"But many boys in the village look down on you." Lin Changge said, he has a wide range of news channels on weekdays, and all the boys in the village love to chat with him, so he knows all the big and small things in every household in the village.

Naturally, he also knew that this nerd who later settled in the old Chu village, ate well, dressed well, and could live a good life relying on his parents' inheritance.

And the nerd actually bought two servants to serve him, this life should not be too happy.

"What do I want them to look up to? Tell me about you, why did you change your body again?" This change of vest was as fast as him. "Have you been betrayed by your brother again?"

"Not only was he betrayed by his brother, but he was betrayed twice." Lin Changge smiled wryly when he mentioned this.It's just too bad luck.

"You..." Chu Moyan nodded his head with his finger. "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Brother, you know about my past life.

Back then, I was born as a horse thief. Because I accidentally robbed a batch of unwanted goods, I was hunted down by a big man and had nowhere to go. , Otherwise, I wouldn’t have come to Changyang and met you, big brother.

That man is so powerful, you don't know, big brother.

In the previous life, before you and I knew each other, I was chased by his men, and my foundation was seriously injured. As a result, I had to find a way to reincarnate and continue my cultivation path.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to become a member of the Chu family by forming a bond with my elder brother.

But I am even more unlucky in this life, and I don't know why, the brother who betrayed me back then was reborn early.

Not only was he reborn, he also betrayed me in advance.

As a result, that batch of goods was recovered, my brothers were all dead, and even my original body was also dead.

As soon as I was reborn, I found that I had become Lin Changge, the captain of Daliguan.

This is also a bad luck.

He was originally the deputy commander of the Black Wolf Guard of the Great Song Dynasty. He was thrown into Dali Pass because his adoptive father offended the prince. He originally wanted to retire quietly in advance.There is no way, this guy has always been influenced by his loyalty to the emperor and his patriotism. Even if his adoptive father died because he offended the prince, he didn't want to rebel.

But who knew, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth had been revived, and Dali Pass suddenly became important.

Someone fell in love with his position, and his good brother who made friends in Dali Pass also betrayed him for the sake of his future. This guy was so angry that he vomited blood and died.Then I was born again, and I found evidence of vindication for myself.

But after all, I am not the original owner, and I may be discovered by the sergeants who are familiar with him after waiting for a long time in Dali Pass.So I left Dali Pass under the guise of being seriously injured and sad, and also quit the army.

I originally planned to go to Changyang to find you, but before I got to Changyang, I heard that something happened to both Chu Xi and you.I had nowhere to go, so I wandered to Miyang City. Later, a man named Chu Zifei came to me. He said he knew my adoptive father and was willing to help me find a place where I could settle down.In this way, I entered the old Chuzhuang.

I found this Zhuangzi very interesting. A small broken Zhuangzi who is a branch of the Chu family can actually cultivate Ling Zhifu's family. The Chu Dashan family is really amazing.

I almost watched the rise of his family, and in just a few years, they have earned tens of thousands of acres of land.

"Then have you ever thought about it, how can there be such a coincidence in the world? How could Chu Dashan's family become Ling Zhifu's family casually?" Chu Moyan laughed.

Lin Changge was taken aback. "You mean Chu Xi?"

"It seems that you have thought of it. Chu Xi was reborn in Chu Dashan's family, so Chu Dashan's family has become husbands of Lingzhi, and they have made a fortune within a few years." Chu Mo said, "Apart from Chu Xi, what else do you think? People can easily make the Chu family rich so quickly, so terrifying? Now that the Chu family is counted in Miyang, it is afraid that in a few years, they will be able to catch up with the prestige of Changyang Chu Chu in Changyang."

Lin Changge's teeth are stuck. "I've always thought that Chu Dashan got an unbelievable inheritance by accident."

"Chu Dashan is not God's own son, how could he have such luck to get some heaven-defying inheritance. Isn't this the standard configuration of Chu Xi before?" Chu Moyan complained directly.

Lin Changge said speechlessly, "Then who is Chu Xi's rebirth? Chu Taohua?"

"How did you guess her right away?" Chu Moyan asked in surprise.

"Once, I thought she was looking at me in the wrong way. Cough cough, it's a bit weird." Lin Changge was powerless to complain about how Chu Taohua, a little girl, looked at him with the eyes of an old aunt looking at a junior.

(End of this chapter)

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