The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1508 Intuition

Chapter 1508 Intuition

What's great is that it's true that true love causes trouble.

"Uncle, what's that expression and that look in your eyes? I know, but you're secretly whispering to me again."

Chu Xunan, who hurried over, touched his nose and said coquettishly.

Seeing the boy jumping in front of him again, the master twitched his lips in a forced manner. He shouldn't have agreed to bring his nephew here just because of the girl's tears.

His uncle is a stubborn old man, and he can't say anything about conservative things.

It's just a different personal philosophy. The key is that the uncle still completely suppresses him. If I really provoke my uncle, I won't go back to beat him.

Just be nice.

"My lord, my family is at peace."

"An. Have you taken care of the Yanhu tribe?"

"They will send someone over to take over the camp tomorrow." Chu Xunan nodded.

"Then the matters here will be left to your uncle and nephew to arrange. I heard that the construction of the other three camps was not ideal?" Chu Shinian asked again.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that we don't have enough manpower. The speed is slowing down." Chu Xunan frowned slightly. "We will have more manpower tomorrow, and it will be easier then."

"Be smart. If you find that the tiger-striped people are diligent and successful, train them into skilled craftsmen who specialize in a single skill. It would be better if these skills would make it easier for them to find errands with the human race. ”

"What does the clan leader mean by integrating the tiger-striped people into the human garrison?" Chu Xunan thought thoughtfully.

"The tiger-striped tribe has strong combat power, a relatively primitive civilization, and a tribal system. They don't have anything they want. Food is even more scarce. They want everything. But we can't give these things to them. It's not right to give them to the tribe like this. The improvement of the Tiger Stripe Tribe will further strengthen the strength of some ambitious people in the Tiger Stripe Tribe. If they end up falling to the Demon Clan, no matter how well the battle line is built, they will collapse.

In order not to cause trouble for myself in the future.

The best way is to develop and win over the lower-class people of the Tiger Stripe tribe and let them escape from the control of the tribe. Mixed into the human race. Secretly weakening the combat power and population of the major tribes. " Chu Shinian said.

"It's a secret fight." Chu Xunan said he understood.

"No matter how talented a lord is, he is doomed if he has no one under his command." Chu Shinian smiled calmly.

Chu Xunan immediately laughed.

"The 60,000 books you need will have to wait. Some books need to be re-copied, and some books need to be aged. You know. We can't let people find out that we copied these books."

"I understand, I understand."

"In addition, we can give them books. But they can't take it for free. Let them work for us for a month for free, with 60,000 people."

"Okay." Chu Xunan agreed directly.

Chu Shinian made some arrangements for the two of them before leaving.

Before leaving, the little baby, who was becoming more and more proficient in baby talk, was amused by Chu Xunan several times.

In the end, they were reluctant to leave.

Knowing that his father had left him to Chu Xunan, the little guy realized that something was wrong and hurried back to his father's arms.

Take me with you when you go home.

Even though I can't speak, I can express what I mean.

Chu Shinian: This guy is getting more and more cunning, it’s hard to fool him anymore.


As soon as Chu Shinian returned to the temporary clan mansion, he saw a lot of people at the gate.

A large number of tents were also set up in the plain wilderness outside the clan's land.

Thousands of people gathered there and set up more and more tents.

The cooking smoke is everywhere, so dense that it can make people suffer from trypophobia just by looking at it.

Is this the arrival of long-term workers recruited from outside?

He returned to the clan mansion and saw Yang Yuan as expected. "How did you come?"

"I mainly came here to take a look." Yang Yuan said with a smile. "I didn't expect you to do such a good job. I heard that you have already built more than 500,000 miles of city walls and formations in just ten days."

"That's because we are currently repairing the best sections of road. Just watch, the difficulty lies behind." Chu Shinian said.

"Yeah, I know this too. Unfortunately, I have too few formation masters under my command, so I can't help you."

"It's okay, my wife is the master of formations, she can do it."


"I know you just want to pry away my family's formation master. We have so many formation masters, and you don't believe it if we say we don't have a formation master. I do have a formation master in my family, but you won't let her take her away. She is my wife. , is also the clan leader.”

Yangyuan Kabakaba eyes.

In the end, Chu Shinian discovered his little scheme.

But he was thick-skinned and took it seriously if he was discovered.

"What a pity. But it's okay to ask your wife to help me train one or two formation masters later, right?"

"It works." Chu Shinian agreed happily.

"Chu Shinian, how about you give me one or two formation masters?"

"No chance. I think your dreams are more beautiful."


What's the truth?

"Chu Shinian, do you know that I have a big surprise for you this time." Yang Yuan said again.

"What's the big surprise?" Chu Shinian asked puzzledly.

"Your family sent people to deliver a large amount of basic materials and basic formation materials. They said it was a surprise for you."

Chu Shinian was startled for a moment, then smiled. "Those guys are quite capable. They asked you to deliver as many people as you wanted. I thought you just transported people this time."

"No, in addition to recruiting a large number of long-term workers to build the city wall, I also transported a lot of materials for your family, and there are also various building materials I found for you that you will definitely need. These materials are Level three or above is guaranteed to be what you need.

But it would be difficult for your family to buy it secretly. "

"I also said that after you finish recruiting people this time, you can go get some third-, fourth- and fifth-level city-building materials that our family urgently needs.

We also have to be responsible for the task of building six large city gates this time.

The city gates built are huge and difficult to repair, and the foundation materials must be at least third grade, and other high-grade materials must be mixed in. "

"Hahaha, it seems I have foresight, right?" Yang Yuan said arrogantly.

"It's really good."

"Oh, by the way, I am also at the sixth level, and you are also at the sixth level. And you are still a newly promoted sixth level. Your aura is not very stable, so don't you plan to go into seclusion to stabilize your cultivation?"

Chu Shinian shook his head, "There is no need to retreat, I can gradually stabilize my cultivation."

"Okay, it's okay if you don't retreat. But why do I feel that you, a sixth-level person, can crush me at will? Beat me up?" Yang Yuan frowned at him in confusion. "You don't even know that in my eyes, you are a top threat.

My instinct reminds me to stay away from you almost all the time. Better to just run away?

When I came to see you before, I didn't feel this way.

Why do you think this is? "

(End of this chapter)

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