Chapter 1513 Help

They acted urgently, but the demon army was really in a mess.

As soon as his two teams entered the sixty-mile radius of the city wall, the flying magic weapons, flying beasts, warships, and warships all fell one after another like dumplings. No matter how high you fly in the sky. They all fall off.

"Fuck, they've been picked up again." The demon general on the left yelled angrily.

The demon army soldiers marching on the ground suddenly felt that their bodies were carrying more than ten times the weight.

The combat boots were suddenly crushed into the mud puddle.

Even the boots and legs were smeared with mud.

It's not that the earth has become crispy, but that they themselves have suddenly become heavier, and the earth that could originally bear them can no longer bear it. It directly caused them to sink their thighs into it.


Everyone has attacked human city defenses before, so they naturally know what to do in this situation. Quickly activate the gravity-reducing talisman. Are they all as light as a swallow? That's impossible. I could only walk on the ground with difficulty, making sure that I didn't step into a deep foot-shaped pit.

"The mainland here is under the crack. There is a forbidden air formation set up by the human race on the top. There is also an underground formation on the mainland. The only space we can walk through is the middle space.

Damn it, originally they wanted to get more resources from other worlds by destroying us.

The human race has also set up countless defense lines in the middle. As long as their city defenses are built, the forbidden air formation will connect the large formations in the sky and the ground to form a forbidden air formation. We have no choice but to attack their city walls and storm through their front lines.

In this way, they sharpened their soldiers and obtained resources. It was really a calculation. "The demon general on the left said angrily.

"What's the use of thinking about that? Sure enough, you are right. The Chu family who are responsible for building the frontal city defense of the human race is really powerful this time. The restricted air range of the city defense they built has been expanded to sixty miles. The previous city defense was only thirty miles." The demon general on the right said rationally.

"Their gravity suppression used to be only four times, but now it's ten times." The demon general on the left said angrily.

"Let's be careful during this siege," said the demon general on the right.

"Well, do you think I'm a fool?"

The distance of sixty miles is actually not that much, especially for the demon army.

In less than an hour, they rushed forward. Then they formed a pincer attack and started fighting without saying a word.

As soon as the two sides fought, the human army, which had the advantage of city defense, was condescending and the defense was too easy.

Even though the demon army and demon generals are not afraid of death and keep climbing the wall, this time the city wall was built a bit unethically. It is a full thirty feet high and it is really difficult to climb.

You still have to do it with your bare hands, and there are no flying magic weapons to rely on. Climbing like this would be a target.

Therefore, the two demon armies withdrew within half an hour of attacking.

But they didn't leave either. Instead, he quietly withdrew sixty miles away.

"The city defense they built this time is too advantageous. Various defensive and attack formations can bring us a lot of casualties. The city wall is also too high. The city wall that was originally only fifteen feet high has now been built by them. Thirty feet high.

We suffered so much. "The demon general on the left said angrily.

"We will test it out later. If it doesn't work, we will return to the camp and report it to the Demon Commander for him to make a decision." The Demon General on the right said.

"it is good."

"We will take action together later." The demon general on the right said.

The demon general on the left immediately brightened up. "good."


On the other side of the tower, Deng Baoer asked the father standing next to him in confusion, "No, why don't they leave? Do they still want to come back at night? Are they planning to prevent people from sleeping?"

"Be careful." Deng Wen said with a serious expression.

"The devils can do anything."

"Dad, don't worry, I will still survive." Deng Baoer said, patting her chest. "Then you should be more careful and bring me all the soldiers assigned to you at home today."

"It's better to let them stay to protect you." Deng Baoer said. "I also trained a group of soldiers myself."

"Can you pull me down? Are the soldiers you trained by yourself on the same level as the soldiers trained by your family? Come here and bring them to me."


"Is it difficult for your father to talk to me?"

"It works, it works."

After midnight, the demon army came to attack again. This time they attacked much more violently than last time.

Various trump cards are presented in turn.

All the large areas of filthy mucus contamination were thrown out.

Moreover, they give you 20,000 yuan and beat you with 10,000 yuan.

Deng Baoer is a bit stretched here.

Deng Wen directly asked him to divide his troops, leading one part himself and letting Deng Baoer lead another to resist the demon army.

Just as the fierce battle was in full swing, a dark demon general suddenly appeared from a strange angle and attacked him. Deng Wen immediately counterattacked, but as the elite demon army appeared one after another, the personal guards around him became increasingly scarce.

Just when all the guards were about to die, another guard ran over.

"My lord, we are here to support you."

When Deng Wen saw that it was his personal guard, he immediately shouted, "Oh no! This is a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Bao'er is in danger. Go back quickly."

The guard leader reacted immediately and hurried back with him.

Wait until they rush back to the Major General. The only thing on the ground was a human corpse with its neck cut in half.

Just when they were at a loss, Deng Wen rushed over, holding his stomach. A big hole was opened in his stomach by the demon general who had just escaped. But this is nothing, it's just that he is worried about his son, and he is just exchanging injuries for injuries.

The other party was also stabbed in the anus by him, and he would probably not feel comfortable even if he went there.

But Deng Baoer...

Deng Wen quickly squatted down and felt his son's breath, but it was gone.

He was nervously touching his son's neck, and it seemed that there was still a little...

He simply took off his son's breastplate and touched his son's heart. Sure enough, it was still beating a little bit. It's not completely cold yet, which is great.

He quickly fed his son the healing elixir.

Then he simply bandaged his son's wound. "Where is the nearest physician around here that my son needs?"

"Less than three hundred miles away, there is the Chu family's camp, and there are doctors there."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. They left and probably won't come back. I have to take Bao'er over to seek medical help." Deng Wen said to his son's lieutenant.

The general nodded solemnly. He was also covered in wounds.

Obviously, the previous demon general's sneak attack didn't let him go either.

Deng Wen hugged his son and ran all the way, out of the 60-mile restricted area of ​​​​the city defense, and charged with his flying sword. He flew into Chu's camp as fast as he could.

"Help, is there a doctor? My son needs help." The elixir he fed his son could only protect his son's life, and it was temporary. Over time, the medicine becomes less and less effective.

(End of this chapter)

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