The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1534 Accident

Chapter 1534 Accident

Because I have been hanging out with the human race for too long.

The warriors of the Tiger Stripe Clan all know that the Chu family has a body-beautifying cream. Whenever you want to beautify yourself, you can apply the body-beautifying cream directly on your body. The tiger stripes disappeared.

It can disappear for at least a day.

During this day, you put on human clothes, and wherever you go, people think you are a serious human being.

When you go to other human-controlled areas to buy elixirs, weapons, etc., there is no more discrimination and forced buying and selling.

Treated directly like other human races.

This body balm not only removes tiger stripes, but also removes the non-human features of other demihumans.

For example, the ears changed from fox ears to human ears.

For example, the long pointed eyes turned into human red phoenix eyes or something like that.

In short, body beauty cream can package demi-humans into human beings.

This is really a good thing for the demihumans. Anyway, as long as they apply body cream every day, they can wander around and do business in the human city.

Unfortunately, it is a bit expensive, and not all demihumans can afford it.

But that's not bad.

At least it is a good thing that allows them to enter and exit the human race's big city seriously.

There are people in every tribe who are in urgent need of this ointment.

In addition to body balm, Chu's also has many weird and wonderful things.

Take the Beauty Pill, for example. My mother-in-law originally had a pair of big buck teeth, but after taking a Beauty Pill, she became a pretty girl.

The skin has also become tender, and the original thick waist has become a slim waist.

I used to dislike her, but now she dislikes us. He also said that he must save up money for another beauty pill and give his man plastic surgery first.

Does my cool, handsome and handsome face also need plastic surgery?

It's a pity that the mother-in-law won't listen no matter what she says. Hi! !

In short, it is new every day and every month. The life of the demihuman race is like clockwork, changing with each passing day.

How big of a storm would such a huge change cause within each tribe?

The storm was so great that those tribal chiefs and elders who did not agree to move here to work for the Chu family were replaced one after another for various reasons.

The low-level warriors of the demihuman race do not need other things, nor do they need any divine words or oracles.

Move us quickly.

We are also going to work for the Chu family.

No matter how far it is, no matter how many obstacles there are in between. We all have to go.

If you don't want to go, then get off the stage immediately.

Originally, the Tiger Stripe Tribe and some other sparse native demihuman tribes were hidden in deep mountains and ravines, making it extremely difficult to find them.

You don’t have to look for it now. They went out to find work themselves.

The camps left by the Chu family to the various tribes of the Tiger Pattern tribe have also become prosperous and noisy new cities.

The Tiger Pattern Clan had long imitated the Chu family and began to manage their own city.

They all copied the Chu family's experience in managing the city. At least the people of the Tiger Pattern tribe deeply feel that their tribal management system has changed greatly, and they like it very much.

The key is to take good care of us ordinary people.

Changes in food and clothing brought more changes in thinking.

The young people of the Tiger Stripe tribe are no longer satisfied with just being warriors in their own tribe.

We all specialize in being warriors, why don’t we become warriors for the Chu family?

There is only one life everywhere.

Wouldn't it be more promising and valuable for us to work for the Chu family?

So without the clan leader and great elders knowing, many young men from the new generation of Tiger Stripe tribe defected to the Chu family and joined the army.

What will happen when their clan leaders and great elders react and everyone has run away?

You can only keep an eye on the other teenagers. You can't just let them run away, right?

Besides, the Chu family is very strict in recruiting sergeants, and it is a great honor to be selected. The Chu family will give heavy gifts to one's family and tribe.

What to do if you can't choose?

I can only come back and continue to be a tribal warrior. The clan leaders and great elders of each tribe laughed secretly.

Let you run away?

If you go out for a run, you still have to run back.

The young people who were sent back were all dejected. It's a waste, but I didn't pass the exam.

But before leaving, the instructors also said that they should go back and practice their skills hard, and they can take the test again next year.

Okay, let's wait another year.

The chiefs of each tribe still don't know the plans in these young men's minds.

Still happily waiting for them to completely compromise and stay in the tribe from now on.

The central battlefield has been a chaotic battle.

Especially the evil demons who always steal parts.

After discovering that stealing parts could seriously delay Chu's construction speed, the demon army became more and more aggressive in stealing parts.

Now there are more and more guerrillas on the city walls.

Just after a hundred days of repairs, parts were stolen by demons at night, and the city wall was gone.

Song Er's hair was 30% white. He swore that he had never imagined that the battlefield in the middle would be so fierce and so fierce. Other generals from all walks of life participated in the war so enthusiastically.

Gained so many military exploits.

Even the Dragon King paid special attention to this area.

He even sent a secret message to Song Er, encouraging him to fight well. He also said that he would definitely be rewarded heavily.

Just when the battle in Wenlan Tianyu turned into a pot of porridge, something big happened in Huangli Tianyu.

The front there suddenly collapsed.

The demon army has pushed the battle line to the edge of the defensive continent under the crack over there. If they don't care anymore, they will break out of the defensive continent and completely rebel in Huangli Tianyu.

The situation was so critical that even the Dragon Emperor couldn't help but go on a personal expedition.

Song Er was also valued by the Dragon King and was said to be transferred immediately. But the city defense here has not been built yet.

Song Er couldn't leave at this time.

The Dragon King immediately gave Song Er a death order.

The city defense must be repaired within two months.

Then he withdrew and transferred Ni Dajun to the Chinese army.

The key is how the city defense can only be repaired in two months.

You know, the one and a half year construction period is already life-threatening for the Chu family.

Now the Chu family is getting slower and slower in repairing, and nearly 40 million miles are still in difficult areas. Can this be repaired?

This is an order from the Dragon Emperor and must not be violated.

The Chu family had only been building city defenses for eleven months. Add two months to it, and it would only be thirteen months.

Can this be repaired?

The more Song Er thought about it, the less confident he felt.

He simply called Chu Shinian and Yang Yuan, and first told them about the great defeat of Huangli Tianyu, and then talked about the issue of the Dragon Emperor's personal expedition.

He also said that His Majesty the Dragon Emperor must transfer him there as well.

Now trouble is coming. His Majesty hopes that the city defense military will be successful within two months.

It can't be done.

Chu Shinian's face suddenly turned pale.

But secretly thinking in his heart, his wife is really powerful, even this sudden moth came to mind.

Fortunately, they had just completed the most difficult repairs in secret.

Those being built now are not too difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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