The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1537 Pressure

Chapter 1537 Pressure

"You bastards, a bunch of old beasts. Big and small rats!!" Yang Yuan reacted and said angrily.

"The Chu clan chief said that she had no follow-up countermeasures, but I don't believe it. It's just that I haven't seen clearly what her next move will be. The main reason is that there are only a few people under my command, and the information I can get is limited.

These numbers are all rough calculations by me.

The amount of resources she actually mobilized secretly may be even greater than this. "

Han Xiangzhi had never paid attention to the female clan leader of the Chu family before, even though he had heard of her reputation as a smart woman, he didn't take her seriously. Just assume that she is quite capable in infrastructure. He is also quite good at doing business and purchasing various properties.

But he followed the Chu family to do a major city defense project.

He realized that he had underestimated the other party.

What a man of God.

Look at her calmly mobilizing items, calmly mobilizing the surrounding human legions and General Song Er.

He then understood that this was a true man of God.

If this man ran to the court, he would probably be able to do it more easily than Chu Shinian.

It's a pity that there are no female officials in the court.

"Then according to your guess, the leader of the Chu family must have a back-up plan. Will she take action this time?"

"Definitely, the Chu family is trying to survive. No matter how the big guys in the court deal with her family, the clan leader will try his best to fight back," said Han Xiangzhi. "On the contrary, because the big shots in the imperial court are far away and their agents have been eliminated by the Chu family, even if it affects the Dragon Emperor's decision, they have no way to intervene in the details.

I have a hunch that the Chu family will be able to escape this time. "

"Hey, didn't I do something stupid?" Yang Yuan bared his teeth and said.

Han Xiangzhi pursed his lips and smiled.

But that’s not it.

"But it doesn't matter. In the future, my Lord, you will be more shameless and take the initiative to pass the exam. Chu Shinian will still cooperate and trade with you."

"But he will be wary of me and be unwilling to cooperate with me deeply and become an ally, right?" Yang Yuan's wisdom is not bad either.

"This is easy. I heard that Chu Shinian has two sons and one daughter. They are all the children of that clan leader. Your Majesty, you can choose a daughter to marry. To consolidate the relationship between the two families, the marriage relationship is most suitable. ”

"Wait a minute, why doesn't my son marry his daughter?"

"That's absolutely impossible. The rules of the royal family are strict and complicated.

People who feel sorry for their daughter will definitely not marry their daughter in. "

"Han Xiangzhi, what do you mean? My son is not worthy of marrying someone else's daughter?" Yang Yuan said angrily. Of course, he wasn't really angry, he just felt that his son was a member of the royal family and it was not normal for him to enjoy special treatment.

"Generally, women who are particularly capable are very protective of their children. You can refer to your mother who was just promoted to the concubine. Then think about the mother of the Dragon Emperor, the powerful Queen Mother.

If the Dragon Emperor hadn't been his own mother, he would have been too strong.

Killed the former queen who was kind and prestigious.

How could he inherit the throne as the eldest son?

The leader of the Chu clan would definitely not let his daughter come out to endure hardship. Wouldn't it be nice to raise a son-in-law in the clan?

If you don't like your husband anymore, just cry with your mother and you can get a new one. Very convenient. "

cough cough cough.

Yang Yuan glanced at Han Xiangzhi angrily.

He felt that Han Xiangzhi was caring about him.

Because his elder sister is getting divorced. He ran to his mother and concubine every day to get together and separate.

It's a pity that his elder sister is a royal princess, and she was selected from a family of important ministers that his father needs. It's not that easy to get married.

Of course, the most important thing was that his elder sister actually fell in love with Han Xiangzhi.

But Han Xiangzhi already had a wife. Moreover, his wife is very virtuous and very popular with him.

But his elder sister didn't know how to behave, and she often pestered Han Xiangzhi.

He estimated that Han Xiangzhi had already annoyed her. "As for my sister, I will help you solve the problem when you get back."

"Thank you very much." Han Xiangzhi handed over his hand.

He really didn't like that unruly princess.

"Then since she doesn't like her daughter to suffer a loss, why did you suggest that I marry a daughter to the Chu family? Aren't I worried that my daughter will suffer a loss? And the Chu family is willing to marry a small county head?" Yang Yuan asked puzzledly.

"Forget about the few legitimate daughters you keep by your wife's side. The Chu family is too small for those of you to marry. But for your concubines, I think a few of them are more suitable. If you have a calmer temper, Be more mellow and it might take some bullying in your backyard.

But it suits the Chu family quite well. "

"As long as the county lord gets married, lives a good life, and doesn't cause trouble for herself, she will be able to live happily in the Chu family."

"is it?"

"It's just a concubine. It's more cost-effective to use it for marriage. How about you evaluate the family of the ministers who are close to you, which one is more suitable?"

Ahem, either they have already been married, or their children are too young to be able to marry.

Yang Yuan thought about it and decided to give up temporarily.

Anyway, he wanted to wait and see whether Mrs. Chu could survive.

Han Xiangzhi did not object and so on.

If Chu wanted to show off his claws, he had to work hard on his own.

As soon as Yang Yuan left, the temporary clan land of the Chu family began to turn into a large warehouse.

A large amount of supplies were moved out, and the Chu family began to work overnight.

This time the Chu family went all out.

All kinds of materials, basic array materials, modules, etc., were all flowed out as if they were free of charge.

In some construction sites, workers are given triple wages to encourage rush work and overtime work.

In addition, there are a large number of entire legions running to work as helpers.

When they come, they put on their old clothes and go to work. I'm afraid I'll miss a day of work.

The construction period given by the Chu family is really high.

One person can get eight kilograms of spiritual fruit per day.

Also includes room and board.

Such a good thing might happen to them once in their lifetime.

However, the first batch of spiritual fruits will not be available until half a month later. But everyone is not worried that Chu will not be able to send it out.

A family that allows them to live in all kinds of brand-new tents, can they still pay spiritual fruits?


In addition to sending troops to help, General Song Er also sent more soldiers and horses to participate in the confrontation with the demon army. It is to plan the destruction of the city defense by the demon army.

However, there were also many demonic armies. A few days after they discovered that the human army had suddenly increased their troops, they became aware of the opponent's intentions. Backhand himself also began to invest a large number of demon troops.

No, the city defense front must be destroyed.

Along the long city defense line, the two sides fought a desperate battle.

It was true that legions were destroyed every day, and generals were mourned every day.

General Song Er had anticipated this situation, and the army he mobilized from behind also came up.

The big battlefield is like a meat grinder, devouring the lives of countless human and demonic armies every day.

The war had not lasted more than twenty days, and General Song Er felt deeply pressured.

(End of this chapter)

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