Chapter 1550 Ice

"Is it really that bad to drink?" Chu Junshu asked.

"It tastes really bad." Ma Pu looked like he was at a loss for words.

"Then how did you find the water source? I didn't see any rivers or caves nearby." Chu Junshu asked.

"There is a well," Ma Pu said. "The drinking water in our world is all obtained by digging wells." After drinking the water brought by the Chu family, Ma Pu felt that it was difficult to swallow the water in his own world.

"But we didn't see any wells along the way?"

"Wells are important places that are strictly protected by others. How could they be seen casually?" Ma Pu said matter-of-factly.

"If ordinary people are walking in the desert, no one will eat them?"

"Actually, there are. In this way, I will take you to a place where you can fetch water. However, the formation there requires throwing spiritual stones to enter. And it takes five spiritual stones per person to get a pot. water."

"A pot of water, how big is it?" Lin Yin asked in surprise.

"Now, it's this kind of pot. If you don't have this kind of pot, you can't get water." Ma Pu added, "Because the well will default to not letting you send other types of pots down."

Among everyone, Ma Pu pulled out a white tin pot from his storage bag. Ouch, it looked like it could hold three kilograms of water at most. These are five spirit stones.

The water you sell is too expensive.

"How can we buy thousands of pots of clean spring water from thousands of mountains with five spirit stones?" Lin Yin complained speechlessly.

"This is not nonsense. This is not a desert." Chu Junshu complained directly to Lin Yin. "Come on, take us to see what your water looks like. I'm curious."

Okay, Ma Pu leads everyone to walk in the desert resignedly.

After walking for about an hour, they finally came to the edge of a dilapidated and dilapidated house.

Ma Pu found the formation on one side with familiarity, and then put in five spiritual stones.

This spiritual stone was of course given by Lin Yin.

The entrance to a small secret room appeared on the wall. Ma Pu went in, and there happened to be a well inside. He directly used the well rope to hang the kettle down.

Lin Yin and the others were watching from outside the formation. Ma Pu quickly brought up a pot of water, and after carrying the pot, some water was poured out.

Oops, it turned out to be gray-white water, and there wasn't anything mixed in it. There were a lot of floating objects.

Ma Pu put the lid on the pot and came out carrying the kettle.

"Would you like some?" Ma Pu found a ceramic bowl and poured out a bowl of water. Passed to Lin Yin.

Lin Yin quickly shook his head. Is this really drinkable?

"Go ahead, let me try." Chu Junshu took the ceramic bowl and took a big sip, then coughed and spit out the sand. "What is this water called? It tastes so bad. I tried my best to swallow it but I couldn't even swallow it."

Lin Yin’s smile.

"You deserve it, I let you drink it."

"No, you have been drinking such unpleasant water since childhood?" Chu Junshu asked in shock.

"What should I do if I don't drink it? This is the only water." Ma Pu looked bitter. “Those of us who have lived in the big world of Huotai since childhood, many of us have never drank the kind of clean water you gave me in our lives.

Like many old people in our village, if they can drink this to fill their stomachs before they die, they will be considered happy and die. "

"Don't you have water here? Why do you still look like you don't have enough to drink?" Chu Junshu poured the remaining water directly and returned the bowl to the others.

Ma Pu was still reluctant to part with the drained water. But considering that the whole pot of water was bought with spiritual stones given by others. He didn't dare to say anything.

"Although there is desert everywhere here, there are actually dry seasons and water seasons. During the dry season, the underground rivers will also stop flowing, and the wells in our village will not be able to pump water for several months.

During the flood season, groundwater surges to the surface. Sometimes they are very close to the ground, and with a little attention, you can dig out water by digging a shallow hole.

At this time, everyone worked hard to get the puddles out and pour them into the water cellar. Let us have water to drink during the dry season. But no matter how much we save water, there is still not enough water to drink all year round.

Many old people eventually die of thirst. They gave away all the water to their children and grandchildren. "

Ma Pu felt sad and sad. But it's very peaceful, because everyone lives like this.

"I don't understand. There are obviously monks in your Huotai World. Why don't they take care of the water here to make your life easier?" Chu Junshu asked in confusion.

"The monks won't care about us. They still hope to make money from the wells everywhere. They don't think about our life and death. As long as we mortals are not completely exterminated, they don't care how many of us die a year."

Chu Junshu was completely speechless after hearing this.

How many spiritual stones can you earn by plundering mortals and those casual cultivators who come here sporadically?

It seems that the Chu family never plans on this.

The money is too small to pick up.

"Thank you for your hard work."

"You two young masters, can you buy some of the extra water for me when you leave?" Ma Pu asked very shamelessly.

"Okay. It's okay to give you some."

"Then...then I accept it with shame." Ma Pu hurriedly said various words of thanks.

Lin Yin listened to the conversation between the two and said to Chu Junshu with great disdain, "Why send it back? When we came, the battleship happened to drag a few large ice blocks over, so just give them one piece."

"Where did you let them put such a big ice cube? Wherever you put it, it turned into a big lake." Chu Junshu asked helplessly.

What are you doing?

Fooling around?

"I've only heard of the lake, but I haven't seen it yet." Ma Pu asked in surprise.

"Have you never seen what the lake looks like?" Lin Yin thought for a while and then described it to the other party. "It's just endless water."

"If I could see that kind of scene, I would be satisfied for the rest of my life." Ma Pu said with emotion.

"Are there any potholes near your village? The ones with very low terrain? If I were there, I could show you what a lake is." Lin Yin said.

"Isn't this good? If we just throw a big block of ice down, the Huotai World monks might cause trouble for us." Chu Junshu said hesitantly.

"Never mind them, we didn't throw anything, why did we just throw a big piece of ice?" Lin Yin said.

Chu Junshu rolled his eyes speechlessly.

You can do it.

"It's a pity that there is no such low land near our village, and there are sandbags all around." Ma Pu felt extremely regretful after hearing this. Why are there no low-lying lands near my village?

Lin Yin spread his hands and said, "Then there's nothing I can do."

He couldn't throw a big iceberg casually. The torrential water that would turn into it might wash away the nearby villages.

(End of this chapter)

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