The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1557 Just sell it like this

Chapter 1557 Just sell it like this

"How can you use refined ore to deduct taxes?" Sun Ren suddenly exclaimed.

"Why not? Isn't it just a matter of paying enough taxes?" Chu Xuanhe asked in confusion.

"Ahem, that. That..." Sun Ren couldn't tell. "But there is no such deduction method in the law book."

"No, the law book doesn't say that other deduction methods are not allowed. I've also read the law book, and it says that taxes should be paid in spirit stones, not spirit stone coins. And you can use grain as a deduction. But there's no such thing. Said that it cannot be deducted with other things." Chu Xuanhe immediately began to emphasize resources.

What about the Grand Steward's Office?

His family order is also the governor of the world.

Although the immediate superior is the general manager, we also have the right to appeal beyond the level.

Of course, if Chu Shinian appealed to a higher level, it would be a direct fallout. If the direct superior and the subordinate were not on good terms, they would both be embarrassed in the end.

There is no right or wrong anyway.

Of course, the one who was even more embarrassed was definitely the chief steward.

If you can't even discipline your direct subordinates, then you're also a loser.

Therefore, Chu Xuanhe seriously took the law book to compete with Sun Ren, which also gave him a great headache.

Because he does not occupy the power, it will be difficult to promote the intentions of his own general manager.

Qingze Great World has not yet used Lingshi coins in large quantities. This is a big problem. The first is that it is difficult for the General Administration to control the other party through spiritual stone coins. The second is that since Qingze Great World does not use spirit stone coins, it can only barter or use spirit stones.

No matter which one is used, a large chunk of the profits made by the General Manager's office from the spirit stone coins will be missing every year.

This is so annoying.

At least Ding Mo, the general manager, was very uncomfortable.

So when paying taxes this time, Ding Mo's bottom line is that the Chu family will use grain to deduct taxes. Let the Chu family lose a lot of money because of the drop in food prices. Otherwise, if the Chu family purchases the spirit stone coins, they will also lose a lot of money.

In addition, the Chu family had the power to build the city wall front before, which definitely drained their capital, so will the Chu family's strength be greatly reduced? !

It's a pity that the Chu family just doesn't play by the rules. Last time, the General Manager said that the dried meat they handed in was not poultry and livestock meat, so they asked them to inspect each bag. They found that they were all ordinary low-level poultry and livestock meat. Dried meat made from meat.

Not even a bag of star beast meat.

After everyone pulled the dried meat back, they found out that the Chu family had sold all kinds of star beast dried meat to demihumans in various places. People are more willing to eat star beast meat that is rich in energy and juicy.

The price is more expensive than ordinary dry ones.

Well, all the expensive ones are sold. Pay taxes to us cheaply. Really good at calculating.

After the chief manager found out, he heard that his study room was destroyed.

This time people were even more ruthless. Food prices plummeted, and the price of dried meat also dropped.

In fact, there may not be any suspicion that the General Administration is manipulating market prices.

But the Chu family doesn’t care, they say: Then let’s use the refined ore to deduct the tax.

"Then where did you get the refined ore?"

"Of course it was brought from the original realm." Chu Xuanhe said nonsense without blinking his eyes.

"What? You've finished building the city defenses in the war zone, how come you still have so much fine ore?" Sun Ren didn't believe it.

"When we were building city defenses, all the materials were bought by Mr. Yang Yuanyang. We only had to pay for the spirit stones. Our own inventory was not used." Chu Xuanhe sold Yang Yuan without saying a word.

Anyway, my family order says, just sell it like this.

Sun Ren obviously didn't expect this to be the case.

"It was Young Master Yangyuan who helped you?"

"By the way, you need people to give people, and you need materials to give materials. All kinds of low-level basic materials, as well as all kinds of mid-to-high-level high-end materials. They are all obtained by Young Master Yang. I really bothered to get him last time." Chu Xuan and a look of admiration and reverence.

Sun Ren: Damn it, it turns out you are an old boy.

No wonder the Chu family was able to gather so much material. We were all in disbelief.

I will send this news to the chief manager later and see how the chief manager will deal with you. "Then you have spent a lot of spiritual stones, right?" Sun Ren asked again.

"Yeah, but our whole family moved here, so how could we not have some assets? Besides, we are an aristocratic family that has existed for hundreds of years." Chu Xuanhe said proudly.

In fact, the truth is that although we have a stock of spiritual stones, we consume a lot of them.

His own inventory of spiritual stones was once bottomed out.

There are only one or two warehouses of spiritual stones left.

Originally, most of what the Chu family hoarded were elixirs, materials and the like. Relatively speaking, the stock of spiritual stones is relatively small.

Who knew that when I went to the battlefield over there, I secretly discovered the spirit stone veins again and again.

You would be a fool not to dig.

Just during the survey and construction of the city defense route, more than a dozen small spirit stone veins were discovered.

Small mineral veins are not micro mineral veins, and the amount of spiritual stones harvested from a spiritual stone mine is calculated in tens of millions.

Coupled with the spirit stones and spirit stone veins later traded with various Tiger Pattern tribes, the Chu family's massive spread of spirit stones has been continuously replenished.

Moreover, when the Chu family was clearing land in the ruins, they also discovered many veins of spirit stones, and even now they are still mining a lot of them.

But Chu Xuanhe deliberately misled others.

He just didn't want Sun Ren to discover his various little tricks.

Sun Ren heard all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The Chu family is actually not much larger than my own family.

But look at other people, it takes two to three hundred years to accumulate so much spiritual stone wealth.

Their family, let alone occupying this medium-sized world for five or six hundred years, only has a net worth of tens of millions of spiritual stones.

Probably not even a fraction of the Chu family's.

In this way, their family is still the most prosperous among similar families.

With just such a comparison, Sun Ren understood why the Chu family was unwilling to obey the chief manager at all costs.

Who wants to be exploited maliciously? One thing after another is annoying to death.

Especially since they are used to being free.

I heard that other families from the same realm as the Chu family are also very wealthy. He is also not willing to follow the arrangements of the Grand Steward's Office.

Although they did not resist on the surface, they resisted in various ways secretly.

I heard that among those families, spirit stone coins are not used either.

Spirit stones are also circulating.

Look, thorns abound.

"If you want to use refined ore to deduct taxes, we can't make the decision. I have to ask for instructions." Sun Ren said in a serious tone.

"Ask for instructions as you please. If you fail to ask for instructions, our governor will also go back and ask for instructions." Chu Xuanhe said in the same tough tone.

Just give me the ore.

Love so much.

Sun Ren: Why do troubles like this always happen to me?

The General Manager's Office knew Chu's thoughts, and without saying much, they directly summoned Chu Shinian and asked him to go to the General Manager's Office to report on his work.

Just go, Chu Shinian left with his fat son in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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