The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1564 Wild Fun

Chapter 1564 Wild Fun

Yang Hui left with the sample ore, and Ren was furious.

But after he swam away all night, he became beaming again.

I have branched out a lot and started my own business independently.

The new chamber of commerce has not yet opened, and all the thousand-year cold iron in hand has been sold out.

And because the quality of the thousand-year-old cold iron on hand is so high, almost all of them are sold for eight or nine hundred spiritual stones per pound. If the transaction share is small, then it will cost one thousand two hundred spiritual stones per pound.

What a huge profit.

After the deal was concluded, he began to send the delivery address to Chu Shinian and let their caravan be responsible for the transportation.

Chu Shinian also sent the news back overnight.

He admired Chu Shinian's neatness in his career.

It was said that it would be done, and it was done overnight.

Don't discuss anything with him at all, and do some disgusting things to prey on him.

The fastest estimate is that Chu's ore will be received within a few days. Then he can get the money back. The Turin Stone he wanted this time.

There is no way that the Chu family doesn't want the spirit stone coins.

A few more days passed quickly. The chief manager was still hanging on to Chu Shinian, neither summoning him nor letting him go.

The Chu family's caravan began to deliver goods.

A large amount of Millennium Cold Iron was delivered to the place.

Yanghui naturally started to collect money.

After more than half a month passed, Yang Hui's payment was close to 80%. In other words, he made a lot of money this time.

He could have paid off the debt of 30 billion spiritual stone coins long ago.

Yang Hui called Dong Chuan in and handed him a copy of the information he should have obtained in the palace.

When Dong Chuan saw it, he immediately said, "My lord, the matter is done this time."

"When I throw this thing to the old man, he will have no choice but to do as I say. Speaking of which, my eldest nephew is really imprudent. It's okay to move it by myself. It's filial piety to move it for me. But for my aunt , He really doesn’t want to move so many treasures from my private treasury to his aunt’s house.”

Dong Chuan chuckled.

I express my sympathy for the eldest son of the Crown Prince who is still too young, has experienced too little, and yet dares to do anything.

I'm afraid this guy is dead now.

The prince will never trust him again.

Yang Hui took advantage of the night to return to the palace and met with the old man.

Then he handed over the thing.

After the old prince finished reading, he slapped the table with his big hand and said, "Trash. Fourth, what do you want to do? Just tell me."

"I don't want my treasures anymore. If I don't want them back, there will be too much noise, and my brother and you won't be able to get through it."

The old prince listened and nodded.

"Those treasures are priced at 10 billion spirit stone coins, and then I will hand over 5 billion spirit stone coins to you, and my debt with the Chamber of Commerce will be written off."

The old prince sighed and glanced at him.

"it is good."

"Then you tell my eldest brother the rest, and I won't say anything. After all, this matter involves his eldest son. Father, you will send your confidants to the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow. I will have someone send the other five billion spiritual stone coins. . "I want to settle the bill with the Chamber of Commerce."

"Okay." The old prince sighed again.

Sure enough, the fourth child's wings grew hard.

He was able to choose to send five billion spirit stone coins at this time, which was obviously a sign of relief.

Got benefits from the Chu family.

Alas, the eldest son does not have this kind of wealth, and the eldest son he gave birth to is still a waste.

Yang Hui walked out of the old prince's study, feeling relieved.

Finally let him finish. No matter what, he is independent from now on.

The princess is still the same as before. Playing pretty well on my own.

I was quite happy to see my precious eldest son back. "A few brats from your family just stole food and drink from me, and even took away the sheep. What's the matter, you know you want to come here? Do you want to learn from them?"

Yang will be a little embarrassed.

He got married early, had many wives and concubines, and had many children.

The older children all started families and gave him grandchildren.

The younger ones are at an age of ignorance. I would go to my grandmother's house all day long to eat and drink.

The princess said, she was so fed up and looked down upon these little bastards.

In fact, every time the little ones came, she would put out her best things and treat them to delicious food and drinks, and take away the uneaten ones.

It is typical to say one thing and do another thing by yourself.

"Mom, I'm hungry too. How about we eat something first, and then you talk about me."


Although the princess said to get lost, she still asked someone to set up a new table and feed her eldest son first.

It's so dark here, and they have to cook and choose dishes. The kitchen was in full swing.

The Crown Princess was so angry that she was beaten and beaten again.

"I know how to waste good things all day long."

The maid didn't dare to say anything after hearing this. After all, the status of the princess is there. If people still have money, they can eat whatever they want.

Besides, the princess doesn't care about the affairs in the palace, she just eats, drinks and has fun all day long.

He is very popular among various royal palaces.

When the prince walked in, he happened to hear the prince's concubine chattering.

"I said, what are you talking about all day long? If you have the ability to fight for it yourself, you can spend it how you want. If you want to be treated like the princess, that's fine. Can you do it?"

The Crown Princess suddenly became speechless.

"If you don't have that ability, just manage the palace well." After the prince said that, he turned around and went to the concubine's yard next door.

The princess was so angry that her lungs almost exploded.

She is such a noble daughter from a noble family, but she is not as good as a daughter from a small official's family from a small family. What kind of bad luck is she having?

Even if her mother-in-law is younger than her, her life is still better than hers! !

The next day, the prince received from his biological father the scandalous things his eldest son had done.

Well, when you move things, you should be careful so that your fourth uncle doesn’t tell you when he finds out. He also lets your fourth uncle get hold of all the evidence and deliver it to the old man.

You useless piece of shit, you have totally disgraced me.

So the prince went crazy and spanked his eldest son's butt at home.

At the same time, Yanghui also completed its settlement with the Chamber of Commerce. With the addition of five billion spiritual stone coins to the private treasury, the debt was cleared.

After coming out of the Chamber of Commerce, he hurried to the homes of his friends who lent him spirit stone coins and paid off the debt of another 15 billion spirit stone coins.

After finishing this, he started to open a new chamber of commerce, opened a new shop, and built warehouses, manors, workshops, etc. outside Yuanzhen City.

The new chamber of commerce appears to be thriving. But it is also becoming more and more dependent on Chu's supply.

However, Yang Hui is not afraid. He feels that as long as he gets through the initial stage of establishing a chamber of commerce, it will be possible to re-establish various supply channels. Reduce or eliminate the dependence of their chamber of commerce on the Chu family.

It was Chu Shinian, and on this day, he was asked to meet again by Marquis Jing'an.

This time, the two of them met at the manor of Marquis Jing'an outside Yuanzhen City.

The residence built by Marquis Jing'an here is very pastoral and rustic.

(End of this chapter)

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