The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1574 Star Core Exchange for Immortal Root

Chapter 1574 Star Core Exchange for Immortal Root

"Everyone is eager to get promoted. If you get promoted, you tell me not to worry." Taohua was speechless.

"Can it be the same? They are still young and don't understand the dangers of promotion. Can I not know?"

"Wait, what did you say? Do you know the dangers of promotion? Have you ever been promoted? No, if you had been promoted, then you shouldn't be able to survive until now, right? I heard that the world where promotion failed is not World Spirit Hiccup Yes, the world is broken.

You're not a world spirit who was lucky enough to be hidden, failed to advance and didn't fall, are you? "

"What are you thinking about? If I were so powerful, how could I still recognize you as my master?" Xiao Yinyue spat at her unceremoniously.

Peach blossom:......

Could it be that I thought wrong?

"Actually, it doesn't matter even if you were a world spirit in the past. Who doesn't know the details? Look at Xiaopang, isn't he also a spring dragon reborn?"

"It was fed the Spring Dragon Soul by you. It was not reborn. It was reborn." Yinyue said angrily. "Speaking of it, the little dragon born from the remains of the Spring Dragon is truly reborn. It's a pity that it has no dragon soul and can't inherit anything." Yinyue has a condemning expression that will bring harm to you.

"If I didn't separate the spring dragon soul and the real dragon bone and turn them into two little dragons. When the spring dragon was reborn, it was destined to bring bad luck to me. Although I didn't kill him, I said I didn't. He won’t believe it either.”

Yinyue was speechless after hearing this.

But she also thinks Taohua is right.

If that little spring dragon is really reborn, not only will it not be used by Taohua, but it will also cause trouble for her.

You are a mere human, but you still want to control a real dragon like me.

Isn’t the most typical example below?

I think it was Taohua who saved the two peaches in the first place. The two peaches also felt that they were immortals. They were always unwilling to surrender and always wanted to run away.

If it weren't for the silver osmanthus tree guarding them, these two might have run away at any time.

"I heard that three old peach trees in your Qingyang Lingtao family mutated when they were promoted to the sixth level." Yinyue said.

"Yeah, they're all over there in the Five Elements Small World."

"Is the mutation completed?"

"No, the mutation seems to have failed. It has become half-dead, which is heart-wrenching to see. It is not completely dead yet, and it is not fully alive yet. The trunks are all dry and the leaves have fallen off."

"They should be really fighting for their lives."

"What does fighting for one's life mean?"

"Qingyang Lingtao doesn't have immortal roots yet. Maybe all three of them have the possibility of ascending to immortality. That's why they work hard to fight for this trace of legitimacy. Their battle will not be over, and they will not fully recover."

"Wait, no way. Qingyang Lingpeach tree can still fight for itself?"

"Of course, why don't you ask the other people who take care of the spiritual peaches, did they wither at the same time? And they also chose the same time to be promoted to the sixth level, and they started to mutate as soon as they were promoted.

And all three mutate at the same time. "Yin Yue said.

"Yes, I also think they are really fighting for their lives." Yingui Baoshu also spoke at this time.

Out of the silver osmanthus tree walked out an unparalleled beauty in silver-white robes.

Looks to be in his twenties.

Taohua recalled it, and it was really like this. "They are both old trees. They are the oldest Qingshan peaches that transformed into Qingyang spiritual peaches. They were the first to mutate and upgrade, and they were also the first Qingyang spiritual peaches to transform into the sixth level. They indeed chose to advance to the sixth level at the same time. But something happened after the promotion, and it suddenly withered.

Half dead, as if the mutation had failed. "

"They want to fight for the Qingyang Immortal Root. This is their only life." Yingui Baoshu said. "Because the Immortal Root is the only one, so if they want to advance to the Immortal Root, they have to fight to the death."

"Can't you interrupt them?" Taohua asked in annoyance. "Don't you hope to get a Qingyang Immortal Root?"

"There is no need to have Qingyang Immortal Root. Taozi has so many kinds of Immortal Roots, why not replace it with that one?" Taohua said.

"If you think so, then I have an idea.

These two peach branches are for you. They all come from the once fairy roots, which have not been revived for many years. One of the peach branches comes from Jiuxian Peach Fairy Root, and the other peach branch comes from Yuze Peach Fairy Root.

You go back and choose two peach trees and bury the peach branches with fairy roots under their feet. They will be dragged out of the battlefield by you, so that the last peach tree can become the Qingyang Immortal Root. The other two were promoted to Jiuxian Peach Immortal Root and Yuze Peach Immortal Root. "

Yingui Baoshu said.

"Three...three immortal roots?" Taohua was so frightened that her eyes widened.

"Hmm, but you'd better not choose to promote them in the Five Elements Small World. And don't choose to promote them in the Silver Moon Small World. Because the promotion of Immortal Roots will draw a lot of the world's luck. They all have a weak background, and they have no foundation at all. Can’t stand the luck extraction.”

"Then what should I do?" Taohua was shocked.

"You move them into a big flower pot and send them to the second floor of the Taiyin Stone Tower."

"Is there nothing in the second floor of Taiyin Stone Tower?" Yingui Baoshu asked.

"No. I treat the first floor as a private vault. The second to eighth floors are all empty. The ninth floor is the Silver Moon Small World."

"That's good. In the Taiyin Stone Tower, you don't have to worry about lack of luck. It's no big deal to draw a little luck from it. After the Immortal Root is promoted, it will also feed luck back to the Taiyin Stone Tower. It's a win-win situation."

Taohua: I always feel that you guys know the Taiyin Stone Tower better than me.

"Anyway, just go ahead and do it with confidence."

I was encouraged by Silver Moon Little World and Silver Gui Baoshu. Taohua also decided to go out and do it.

Isn't it just to promote three old peach trees to immortal roots?

I should be...ok, right?

She found someone to move three large flowerpots, and then Taohua personally went to the Five Elements Small World to dig out three old peach trees, and moved them to the second floor of the Taiyin Stone Tower.

Put all three peach trees into a large flower pot, and then Peach Blossom left the strongest and most potential old peach tree alone, and buried the other two peach trees with the peach branches that were once fairy roots.

As soon as she completed this work, the three peach trees began to extract the spiritual energy and inexplicable substances here on a large scale.

And the more you extract, the more energetic you get.

Immediately after the peach blossoms bloomed in front of his eyes, the person was kicked out of the Taiyin Stone Tower.

The Taiyin Stone Tower was obviously very dissatisfied with her doing such an immoral thing, and ate all the dozen or so star cores she left in her private vault.

Peach blossom:......

I think it's outrageous to exchange so many star cores for the Three Immortal Roots.

But Taiyin Stone Tower would not bargain with her.

I just ate it anyway, what can you do?

Peach blossoms can't do anything.

Taiyin Stone Pagoda gave the reply that he could come to get the fairy roots in ten days, so he stopped taking care of the peach blossoms.

Taohua can only keep quiet and do other work.

Star core, an extremely scarce resource, was quietly added to the important resource bounty acquisition list by her.

(End of this chapter)

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