The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1576 Level 6 Spirit Fruit

Chapter 1576 Sixth Level Spirit Fruit

"For example, I have three daughters and four sons. I have married all three of my daughters to craftsmen's apprentices. Three of my four sons went to learn from Lingzhifu, and the remaining eldest son was also sent by me to learn winemaking. Being a shopkeeper will be over in my generation.

When all four of my sons become independent, I will stop working. Go home and enjoy your happiness. "

"You're not treated well as a shopkeeper?"

"Why is it bad? Our old employer offered me a salary of 1,500 spiritual stones a year in order to keep me. For a job like mine, if I hadn't been doing it for a long time, I would have earned the trust of our old employer. , you will never get such a high salary.

My wife and I also raise ling quails. We have five to six hundred little ling quails at home, which generates a large amount of income every year.

Of course, in the end these years were all passed on to my four sons. Studying is too expensive.

But now it's fine, as long as they all pass the first level of the examination.

I was relieved.

There is no need to continue to be the shopkeeper. This is a laborious job, but as I get older, I no longer want to do it. "

In fact, the shopkeeper doesn't look very old, just middle-aged and capable.

"Then if you quit, do you plan to go home and raise quails?"

"Haha, let's talk about it. Maybe we can raise something else." The shopkeeper laughed.

"Shopkeeper, is it popular for people here to take the master craftsman exam and learn a skill or something?" someone in the team asked.

The shopkeeper greeted them into the private room and ordered food.

While smiling, he said, "Yes, everyone takes the exam. In our Chu family, if you reach various division levels, you can enjoy various preferential treatment. Such as salary and benefits, as long as you pass the exam, you will get it, as long as you are alive. enjoy."

"Is there such a good thing?" he asked again.

"Yes, but I heard that this kind of good thing is only possible within our family. Outside, even if you are very capable and are not recognized, you still have nothing. You can only do it yourself." The shopkeeper saw that they were all ordering. It's a big dish, and none of it is cheap.

I suddenly felt happy. "You can indeed make a lot of money by borrowing orders and making money by yourself. But for ordinary people like us, it is more cost-effective to follow the family.

If you take orders by yourself, it's easy for things to go wrong, not to mention the hard work.

You follow the family, eating, drinking, enjoying and pocketing spiritual stones along the way.

We are not stupid, so we naturally know how to choose. "

Just think of those people who went out with the clan leader last time, who didn't come back smiling.

I heard that the 50,000 formation mages who were the first to leave were also very comfortable, with food and accommodation being taken care of. He also asked the family to rush over to deliver supplies to the battleship and bring back a lot of good things.

I heard that there are people outside who bribe them every day, intending to get them out of the family. But few are truly happy.

Although he was given a lot of spiritual stones, the rules outside were different from the family's rules.

When you work for the family, you don't have to worry about being punished if you don't finish the work. It's really hard to say when you work outside. I heard that craftsmen there were often beheaded because they were incompetent in their work.

It's terrible, he actually kills people.

Moreover, the nobles over there were in a bad mood and killed people for fun. This kind of bad behavior is not seen on the family side.

So everyone talks about it, but almost no one really wants to leave the family.

"By the way, when we entered the city, we found that the main street here is full of shops. There are many people shopping on the main street and the secondary streets. If we want to buy something, where should we go?" "The shops on the main street have a full range of goods and have everything, but the prices are a bit expensive. If you are not in a hurry to return, go shopping on the secondary streets and small streets. The goods there are obviously cheaper. Of course, there is no main street. The goods in the shop above are of reliable quality.

To put it bluntly, you buy a suit of leather armor on the main street, and you say it can withstand a few full-force collisions by star beasts of any realm, and you can withstand it a few times.

But the quality of the things you sell on secondary streets and side streets is hard to say.

Maybe it's just like paper. "

"What? Isn't that a lie? Aren't they afraid that people will come back to settle accounts with them?"

"They have all sold you fake goods. If they could stay there and wait for you to come find them, they would have sold their houses and run away. The businesses on the sub-streets and small streets will be replaced almost every three days. You guys If you want to do business here, you can also rent a shop or buy one directly," the shopkeeper explained to everyone with a senior look.

The group of monks looked at each other in shock.

I didn't expect it to be like this.

"If you have anything you want to sell privately, there is a black market here. It's just underground in the city. If you want to go, I can find someone to take you in. Each person who goes in will be charged five spiritual stones." The shopkeeper added road.

"The nearest entrance to the black market is only two blocks away from our shop."

"Then isn't your black market equivalent to being on the bright side?"

"Hehe, our family doesn't control the black market anyway. When you buy things in the black market, you must keep your eyes open. If you buy the wrong thing, you will not be refunded or exchanged." The shopkeeper said with a smile. “Selling things there is worse than selling things on secondary streets and side streets.

Can't touch, can't move. Only blind selection. You point your finger at the one you like, pay for it and take it away. Just take it away and leave it alone. If something happens again and you say you bought it wrong and want to return it, there's no way.

This is the rule of the black market. If you suffer a loss, you keep it yourself, and if you make a profit, it is also yours.

Merchants who sell things cannot ask for them back.

If you want to cause trouble, the guards in the black market will be dispatched to ask you out. "

"What should I do if I lose my spirit stone?"

"Look for the guards in the black market. They will definitely be able to help you get it back." The shopkeeper replied very neatly.

"If we want to buy some scarce resources, such as heaven and earth spiritual objects, how can we buy them?" the captain asked suddenly.

"Go and look for them at auctions. Rare things and cherished things will appear at auctions. Our family often puts up some good things for auction," the shopkeeper said.

"We came here this time to buy fifth- and sixth-level spiritual fruits. Are there any at the auction?"

"There are people at the fifth level, but not necessarily those at the sixth level. If you stay long enough, you can still run into them."

"Does your family really have a sixth-level spiritual fruit?"

"Yes, but the output is not much. It is said that the fruits of the sixth-order spiritual fruit trees are also rare. Therefore, the mature sixth-order spiritual fruits are consumed within the family, and not many can be taken out for takeout." The shopkeeper said, "It is the fifth-order spirit fruit." , The family has a large medicine garden and has cultivated a lot of it. Whenever there is an auction, some will be sold. ”

"We need sixth-level life-extending spiritual fruits."

"Do you have any elders or relatives who want to live longer?" The shopkeeper responded immediately.

The captain nodded, "My father is nearing the end of his life, and the family wants to try to see if they can keep him alive. After all, the family can't live without him."

(End of this chapter)

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