The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1581 Stealing the Choice

Chapter 1581 Stealing the Choice

"The clan leader is ready. Will you send the puppet over now to take a look?" the captain asked.

"You can send the puppet over now to have a look." Taohua nodded. The puppets of the Chu family have improved mentally recently. It's not like before where you can only rely on instinct. At least I can still obey my master's orders and do simple things.

The puppet masters began to appear and put a large number of puppets into the round holes one by one.

Speaking of which, this round hole is not too small, with a diameter of one foot thick, and even a small flying boat can fit inside.

A large number of puppets were put in, and after about two quarters of an hour, some puppets began to return.

The puppet master accepted that the puppets were also experienced and did not move forward directly. Instead, he ordered the puppets to go to the designated position and let the pharmacists, pharmacists, and doctors do the appraisal.

Check to see if the thing is poisoned, parasitized or something.

Don't think that a lifeless puppet won't bring something back.

There are many very parasitic beings, even stones can be parasitic, not to mention various puppets.


"It's definitely poisonous."

Many pharmacists, pharmacists and doctors have expressed their opinions.

"The inexplicable toxin, which ignores all kinds of metals and wooden soft armor, directly invades the puppet's nerve center. If this were put into a human body, he would have died long ago."

"Is it live poison?"

"Preliminary identification is yes."

"It seems to be some kind of comprehensive toxin, but it also contains active poison components."

"Consent is a comprehensive toxin that infects extremely quickly."

Several doctors were sitting doing various preliminary examinations.

"Are there any parasites?"


"Are there toxins and parasites on the samples brought back?"


"Are the samples brought back safe?"


"Check again the other returning puppets and samples."

"it is good."

"no problem."


"When checking other puppets and samples, you can test whether our antidote powders and elixirs have any effect on these toxins."

"Don't worry, I brought a lot of antidote powder and elixirs."

"Yes, this is a test."

A group of doctors and pharmacists worked hard on each puppet.

As time went by, more and more puppets came out.

It's just that these puppets are different from the puppets that came out before, and their entire body appearance has become jet black.

But at least they all came back.

"The clan leader dropped 20,000 puppets, and the exploration area should exceed a radius of ten miles. In the end, 19,600 came back."

"After the doctors study the unknown toxin, we will launch the puppet tomorrow. You can make arrangements."


Don’t rush when exploring new areas. Taohua simply returned to her temporary residence to rest.

The next day, the Chu family put 40,000 puppets in. This time more than five thousand puppets were lost. I don’t know where I went, I don’t know where I went. Was he killed by something, or something happened.

But just looking at what the puppets brought back is eye-catching enough.

There are all kinds of high-grade ores, such as wind-milled copper, fairy tears, purple sun marrow, gold water stone, green wind stone, etc. And the worst ones are all spiritual mines of level 4 or above.

It's almost like I've fallen into a spiritual mine nest.

"The place inside is a treasure, but the unknown toxin must be solved first." Taohua made up her mind and began to summon a large number of doctors, pharmacists and doctors to come over and work.

When everyone heard it, the clan leader had issued a large-scale summons, and it was to deal with a certain unknown poison.

I immediately became energetic and took the initiative to sign up and apply to come and study.

The doctors and pharmacists of the Chu family are very good at studying various toxins. I think they had studied too many toxins at the beginning. When the family was still in the original world, they took the initiative to deal with many toxins.

After the family entered the starry sky for more than two hundred years, everyone focused on the toxins brought by various monsters that hindered the family's development.

The toxins carried by the monsters in the void are really poisonous.

There are at least two hundred doctors in the Chu family devoted to researching toxins.

In fact, among the doctors who were responsible for researching monsters, they were the ones who died the most.

This led to the Chu family's research on monsters being suspended for a time. There is no way that too many doctors have died and no one wants to work anymore.

However, Taohua still felt that she should invest more in training more doctors to study monsters.

Because if they don't study them, the Chu family will suffer greater losses in the void.

It was really a life-and-death situation at that time.

Sometimes the entire Lingshan Mountain or the entire base is overturned.

The invasion of monsters is simply pervasive.

There are also various parasites and various types of pollution.

The multiple bloody deaths of the family also shocked many doctors and pharmacists, who made them put on their shirts again and return to the research of toxins.

Peach Blossom also trained a large number of doctors and pharmacists in due course. He really did not hesitate to dig out more capable doctors and pharmacists to enrich their knowledge, and also selected and unearthed the talents of particularly talented doctors and pharmacists back to the Chu family.

At that time, Taohua specially sent people to find out that there were many famous doctors and pharmacists in the world, so she went to secretly select the seedlings, then dug them back and cultivated them herself, and finally stayed in the Chu family.

Especially those worlds with large medical sects nearby are the best places that Taohua and the others secretly select.

Anyway, most of those chosen by those sects are outstanding disciples with status, background, and family heritage.

As for those young people from poor backgrounds, they mostly ignored them.

But Taohua likes it.

So she chose secretly.

Anyway, in the name of finding some chamber of commerce or shop that wants to train some apprentices of doctors, pharmacists, and alchemists, it is to select a large number of people.

As long as it is a good seedling, the whole family will take it away.

What do you mean those big sects won’t find out?

Even if it is discovered, it will not be ignored.

Mortals are like grass to them, and they always grow up one after another anyway.

On the contrary, the sect's resources are indeed limited.

In certain periods of time, it is impossible to cultivate too many outstanding children. So who can be trained?

No need to think about it?

Those with inherent interests will not give away their privileges and interests.

It is really difficult for a child from a poor family to stand out in a big sect.

Of course, if you are particularly outstanding and have amazing talents, it doesn't matter where you are, because there will always be someone who sees your talents and promotes you.

But most disciples from poor families don't even have a chance to show off their talents. Naturally, it is easy to be secretly picked up by Taohua and Chu.

For some big sects and giant sects, it doesn't really matter to them, that is, the children of poor sects who have passed away and have nothing to do and have to train from scratch. Love to walk around.

(End of this chapter)

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