The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1583: Excerpts and big ornaments

Chapter 1583: Excerpts and big ornaments

Taohua returned to the cave and found Chu Shinian holding her youngest son.

"Why are you here? The Dragon Emperor didn't summon the governors from various places to help?"

"It was summoned. But our general manager blocked it for me. He said that the world of Qingze here is basically empty, there are not enough elite soldiers, and our Chu family is too small, with hundreds of thousands of people. Where can we afford to send troops?

So I was withdrawn from the governor who sent troops.

Let me stick to the big world of Qingze.

I heard he ran away on his own. "

Taohua repaid the fat boy who waved at her fiercely.

Good guy, in less than a month since we last met, this kid must have gained more than five pounds.

"Is the Chief Manager afraid that you will gain favor after meeting the Dragon Emperor?" Taohua thought for a while, then she thought that this might be the reason.

"It's not like I'm so amazingly handsome, how could he be so sure that the Dragon King would favor me?" Chu Shinian said with a smile.

"He must be more familiar with the Dragon King than we are. Maybe that's what he's worried about."

Chu Shinian was stunned, "Then he will still prevent me from meeting the Dragon Emperor in the future?"

"Probably. I haven't seen what Ding Mo is capable of yet. Maybe he rose to the position because of Xing Jin."

Xingjin is a sharp-tongued and eloquent official who came to power through flattery.

"If Xing Jin can advance to the position of general manager, then this Ding Mo also has a hand."

"That's why he is more afraid of you who is similar to him, or of the same style. I guess he doesn't want you to follow this path."

After hearing this, Chu Shinian nodded in approval.

"It is impossible for the Dragon Emperor to pamper a large number of Xingjin's ministers. The truly capable ministers in the court cannot tolerate too many Xingjin ministers. Besides, Ding Mo doesn't want to be a member of the Dragon Emperor. Then this Xingjin only I'm afraid it's due to fate.

I'm afraid he won't get much of the Dragon King's thoughts.

If you succeed in gaining a foothold next to the Dragon King.

Then he was destined to be kicked away.

The position of the general manager or the core members of a certain force will all be reduced to nothing. "

"Hehehe." Chu Shinian sneered after hearing this. "I suddenly felt motivated to play with him again."

"Then you should hurry up and make a tearful statement, saying that you failed to follow the emperor and make great achievements, and your experience is a regret in your life.

Even if there is a chance to follow my emperor again in the future, I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Then you insist on saying that you can't go, you can't pay homage to Tian Taiyan, you can't serve His Majesty in front of and behind the horse, and you just burst into tears.

Just say that Your Majesty is the greatest hero in your heart, and your brilliance is unparalleled in this world.

Therefore, because my family is small and I have no troops, I cannot follow Your Majesty to show off your power to the demons. I feel so uncomfortable and sad that I simply cannot control myself. "

Chu Shinian listened to Kuanghan.

"Isn't this a bit too licky?"

"Why do you suddenly don't understand? If you want to be lucky, you have to kneel down and lick clearly. The more clearly you kneel and lick, the more clearly and clearly the Dragon King will think you are cute.

He doesn't need people with clones and all kinds of schemes in front of him.

That is what the senior ministers of several dynasties should do.

We are just a little newbie.

As long as you make your thoughts clear, your Majesty will be able to think of you.

You pass this fold to Lao Song. Maybe you can get promoted and make a fortune again. "

"What?" Chu Shinian was shocked.


"Then why don't you write a copy for me and I'll copy it?" "That's okay. Come and hold your precious fat son, I'm going to do something serious."

Chu Shinian: Didn’t I do the right thing?

Raising a son is also my main business, okay?

"By the way, Yang You will have a son who looks good, but he is not a legitimate son, but a concubine. He wants to marry our family. He even sent someone to propose it. What do you think?" Chu Shinian turned out to be a fat son, while looking at it Taohua wrote the note while asking casually.

"Marry one of the eldest brother's daughters. Who do you think is suitable?"

"The boss of your uncle's family, I think. I think that girl is thoughtful and stable."

"Do you think Yang Hui's concubines are suitable for them?"

"What's wrong with the concubine? It's better to be a concubine. If he is a legitimate son, I'm afraid he will have to squat in Wenlan Tianyu for the rest of his life. But after the separation of the family, the concubine will become an ordinary clan. Ordinary clans can be officials, as long as they develop well, Going to Shenjing to be an official is not much better than staying in Wenlan Tianyu."

The more Chu Shinian became familiar with various things in Longting, the more he felt that in the clan, the concubine had a better future.

First, there is no title in the family to inherit. Even if the family is divided, the legitimate sons still feel that they can inherit.

Just like Yang Hui, the legitimate son, although the family has not yet been separated, has already become independent. The family will definitely separate in the future. Therefore, the old prince gave his son the application form for the knighthood early.

There is definitely no chance for the county prince. He is far from the Dragon King's bloodline, but it is still possible to hire a duke for his son.

Yang Hui can also get some titles for his legitimate sons in the future, but I'm sorry for the bastards and can't care about it at all.

"If his bastard is smart, he will take the initiative to get close to his uncle and me.

If she wasn't smart, that girl would probably make him die young. "

Taohua chuckled after hearing this.

"Marriage is okay, but let them meet first. If not, forget it." Taohua said.

Although the Yanghui family is a clan, it is said that the real marriage was between their family members.

But Taohua is not the kind of person who wants to try to get rich in your family.

If her nieces hadn't been thinking that way, she wouldn't have helped them find candidates.

"Okay, let's see. Rang Yang will give his son to us all to see." Chu Shinian was pulled away by his youngest son, playing and walking with him. He said with a smile.

I was so full of peach blossoms that I wrote the note.

After writing, place it on the desktop. Waiting for Chu Shinian to come and see it when he has time.

Xiao Junzhuo got tired of staying in the house for a while and took his father out for a walk.

This broken place is covered with rocks above and below. This is an underground cavity.

Even the courtyard of the cave was not very bright, it was very dark.

Taohua himself is not willing to go shopping.

This was the first time that Xiao Junzhuo saw such a dark sky, and he felt quite emotional.

The thief playing in the yard is working hard.

His laughter could be heard all over the yard.

Chu Shinian couldn't stop laughing.

This kid is much stupider than his brother when he was a child, and he doesn't know if he will be smarter when he grows up.

Several senior members of the Chu family who came to work heard that Chu Shinian was here, and they also came to pay their respects. As a result, I saw the little boy from the clan leader's family playing wildly with Chu Shinian.

If he couldn't see Chu Shinian when he turned around, he would look back for someone. Then he dragged Chu Shinian to where he was playing.

Chu Shinian was like a big ornament that had to be placed where he could see it.

(End of this chapter)

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