The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1601 Ghost Fern

Chapter 1601 Ghost Fern

"Anyway, those two hot spring mouths are still going out, so let us people continue to get water." Taohua said decisively.

"I think so." Chu Shinian also thought it was okay.

The huge volcanic lake has suffered a disaster, and its water is constantly being taken away. Water levels continue to fall.

Soon the water level dropped by more than 100 meters.

A big rock came out of the water at this time.

It seemed to have been cut open by something, and some mysterious words were carved into the neat and smooth sections.

This kind of writing is unknown to everyone.

But it doesn't matter, Peach Blossom has a lesson from Qitian.

Qi Tianjian scanned the text and automatically translated it for Taohua.

"This place is said to be a vast and boundless world. Then one day, the sky shattered and aliens invaded. Their home was destroyed, and the originally deep and vast ocean was swept away. Without the ocean, there are only continents left on this continent, and some Underground water veins.

I don’t know how long it will take to regain my old outlook.

These former ocean overlords can only survive in small lakes formed by springs.

However, the aliens who came down from the sky still refused to let them go. The war was about to break out. It felt that it would not be able to survive anymore, so it left its last words on this stone, hoping to be seen by the descendants of its own tribe.

It also left a treasure in this boulder, hoping that the descendants of the clan would take it away. "

"Is there a treasure in this boulder? Do you want me to dig it open?" Chu Shinian turned to ask his wife.

"He used his own magic to polish that stone into a plug that blocked a large magma jet. As long as we move the stone, the plug will be broken, and the magma will erupt and destroy this place. At least they will be destroyed. The bones were turned into ashes and buried here.

Whether we can survive or not is not considered at all. "

Taohua said helplessly.

"What? So insidious?" Chu Shinian said speechlessly.

"How naive and cute a guy who can become the overlord of the ocean can be. This guy probably doesn't have any descendants of his own. Even if he does, he should be planning to die with him in battle. That's why he left this trap.

Just to feed the greedy guys and then bury them all.

It is quite sad to think that it is calculating against others just to find a suitable cemetery for itself. "

"Those who are plotted by it are just sad."

"It's just greed." Taohua said with a smile.

"Then we just leave this big stone alone?" Chu Shinian asked.

"No, ask the family formation master to come over and strengthen the seal of the magma outlet here. It must be sealed tightly. The water in this big lake will be of great use to the family in a short period of time. It is indispensable."

"I know, I'll let someone arrange it."

The water level in Crater Lake continues to drop.

More bones exposed.

After the water level of the lake dropped by four hundred meters, the bottom of the lake was already faintly visible.

This is a big lake. Although the water surface looks very vast, after all, it is only formed by the accumulation of water from two springs. The water depth is less than 500 meters. The deepest point is the two springs, which are about 600 meters deep.

In addition to the two hot spring mouths, there is also an underwater cave. The guards controlled the puppets to enter the cave, and also installed the magic weapon Mingguang Bead inside the cave.

The entire cave interior was illuminated like daylight.

When you walk into this water hole, you feel like you are walking upwards. Sure enough, not long after walking, there was no sign of moisture on the ground. Starting to get dry.

After walking for about two miles, everyone saw another large cave.

This cave is very large, and it is a huge underground cavity.

Its interior is very dry, but there are still signs of being submerged in water on the surrounding stone walls.

At the bottom of the cavity, a broken space portal still shone with an almost undetectable white light.

"Hey, it's just a small space? Is it still there?" Chu Shinian hurried over in three steps. After careful inspection, he said, "It's okay. This turned out to be a small blessed place. The results of the space inside are relatively stable for the time being. It won't collapse for a moment.

Want to go in and have a look? I think there should be nothing inside. "

"It's better to go in and have a look. I've never seen such a dilapidated blessed land. It's just a good time to go in and have a look." Taohua said.

"That's okay. Everyone, be careful when you go in. Although this blessed land is in ruins, who knows if there is anything alive inside?"

Upon hearing this, many guards became more vigilant.

As a result, as soon as everyone entered this dilapidated blessed land, they saw numerous black bracken-like plants growing wildly over the entire dilapidated blessed land.

There are bunches of fruits growing in the middle of these bracken leaves.

Each one was pitch black, much like a baby's head.

However, these fruits are completely transparent and colorless crystals. They don't look so scary, but rather cute.

"What is this?" Chu Shinian was also surprised. He didn't recognize this thing.

Taohua didn't recognize it either, so she had to continue taking the Qitianjian to swipe it.

"Hey, this is really a good thing. This is a ghost fern. The leaves can increase the total amount of spiritual power. Those crystal-like fruits can also expand the space of the spiritual sea. They are very rare spiritual plants.

I don’t know why I was left here.

And the fruit of this kind of spiritual plant actually has some effect on us sixth-level people. It's really rare. "

"Is this thing poisonous? If it's not poisonous, let everyone dig it out, seal it, put it in a jade box, and then take it out and transplant it to our Cave Heaven Paradise." Chu Shinian became happy as soon as he heard this.

Who would dislike such a good thing? We must increase our efforts to plant more ghost ferns.

Then let the pharmacists think of ways to refine it into elixirs, which might have powerful benefits for sixth-level people like him. In order to enhance his control over the small world after the sixth level, he really needs to significantly increase his spiritual power and total spiritual energy.

"It's not poisonous. Let everyone do it. Dig them out one by one and seal them in jade boxes and give them to me. After we get out, the spiritual planters will be responsible for the transplantation." Taohua said. If you send the jade box directly out like this, the precious and rare ghost fern may be poisoned to death by the poisonous gas outside before leaving.

"This kind of ghost fern has not evolved the ability to be poisonous. In all likelihood, it was planted in this small blessed land before the world was invaded." Chu Shinian said.

"Well, presumably before the alien invasion, this world was still quite a natural world, and there should be no poisonous air. These poisonous air should have gradually formed after that big change." Taohua judged with certainty.


"Wait for everyone to dig up these ghost ferns. After we go out, you will absorb the origin of this blessed land." Taohua explained.

(End of this chapter)

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