The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1617 Grand Formation

Chapter 1617 Grand Formation

Although many older porters don't want to work, there are still some young and strong boys who are just starting out and are willing to follow.

When they followed, the middle-aged man's face became a little gloomy.

"I'd better tell my boss. If these people don't have good intentions, then our dock here will lose a lot of boys."

"Yeah, uncle, let's go to the Navy to report it first."


More than ten days later, someone went to the Chu Navy to report the incident, saying that a relative had been hired to hunt whales, but the person disappeared and could never be contacted again. When I left, I promised to come back in ten days.

The Navy immediately launched an investigation.

Ten days ago, someone did hire a group of young men, about fifty of them, at the Porter's Tavern.

The navy fleet was dispatched to look for these young men.

As a result, some human skeletons were accidentally discovered in the polluted ocean thousands of miles away from Nanxiang Island.

Still very fresh.

But there were no damaged ships.

The navy immediately issued a warning, notifying all areas under Chu's command to pay attention to find this group of people.

In the end, we actually caught a few arrogant people in a black market.

As a result, this guy's background was exposed.

They come from the great world of Zhu'er, which is not far or near from the great world of Qingze. It is an evil force with a very bad reputation within the world of Zhu'er.

He likes to rob and kill people the most.

Old, young, women and children were not spared.

Chu also made sure that the strong boys who were temporarily hired were used as bait to hunt whales.

Deliberately cutting deep wounds on those boys and letting their blood flow into the sea. The whale, which had long been deformed and polluted, could not stand the temptation and rushed over immediately.

As a result, he was killed by many monks who had already ambushed him.

Fifty boys trapped and killed hundreds of abnormal whales.

After the bulk purchase shop was sold to the Chu family, a large part of them voluntarily withdrew from the Chu family's territory and left Qingze World, just to prevent the Chu family from causing trouble to them.

There was also a small group that refused to leave and sneaked back into the black market.

I plan to have some fun with the spirit stone.

As a result, he was caught by the Chu family.

Now that you know who they are.

It would be impossible for the Chu family to let them go.

Although people are dead, this power must be cut off.

The Chu family did not directly dispatch warships, but instead dispatched a wave of secret teams.

Directly impersonating dark forces, committing murder and revenge.

This force was wiped out almost overnight.

By the way, they also took away the treasure trove accumulated over hundreds of years.

Because the movements were too fast and the murderer Qiangbao worked too neatly, the big and small forces in the world of Zhu'er didn't realize what was going on. This force was gone.

The whole family was also slaughtered, and no old, weak, women or children were spared.

This is definitely a way for underground forces to devour each other and fight for revenge.

Another thing is that the Chu family has faintly let out a certain force that does not take the Chu family seriously and is trying to take advantage of the Chu family. The Chu family simply pays people to do the work.

Almost as soon as the news spread, a large number of land deeds, house deeds, factory site deeds, etc. from a certain force in the Zhuer world were sold at an underground auction in a city of the Chu family at night.

The prices are very low. The industrial title deed that originally cost thousands of spiritual stones was sold for a few hundred spiritual stones.

Mrs. Chu also said that the owner of the goods took action because he felt it was troublesome. Although the price is a little low, it saves trouble.

If someone is not afraid of trouble and takes the land deed, it will be much easier to get the property.

After all, it would take more than half a year for Zhuer World to reissue the land title, especially after the original owner dies. This time difference only requires the original title deed to appear. Then the owner of the land deed is the owner of the property.

De facto occupation, that is called occupation, is not in compliance with the laws of Longting. Whoever occupies it will get out.

And still have to lose money.

Many influential forces in the great world of Zhu'er are involved.

The prices of land deeds and other items have skyrocketed. Although the price was not as good as before the original land deed, it was at least 70 to 80% of the original price.

A total of more than 130 such land deeds were auctioned.

The Chu family earned five million spiritual stones from this batch of auctions alone.

It can be seen that the industry that a certain underground force originally made money from is still quite high-quality.

Then the Chu family conducted an auction for the resources in the family's treasury.

Anyway, keep the useful ones for yourself, or give them to the guys who do the work.

If you don't have any, just auction them off, so as not to store a bunch of useless things in the family's treasury.

There are too few empty spaces in the family treasure house, and not everything can be placed in it.

With Chu's example of gangsters taking advantage of gangsters.

Other dark forces are also starting to take action.

Mainly because I ate it once, and I didn’t have to go out to work for at least three years.

As a result, currents surged within certain worlds.

You eat me today, I will eat you tomorrow.

The black forces are devouring and merging with each other far more than before.

The key is that everyone is bolder.

Of course, this small change will not affect the big shots in the upper echelons of Wenlan Tianyu for the time being.

By then, the Wang family and the Xu family had gradually begun to understand a little bit about the chaos in the Qingze world.

Their cargo ships have been robbed several times. At first they only wanted some cargo, but now the entire ship has been towed away.

Although the loss is not big, my face hurts.

So the Xu family and the Wang family formed a transportation alliance. Arrange your own escort fleet to protect your own merchant ships.

Because of their vigorous attack on the robbers, they killed more than ten waves of greedy and ignorant robbers.

It has established the reputation of his family in Qingze! From then on, no robbers dared to rob them openly.

It's just that large groups of robbers are easy to deal with.

Petty theft is hard to stop.

Many casual cultivators sneak into their territory and steal five kilograms of spiritual peaches today and a hundred kilograms of spiritual rice next year.

The two houses are also sparsely populated, so they cannot be guarded at all.

A mortal cannot defeat a monk. Even low-level monks are beyond the reach of mortals.

Besides, it’s just petty theft.

Anyway, you didn't build a defensive formation covering the entire island.

If you create such a terrifying formation like the Chu family, you will be turned into ashes if you force your way through.

We won't come either.

Are the Wang and Xu families unwilling to cultivate?

Even if it is repaired, it cannot be sustained for a long time.

A large-scale defensive formation is not that easy to set up.

The larger the formation, the spiritual stones consumed every moment of operation are calculated in tens of thousands of kilograms.

Who can afford it?

I didn’t see that Yuanzhen City, where the Grand Manager’s Mansion is located, also has a formation, but it’s not always activated.

Can't do it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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