The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1619 Black Market Order

Chapter 1619 Black Market Order

"Then you are too powerful. With the Fierce Sun Talisman and the Fierce Sun Talisman arrows, aren't you going to wipe out a large area of ​​monsters?!" Xu Zhi said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's all the result of the hard work of the family's talisman masters." Wang Wuhui smiled reservedly.

"If you are great, you are great. Brother Wang, there is no need to be humble. By the way, I would like to ask, how long did it take for your family to train such a powerful talisman master?"

Xu Zhi's words made Wang Wuhui stunned for a moment, and then he asked seriously, "Does your family also plan to cultivate a group of talents? Similar to the talisman masters in our family?"


"Then what kind of talents does your family plan to cultivate? Weapon refiners, talisman masters, formation masters, alchemists, etc.?"

"The people in my family have no other abilities, and the most important thing is that they have no corresponding inheritance. Only my ancestor served His Majesty, and he obtained a ship's manual back then."

"Wait, Ship's Book? Is it the Ship's Book that I know? The Ship's Book that was originally placed in His Majesty's study?" Wang Wuhui asked in horror.

"It's a copy of that book. How can my family dare to get His Majesty's original copy? It's not like I'm tired of living." Xu Zhi said speechlessly.

"The birth of a chamberlain to His Majesty in the family is a huge advantage. How can other families dare to ask His Majesty for a ship's book, which can be used as the foundation for the family to settle down and live." Wang Wuhui said directly with envy.

"Luck, this is all luck. Back then, my ancestor was harmed by others and lost the ability to have a family and have children. The family has always wanted our ancestor to find a pure place in the family to spend his life. Who knew that our ancestor actually went to the palace? . He also became His Majesty's chamberlain a few years later.

Your Majesty has only six eunuchs in total." Xu Zhi was also reserved at this time. Who doesn't have some background?

The chamberlains all hold great power and are the most powerful people around His Majesty.

It is said that the Wang family was once glorious, but now it has begun to decline because of the forced separation.

However, his Xu family has a rising ancestor taking care of him. It is considered an emerging powerful family.

So everyone has their own characteristics, and they work together to deal with all kinds of troubles in Qingze.

Of course, the Chu family is also within the scope of their response.

The ancestors said that the Chu family was too strong and they could only join forces with the Wang family to protect themselves.

Who would have known that as soon as they arrived, they discovered that the Chu family was doing a prosperous black market business in Qingze.

It has almost become a distribution center for various black market products in Wenlan Tianyu.

With the rise of the Chu family, the large cities that the Chu family built randomly on various continents became more and more important.

Various black market businesses are circulating around the big cities, and small and medium-sized shops, caravans, and chambers of commerce have all thrown themselves into the trap and fallen into the arms of Chu's big cities.

Products from all worlds are gathered together like crazy.

Scattered away again.

Many specialties in the world are not allowed to be sold in this world due to the suppression of local families and nobles, and they are not allowed to trade with locals in other worlds. As a result, many resources can only be silently hoarded by local families and nobles. in their hands, allowing them to make huge profits.

Like the warm topaz in Zhuer World, the sixth-level spiritual material is one of the best spiritual materials for refining spiritual treasures.

This kind of warm topaz is not only of high grade, but also produced in large quantities in the world of Zhu'er.

It is said that this kind of world specialty should be able to make the entire world rich.

It is a pity that in the world of Zhu'er, several major families and nobles have joined forces to control the purchase price of Nuanhuang Jing.

Anyway, if you don’t sell it to me, you won’t be able to buy it after digging it up.

As long as you can't buy it, the warm topaz in our hands can still be rare and valuable, making huge profits.

But since everyone discovered Chu's black market.

A whole shipload of this kind of warm topaz was secretly sent, but the whole ship was devoured by the Chu family without being put up for auction.

The Chu family used a large amount of spiritual stones and various single-attribute spiritual crystals to replace this ship.

After another boat, there is another boat. The Chu family only ate some as a family reserve.

More warm topaz went up for auction and sold for high prices one after another.

The underground power lords in Zhuer's world were laughing so hard that they were going crazy.

Whatever breakthrough elixirs, realm-breaking wonders, or peerless magic techniques, buy whatever you see.

Buy and buy all the way, swipe and swipe all the way.

Full of nouveau riche pride.

The local tycoons spent all their spiritual stones and crystals and returned to the great world of Zhu'er with their trophies. Then they also held black markets and underground auctions like Chu's, and also made huge profits, although not as much as Chu's. , but the advantage is that this is my own child.

I'd rather earn less.

What? What do you think there are few products in the black market?

Go to Chu’s to buy it!

What kind of products does Chu’s have? In fact, if we don’t have it, we can still ask Chu’s to customize it.

What? What should I do if there are no eye-catching items at the auction?

Go to Chu's to buy it.

The Chu family doesn't have any treasures. If you look at various auction houses, there's nothing the same in the auctions for a month.

Anyway, we just sell the things we bought back at a higher price.

In short, just don’t suffer losses and lose money.

Basically, there will be no loss. In addition to auctioning various precious treasures, the Chu family also auctions bulk goods. It's like a piece of blank talisman paper. Ten million pieces are sold in one shot, and they are not sold at retail.

The Chu family has dozens of types of blank talisman paper alone. Countless tens of millions of pictures were taken every night.

There are also various other products, including special flower pots for transplanting spiritual plants, which are sold at a price of 10,000 pieces.

Anything less will not be sold.

There are more than 100 types of special quenching pots in the spiritual meal business, and tens of thousands of them are sold at a time.

There are many kinds of spiritual wines in each house, and every shipment costs millions of jin per shot. Without this amount, who would be willing to carry the spirit wine around?

Doesn’t it cost us money to do our labor?

Because there are many varieties, and they are not limited to the Chu family or goods, as long as they have been authenticated by the Chu family, there is no problem with the quality, there is no problem with the starting price, and they have entered the Chu family's exclusive warehouse.

These products are equivalent to the endorsement of the Chu family.

If something goes wrong, the buyer can seek compensation from Chu.

Of course, the Chu family has never been used to those liars.

If you dare to deceive the Chu family, the Chu family has too many ways to issue tasks that will make you unable to survive.

The black market owners are also keeping a tacit understanding, and they will do whatever the Chu family does.

After all, the black market used to exist in every world, but in the hands of the Chu family, it suddenly flourished.

So there are absolutely no saboteurs allowed in the team.

If anyone is unethical, kill him.

Therefore, the completion rate of all the pursuit missions released by the Chu family is 100%.

All the forces that were hunted down were completely destroyed.

It only took the Chu family half a year to quietly establish order in the black market.

(End of this chapter)

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