The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1629 High Imitation Spiritual Stone Silver Coin

Chapter 1629 High Imitation Spiritual Stone Silver Coin

"What are you giving up? If you were to give up, I would have told you a long time ago. Can you continue to study for more than a year?" Chu Yinhua rolled her eyes angrily.

"It doesn't look right to me. The joy on your face is too obvious. It doesn't look like you haven't found a way." Taohua said.

"Your intuition is really accurate. Do you still remember the endless sea of ​​white sand you saw when you entered the crack space?" Chu Yinhua asked.

"Remember, why? What minerals did you find under that white sand sea that can solve this problem?"

"No, I directly experimented with that kind of sand. I really didn't expect that those white sands need to be added with a little bit of star silver ore, and they will become a kind of quality that is better than the imperial spirit stone silver coins copied by Ding Mo. A good spiritual stone silver coin.

It is exactly the same as the spirit stone silver coin cast by the imperial court itself, even the white ash that falls after use is the same. "

"What?" Taohua was shocked. "Really?" "I remember that the exchange ratio between Lingshi silver coins and Lingshi copper coins is one to one thousand. If we could imitate Lingshi silver coins, wouldn't we distribute them?"

"I'm telling you, as long as you use the whale suction column to inject spiritual energy into the spirit stone coin in the few minutes it takes shape, the silver coin will be ready." Chu Yinhua said proudly.

"Are you sure you don't want spirit stones?"

"There is no need to use it. Pure natural spiritual stones are more powerful for us to accumulate and expand our spiritual veins. The spiritual energy absorbed by the whale suction column is definitely enough to weave spiritual stone silver coins."

"Then make it."

"The problem is, where are we going to use it after we create it? If a large amount of it is scattered into Wenlan Tianyu, Ding Mo will find it soon." Chu Yinhua said.

"Actually, whether it's silver spiritual stone coins or spiritual stone copper coins, how many stocks are there in Wenlan Tianyu now, how many are in circulation, how much is consumed every year, Ding Mo probably knows a lot. You ask him how many souls there are in Wenlan Tianyu now. He may not know that the stone is in circulation, but he has all the spirit stone coins in his hands.

So he can detect even the slightest abnormality. "Taohua said. "But we can go to Shihan Tianyu to loose coins. When the time comes, we will continue to recover spirit stones in Shihantian Domain, and instead spend the spirit stones and silver coins. Gradually, these spirit stones and silver coins were dispersed.

At first, hundreds of millions of spiritual stone silver coins were dispersed every year, and gradually increased. "

"Will the chief manager of Shihan Tianyu discover it?"

"Don't be afraid even if he finds out. I heard that several mines that can mint coins in Shi Hantian have been dug out. They are now looking for and surveying new minting mines. We secretly scattered the spirit stone silver coins into Shi Hantian Territory, they will only turn a blind eye. After all, if there is a lack of circulation of spirit stone coins in the world, it will also make life difficult for the Shihantian Territory.

After all, if the taxes escorted to the court were settled using spirit stones, then the Han Tianyu would have to pay more than other Tianyu every year, and losses would be a foregone conclusion. "

Chu Yinhua suddenly realized.

In that case, Shi Han Tianyu was just like the Chu family had just arrived on Qingzhou Island. No matter how the taxes are settled, in fact, compared with other family territories, it will be a loss, and a big loss.

In other words, the Chu family has a great cause and can persevere.

But the Chu family also used a lot of grain, a lot of dried meat and various materials, which were converted into taxes.

If you really use the spirit stones to exchange for the spirit stone coins that you are in urgent need of, you will lose a lot of spirit stones.

After all, if others know about your Lingshi Coin, then you can't exchange ten or twenty Lingshi coins for one Lingshi Coin.

The same is true for Shihan Tianyu now.

"In other words, Shihan Tianyu actually doesn't care whether we are drawing blood. They are in urgent need of spirit stone coins now."

"Isn't this obvious? They organized caravans everywhere and constantly sold products from their own world outside. They had to ask for spirit stone coins when settling the bill. At that time, I felt strange. After my secret investigation, I finally found out. It turns out that's the reason. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in a hurry to let you study the high imitation spirit stone coins.

I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise.

High imitation spirit stone silver coin.

Haha, this shows that our Chu family's fortune has come. Let the refiner refine some of this set of things, and then move them to some of our abandoned mines in the ruins of the world.

There is endless spiritual energy to absorb there, and it is close to the Baisha Plain, the source of raw materials. The spirit stone silver coins produced are directly traded on the third floating continent to the caravans from the Time Hantian Territory. "

"I know, I will find a suitable place to build a mint." Chu Yinhua said.

"This matter must be kept strictly confidential. I don't want to be chased by Ding Mo and General Manager Shi Han at the same time. Our Chu family's small arms and legs can't bear the two heads fighting." Taohua said as she was promoted.

"I understand, don't worry." A trace of cruelty appeared in Chu Yinhua's eyes.


Soon after, on Chu's third floating continent, the newly arrived Shi Han caravan parked a large transport ship at a huge port, and then began to recruit porters to begin unloading.

The caravan supervisors on the big ships also came to the bulk cargo exchange at the port with their own.

Under the guidance of the maid, I met the new director.

After submitting the bill of goods and having the price drawn directly, the caravan manager was very satisfied with the new price.

The price of ore has increased significantly again.

"Director, we don't plan to buy supplies this time. The supplies we purchased before are enough for the time being. Can we pay for all the ores this time with spirit stone coins?"

The director was surprised.

"Yes, yes, but we don't have Lingshi copper coins. As you know, using Lingshi copper coins for settlement requires a huge amount of Lingshi copper coins to be delivered for each transaction. We don't want the trouble. I don't know if you accept Lingshi silver coins. ?”

The caravan manager was stunned at first, and then asked in surprise, "What kind of spiritual stone silver coin is it?"

"Ahem, we got it by exchanging it with other Tianyu caravans."

"You... you..." the caravan manager was shocked, "You still trade with caravans from other heavens? What heaven?"

"Does Cangwu Tianyu know?"

"I know, I know too much. Do they also have a space passage leading here?"

The director immediately fell silent.

The supervisor understood immediately, and others could not say anything.

"Then what are the spirit stone silver coins you traded like? They couldn't have cast them privately, right?"

The director put a handful of spiritual stones and new silver coins on the table and returned them to a certain supervisor.

"We don't know this. Anyway, we used the popular bulk resources to exchange for it. The exchange price of this kind of spiritual stone silver coins is only one-third of the spiritual stone silver coins in our Tianyu." The director said. “Our family thinks it’s of good quality.

If it weren't for the caravan coming over from your side, who didn't like to use spiritual stones and various supplies to settle the matter, and insisted on using spiritual stone silver coins to settle, we wouldn't have gone to such trouble to exchange these spiritual stone silver coins. "

The supervisor smiled awkwardly. However, after carefully examining the silver coins, he was immediately happy.

 Tomorrow's update will be in the evening as well. It will be normal the day after tomorrow.



(End of this chapter)

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