The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1642 The belated soul-killing cannon

Chapter 1642 The belated soul-killing cannon

"The Moon Spirit clone is not as useless as you think. The clone is extremely useful. You can venture into all kinds of dangerous places, and you can regroup after death. If your mother had a Moon Spirit clone earlier, That’s where you can get even more good stuff.”

Taohua remembered that in her previous life, in order to get rid of the fishing technique and the Baihuatian Bible, she had to dive into dangerous places with no life or death almost every day. She would rather die in a dangerous place where her soul may never be reincarnated, than let herself be caught like a fish.

Anyway, the last resort is to self-destruct.

After self-destruction, everyone is in trouble, and no one wants to get it.

Who knew that in that desperate situation, I would still be waiting for the opportunity to reshape the world.

What a blessing, God’s own daughter.

Chu Junshu thought that her mother was talking about the time when the Chu family had just risen, and the borderland was full of opportunities at that time.

It's a pity that there are more dangers. If he has a moon spirit clone, ahem, he might really be able to get more good things.

"Ahem, but I still think that in terms of power alone, my fifth magical power, my mother, is definitely superior in combat power, the soul-eating hand. Teaching that white-bone beast actually frightened it into submission in one go. Otherwise, Our family still doesn’t know how many people will die before it can be solved.”

Taohua laughed directly, "Do you really think that our family really started with a few monks? Our family has always relied on various utensils. The giant white-bone beast looks big, but can it watch the battleship cannon? Come on Gojo A single soul-killing cannon attack from a small or medium-sized warship would kill or injure it a hundred times.

You, you, you have gone astray.

Our Chu family has no intention of finding a way out by cultivating particularly powerful masters. "

Chu Junshu's face turned red after hearing this.

Somewhat shy.

"Masters, sometimes they can indeed play a big role. But manpower is limited after all. But the ability of artifacts is indeed unlimited. A thousand soul-killing cannons are dispatched at the same time. Believe it or not, even the ninth-level monks will be scared. Gotta run away."

Chu Junshu thought for a moment and nodded.

He has seen the soul-killing cannon take action.

The soul-killing cannon originated from the soul-killing arrow.

The Chu family probably invested nearly two hundred years in research before developing the soul-killing cannon. However, once this kind of large battleship gun was developed, it was like opening up a path, and now it has been transformed and evolved to the eighth version.

The functionality is also at least a hundred times greater than the original version.

To be honest, the family invested too much in researching the soul-killing cannon. Keep investing without seeing results, keep investing, keep investing. Those who have poor mental ability to withstand pressure may have given up long ago.

Who can persist like his mother for nearly two hundred years?

Even a certain soul-destroying cannon can be researched.

If it weren't for the fact that my mother's prestige in the family was too high, she would always stick to her word.

As a result, the most powerful elders in the family who dare to yell at a few family heads at their own dinner tables are considered prodigal sons.

If it were him, he would either be forced out of office in a panic, or he would have to bear the huge losses to his family and resign himself.

In short, the result will not be very good.

In his father's words, it is the difference between the first generation of family pioneers and the second generation of successors.

No matter how talented and capable I am, I will be outshone by the mothers of the pioneer generation.

Of course, the halo of his biological mother will also surround him and his descendants. As long as they are not too confused and stupid, the position of the leader of the family will not fall behind other branches.

In fact, his father can also be a pioneer.

It's a pity that his father was raised crookedly by his mother back then.

Ahem, it's actually the secret guard system that feeds them crookedly.

The elders in the clan say that my father, who had the aura of a cold-blooded tyrant and butcher, was also the leader of the secret guards. Many Chu clan members were extremely afraid of him. Everyone was speculating that this might not be a tiger that could backfire on the clan.

As a result, the tiger was taken in by his own mother.

It has completely become a house cat.

He also raised it by himself, and he had to keep it even while he was kneeling.

What else to do?

Let his father out...

"Why are you letting me out?" Chu Shinian strode over. He had been asked away by his confidants for a while to deal with some urgent matters. No, as soon as he came back and walked closer, he heard his son whispering about letting him out...

"This kid probably has a misunderstanding. He always feels that the family has to rely on great experts to survive. I told him that manpower sometimes runs out, but artifacts can develop infinitely. He probably hasn't turned around for a while."

Taohua also heard her son whispering about letting his father out.

Let it out? Where to put it?

What a stupid son.

Chu Shinian also laughed after hearing this.

This kid keeps coming up with his thoughts every day, which is really not easy to worry about.

"Hey, it's so hard to raise a son. It would be great if all three of our children were girls." Chu Shinian felt that he might be a little unlucky. Otherwise, why would we only get one opportunity among three little cotton-padded jackets?

"Who's to blame for this? Do you want to blame me?" Taohua was immediately unhappy.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's all my fault." Chu Shinian quickly lowered his head and apologized. Why are you being serious with your wife? If you are serious, you are a fool.

Chu Junshu bared his teeth: I am speechless, I just feel it hurts my eyes.


Taohua appeared in front of the white-bone beast again, and both parties breathed a sigh of relief.

People from the Chu family have always been mining here, harvesting various high-level ores.

Ever since they knew that the underground of those hills was probably where the original sect of the Sea Python alien race was located, everyone became excited. Digging hard, ahem, mining.

Profits are also getting higher and higher.

Of course, I pass through magma channels more and more often.

In order to prevent the magma from affecting their mining, the family sent earth masters and formation masters in to find a way to guide the magma out.

Don't always get in the way of their mining.

With so many important members of the Chu family coming in, if the Bone Soul Clan really took advantage of her absence to kill him, the Chu family would probably suffer losses.

Fortunately, the other party is not that crazy.

Bei Feng, the White Bone Soul Clan member, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

I was secretly glad that I was more tolerant. Otherwise, if it breaks out, the female human in front of me might really be able to kill it.

"You're here just in time, can you help me pull out this pillar above my head. It's really in the way, and it can easily affect me. If I am contaminated and lose my mind, I don't know what I will do. ”

"Whatever you want, anyway, before you do anything, as long as I find you have lost your mind, I will kill you directly."

Bei Feng of the White Bone Soul Clan:...

"But the pillar on your head is really not suitable for sticking on your head all the time. Don't worry, I brought a new big puppet this time, designated to be able to fix the pillar on your head."

(End of this chapter)

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