The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1649 Catch

Chapter 1649 Catch

"This is too contrary to common sense. Our warships cannot do this kind of jump. How did their warships get so far?" Chu Junshu, who was watching the battle through the formation from a distance, was shocked and asked the formation around him. The master said.

A certain formation master was also shocked and delighted when he saw it, as if he had seen some interesting toy.

"They should have installed a few formations on their own battleships. We always thought that it would be impossible to install that kind of formations on the warships. But we didn't expect that there will be strong ones among the strong, and there will be capable people among capable people. .

I will pass this influence back to the Formation Hall later, and all the Formation Masters in our family will go crazy. "

"This should be simulating the bouncing power of some kind of insect." Another Earth Master looked at it intently. "It is truly a groundbreaking method of warship movement."

Squeak, squeak, alas, the weird big bugs make a variety of weird cry in their mouths.

It seems to be interfering with the operations of countless insect-men around it. Let them all rush towards the general's flagship like crazy.

He also took long strides and once again caught up with his flagship.

The flagship jumped back again, running so fast.

But the giant insect-man was not slow in walking in the void.

One after another, they seemed to be running towards the battleship formation on Chu Junshu's side.

The battleships in front of Chu Junshu and others were so frightened that they fled frantically.

For the sake of one and the other, the two sterns collided fiercely.

Boom Boom, he killed several ships by himself.

Chu Junshu was stunned.

Can you do this just to escape?

"Tell them to hide on both sides and clear their positions. Our warships will attack the huge insect man." Chu Junshu calmed down after watching for a while and quickly ordered.

The Chu family's warships slowly moved forward and pushed back the messy broken ships.

Then they were told to run in two directions. The Chu family fleet was going to go up and cooperate with the people of Shihan Tianyu to attack the giant insect man.

With the Chu family's fleet on their radar, the chaos here finally began to calm down.

A large number of merchant ships and warships rushed to both sides.

Completely move the front and center away from the direction where the flagship and the giant insect man are running.

"Prepare the annihilation cannon." Chu Junshu ordered again.

The black gun barrels appeared to be slow, but in fact they rushed out of the hulls of the warships very quickly.

"One hundred cannons, fire." Chu Junshu ordered again.

Facing the hundred cannon barrels of the giant insect man, an extreme white light flashed.

An extremely white light focused on the giant insect man along a special trajectory.

bang bang bang...

A hundred gorgeous green blood flowers bloomed directly on it.

If the bug was too big, the window as big as a washbasin, from front to back, could directly sieve the big bug.

Suddenly the expression of a certain general in the flagship changed.

"Tell them to stop, otherwise they will explode. Without the exotic treasure, how can we explain to His Majesty?"

He had just finished explaining, and before the attendant could give the order, the giant insect man screamed a few times and fell down.

His huge body fell into the void, but it didn't fall completely. Instead, he fell down and lay in the void.

The general's expression changed again, "It turned out to be true. That thing was finally poisoned. Quickly, send all the masters up to me to catch it and suppress it."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The attendants started running after the order was sent.

The flagship also flew towards the big insect crazily.

Chu Junshu shouted with a look on his face, "What do you mean? Why are you so mean? I just hit you, why did you fall to the ground?"

Do you want to get into trouble? Chu Junshu quickly took care of his flagship and rushed forward.

Want to see what's going on?

As soon as he moved, the thoughtful people around him began to come over to watch the fun.

However, there are experts from the General Manager's Office here, so if you want to watch the fun, you can't get there.

At this time, I saw if a few people with status could join in.

Everyone focused their attention on several warships of different colors that dared to rush close.

However, although Chu Junshu wanted to watch the excitement, he did not dare to run out and join in to watch.

He still wants to die!

As a small fifth-level man, he still hid in the battleship for safety.

Sure enough, a few unlucky guys, despite their high cultivation, immediately screamed and looked like they were being controlled as soon as they fell into the giant's body.

Start attacking your companions who come down.

Only the seventh-level masters would not be controlled. They took some special treasures and rushed into the giant's head along the giant's nostrils, ears and mouth.

Bang bang bang, the giant still has protective power in his body.

The battle inside was very fierce, and from time to time a piece of the giant's skin was broken.

The dense insect nests under the skin were exposed.

All kinds of insects crawled over quickly, sacrificing their bodies to the exotic treasure, converting the emerald-colored substance, and quickly filled the defects.

The hundreds of large penetration holes originally blasted by the Chu family's annihilation cannon have now been patched up. Although it looks different from the surrounding skin, the patches are all green. But this green color is the same thing as the surrounding insect skin! !

They are all transformed from insects.

It makes everyone's scalp numb when they see it.

Everyone in the Chu family felt a chill in their eyes.

The general was in a state of panic.

Many sixth-level masters died.

But catching the exotic treasure has now seen the light of day, and a big world will still be lost, if this exotic treasure is not caught in the end. Then he can no longer be a general.

With a gritted teeth and a cruel heart, the general also went into battle in his own body. He took the treasure that the chief steward had given him personally and rushed into the insect man's head.

About three more hours passed.

Chu Junshu and others saw the embarrassed and injured general coming out with a group of masters.

There are a lot of people missing, even the seventh level is missing five people.

This is the first time since the battle began that the seventh level has been lost.

The insect finally became honest. Under the control of a small tower in the hands of the general, it gradually transformed from an insect man into the shape of an insect. Then it gradually shrank. Finally it turned into a fist-sized emerald green transparent bug.

The general sealed him directly into a jade box with a large number of runes engraved on it. Even so, the general was still uneasy and sealed more talismans on the outside of the box.

And every talisman is high-level.

He didn't dare to hold on to this troublesome thing.

It must be sent away quickly.

So the follow-up on the battlefield here was handed over to his deputy, another general. He himself took many experts to escort this thing and hurried to the Grand Controller's Mansion so that he could hand it over.

(End of this chapter)

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