Chapter 165

Most of you are hunters, and with guidance, you can naturally get more food.

After purchasing their own new woodland, the crowd dispersed after the slope.

Although there are not many people in the village, but now they have gone out to more than 600 mu of land, which shows that everyone still has a lot of money.You must know that the newly relocated residents have just finished building the house and repairing the yard, and they have spent a lot of money.

Chu Dashan folded the sheets of paper and bank notes that needed a new title deed, and then handed them to Chu Shiluo, "I leave this job to you."

Chu Shiluo directly changed hands and gave it to Sanlang, "Sanlang went to Miyang for a walk, and he did this job by the way."

Saburo complained in his heart: This is the big lazy supporting the middle lazy, and the middle lazy supporting the little lazy!Cough cough, why did he include himself in it?

Shiro snickered behind his back, look, giving birth 1 minute earlier has the benefits of being pushed to work! !

Chu Dashan didn't care about any eye-law lawsuits between the brothers, anyway, just let him do the work.

On the second day after the new village was built, Chu Dashan asked Lin Changge to organize a guard team. They were officially a village, and the guard team also had a formal quota.The young and strong in the village have to report, participate in training, and also participate in inspections.

Those who don't participate will pay for food, and those who are injured and ask for leave must have a certificate issued by a doctor.

Although Chu Dashan forced everyone to join the escort team, he provided a lunch with broth or bones.

This is good!
So even the young and strong who were forced to come to participate in the training did not have much resentment on their faces.

The main reason why the Chu family can provide so much meat is that the rabbits raised in the family have finally started to reap big harvests.Due to the rapid reproduction of rabbits, the number of rabbits in the valley has been doubling in the hands of the sixth uncle.

Now there are tens of thousands of adult rabbits, and this does not include small rabbits.

There are actually more than 1 chickens and ducks in the valley after a few years.

For the convenience of stocking, Uncle Six had already moved the chicken shed, duck shed, and rabbit shed to the side of the lake near the foot of the hill.Sheep pens, sheep sheds, and cow sheds were also built on the opposite side.

Here, there are over [-] acres of luxuriant purple vanilla, and [-] acres of Mercury grass gradually flooding around the shore.There has been no shortage of various green fodder.

Especially purple vanilla and Mercury grass are mutated spiritual grasses, no matter what kind of poultry, livestock love to eat them very much.

The rabbits that have recently passed the high-speed breeding period will be gradually eliminated, and they are just used to provide extra meals for the guards.

Of course, in addition to rabbits, everyone's main meat is the big herring in the lake.It's not the big herring in the small lake here, but the big herring in Bibo Lake.Everyone is fishing, and there is no shortage. Anyway, if you don’t get anything, you don’t get nothing.

Chu Dashan originally had two boats to form a fleet to catch fish, but recently hired two more boats, and four boats fished together.He also purchased five new nets.

Apart from the Miryang Guards and the fleet of noble families, his family's fish catch and reputation in the civilian fleet are among the best.Anyway, there is a freezer at home, if the price at Miryang Weijun falls, Chu Dashan will not sell the fish, and just freeze it into ice cubes and store it in the freezer.

Although there are many fish in Bibo Lake, there are also many fishing teams, but it is difficult for ordinary people to catch big herring in the lake. The main reason is that this kind of fish is too fierce and their teeth are too sharp. No ordinary fishing net can cover them. .

Ordinary fishing nets with five or six layers can only catch small fish that are one foot long near the shore.

In July, the paddy fields at Old Chu Village couldn't bear it anymore.They turned on the water from Bibo Lake, but the water evaporated as soon as it was poured into the paddy fields.After carrying water all day, the rice in the paddy field began to wilt, and the water could not be released. The water level of Bibo Lake had dropped to the point where the ditches could not be used.

It was completely dead by mid-July.

This year's paddy fields are almost fruitless, and many people who forcibly planted paddy fields cried to death.Everyone thought that they were relying on the Bibo Lake of the Lengshui Lake, so it was impossible for the paddy fields to lose their harvest.

But now I have learned a real lesson!
It would be miserable if they lost their income from paddy fields, and soon there will be even worse news.The capital of Zhao State was broken by the refugee army.I heard that the royal family of Zhao State had fled, and the refugee army ransacked the palace and turned it into rubble.

In addition, those branches of the aristocratic nobles who had not had time to escape in the capital of Zhao Guoguo suffered a catastrophe this time. Not only the family's treasures and food were robbed, but even the people were not spared.

Many noble girls were reduced to military prostitutes of the refugee army.It couldn't be more miserable!
I heard that Lishan Kingdom is also in danger now.They sent the prince to Da Song to ask for help, saying that if the Lilishan Kingdom fell again, then Da Song Ding would also die.

Although these words are alarmist, they are not without reason.Besides, the monarch of Zhao State who was exiled to Song State gave his twelve unmarried daughters to the emperor of Song Dynasty as concubines. It is said that the youngest is only three years old.

As he took the lead, the clansmen of the Zhao Kingdom offered their clan daughters to the royal family and high-ranking officials of the Song Dynasty as concubines.

If one is not enough, give two, and if two are not enough, then five or seven will be given.As long as they can take back Da Zhao's land, they can't earn anything back.This is simply a bonanza.

Recently, the emperor's clan and senior officials in the Song Dynasty were very satisfied.

The new and tender princesses of the Zhao Kingdom are really smart and lovely.

Of course, it was not women who prompted Song to send troops. Women can only make people feel better, but they can't bring them benefits.Zhao Guo agreed to cede fifteen mansions in exchange for Song to send troops.In order to ask to send troops, the king of the state of Zhao was simply begging for mercy. In front of the emperor of the Song Dynasty, he cried every day and sold himself miserably every day.

The emperor of Song Dynasty finally agreed after eating and drinking enough.Then let's send troops.

Ahem, finally recruited and assembled enough troops to enter the territory of Dazhao.

A whole army of 70 recharged their batteries and stored up their energy. After entering Zhao's land, it was like a broken bamboo, killing all the refugees from all walks of life.In just ten days, a lot of Zhao's land was recovered.

But there is nothing left on the land that was ravaged by the refugee army, it is just a mess of ruins.

Zhao Guo's prince stood expressionlessly on a pile of high ruins, seeing a large number of bones scattered around the ruins, secretly sad.Those who were killed were almost all the people of his Zhao country.

"How is your contact?" asked the prince.

"Monarch Lishan agrees with your plan and asks you when to do it."

"Can the double of the father be rescued?" the prince asked again.

"It's difficult, the emperor of the Song Dynasty regarded him too strictly."

"It's a pity to have a good substitute."

"Then princesses, where are the princesses?" the confidant next to the prince asked.

"It's time for them to be loyal to Zhao! You have someone contact Gu's second sister. If the Emperor Song really wants to kill her, let her commit suicide in advance. Anyway, she is Da Zhao's first princess. Give Gu to herself Keep your face."

(End of this chapter)

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