The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 1655 Your Majesty is right

Chapter 1655 Your Majesty is right

"As long as the demi-humans are not short of food, the food crisis in Wenlan Tianyu will immediately break out.

Because demi-humans rarely do business with the major human forces, if they are short of food on a large scale, they will definitely have a large-scale famine. But they are not willing to die of hunger. So rioting and grabbing food became their only option.

On the contrary, if the human race is short of food somewhere, there is still old rice to eat.

After all, the large and small forces in Wenlan Tianyu came here by hoarding food for many years.

It is normal for some Chen Mi to pretend to be a writer.

Therefore, by selling food to the demi-humans, we can at least delay the outbreak of this food crisis for a few years. Of course, that’s what I think, but my goal may not be achieved. "Taohua said.

"Huh?" Chu Shinian was puzzled.

In his opinion, Taohua's plan is very likely to come true.

"Mainly because I discovered several abnormal changes. This makes me worried." Taohua added.

"Ah?" Chu Shinian became even more confused after hearing this.

"Look, there are spatial cracks in these locations in Wenlan Tianyu.

They all lead to other heavenly realms or extraterritorial spaces. "

Taohua spread the large map of Wenlan Tianyu on the table and asked Chu Shinian to see a few places where she had drawn special crack marks.

The entire large map was specially marked by Peach Blossom, so Chu Shinian looked at it with great interest.

"Here, here, and here...these space cracks are large and very stable. Very stable space cracks are sometimes not a good thing." Taohua said again.

"Why?" Chu Shinian was confused. "The crack is stable. If it leads to other heavens, wouldn't it be equivalent to opening up convenient trade routes?"

"Yes, it is possible to trade. But there are some disadvantages to opening up this kind of crack." Taohua sighed and continued, "I have been wondering why the people of Longting took the initiative to divide the fifty-odd What about each heaven domain? Is there anything unusual about each heaven domain?

Later, I analyzed them one by one based on the information I collected.

Tianyu, in fact, we can also think of it as a large world.

Since there is a world, it actually has origins and is easily influenced.

If you look at the Shihantian Territory, it was not short of water five thousand years ago. Not only was most of the world not short of water, it was even a major grain-producing area. However, ever since several more cracks were opened in his territory, the border areas began to experience a strange drought.

I found that this is the case in several realms.

As long as there are more than six stable crack channels in this domain, it will begin to undergo changes in its origin, such as drought, heavy rain, or storms.

In short, it is a large-scale abnormality in the weather.

Look, this is the change I summarized in the Shihan Tianyu.

If you look at these records from five thousand years ago, do you think they look familiar? Does it feel like the current Wenlan Tianyu? "

Taohua gave Chu Shinian some information that she had summarized.

Chu Shinian looked at it, then rubbed his head and shook his head, "I can't see it, so don't make it difficult for me."

"However, I understand what you mean, Taohua. Your consciousness is that a severe drought will also break out in Wenlan Tianyu."

Taohua nodded directly.

"If we continue to stay at this time, we will be criticized by the public. Some people, including the demihumans who have always had a very good attitude towards us, will blame us for the sins on the day of the great disaster."

"That's it." Chu Shinian finally understood. When natural disasters and man-made disasters occur, the Chu family will be doomed no matter how solid they are.

"They will even join forces to completely tear the Chu family apart." Taohua said with a gloomy face.

"But what's the benefit of going to Ziyang World? And even if we arrive there and re-establish our clan, once there is turmoil in the Wenlan Tianyu, there will still be people who unite and cause trouble for us, right? "

"No, this Ziyang world is very far away from the space channel. It is simply on the two ends of the diagonal of the same sky.

Besides, there are many sea races in Ziyang World, and they will not be polite to humans at all.

If they come here in small numbers, they will die.

There are many people coming, but we are not dead. "

After hearing this, Chu Shinian smiled, "Then this is a good place to go."

"Furthermore, there are many demi-humans and alien races in the small and medium-sized worlds near Ziyang World. On the contrary, there are relatively few human monks. This kind of environment is much more suitable for us than the environment near Qingze World."

The worlds near Qingze World are all controlled by established powerful forces and aristocratic families.

They are really not very friendly to the Chu family.

"It's really sad to suddenly give up the business that has been built for thirty years." Chu Shinian said with some depression.

"Actually, if I could, I would like to move Qingze away, but it's too big and we can't drag it." Taohua also felt a little depressed.

"Okay, anyway, it's not the first time to start over." Chu Shinian smiled and made up his mind again.

In fact, family relocation is no different from individual relocation. It is also inevitable to leave behind some furniture that is not easy to take away.

"What did the Dragon Emperor tell you? Why did he send you to Ziyang World to be the governor?" Taohua asked curiously.

It was true that the Chu family wanted to run away, but she was also quite curious as to why the Dragon Emperor decided to send Chu Shinian to the Ziyang World.

"Someone got through the Queen's father's network and said that I gave His Majesty the poison to make His Majesty have many princes. This approach is not only flattering, but also suspected of manipulating His Majesty's heirs. Can there be so many princes? Absolutely not."

“But Your Majesty doesn’t want people to think that he gave birth to many princes by relying on me to donate the secret medicine for childbirth.

So he summoned me.

Asking what should I do?

I gave him some advice, saying that the ministers were talking nonsense and dared to blatantly fabricate His Majesty's reputation. Is this because the royal family has lost its majesty, or is it because some ministers covet the master and no longer want to be ministers?

Want to climb onto the Dragon Throne?

Whether His Majesty will have children or not, and how many children he will have, is that something they should discuss and criticize?

Isn't this rubbing His Majesty's face on the ground? "

Taohua snickered after hearing this.

"In short, the ministers I arranged all the way must have had different intentions. Otherwise, His Majesty will give birth to several princes, who will be chosen as his successor in the end, and what will they do?

Anyway, I will do what other people's ministers do.

Anyway, everything His Majesty said is right. If there is any doubt, it is definitely you who are wrong. It is absolutely impossible that His Majesty did something wrong.

I made His Majesty happy all the way, but in the end, His Majesty almost left me in Shenjing. It was only after I cried and said that I couldn't live without you and that I missed home that Your Majesty agreed to let me go. "

(End of this chapter)

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