The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 167 New Planting Plan

Chapter 167 New Planting Plan

It was Chu Dashan who still firmly paid the tax with spirit stones. Isn’t it just a few hundred yuan of spirit stones? He sold the spirit fruits to the nobles and official families in Miyang City, and he made money from these spirit stones. came back.

Although they didn't sell many spiritual fruits, they also exchanged for thousands of spiritual stones, and he still made a small profit inside and out.

While picking and selling fruits at home, two thousand acres of rouge yellow millet were also ripened.The output of one mu of carmine yellow is about 100 catties, and two thousand mu is more than [-] million catties.With so much output, the basement is also crowded.

In addition to the vacated land for coarse grain last time, there is nothing on the [-]-acre open land at home, and there is too much grain at home, Chu Dashan is not happy to plant it, so he discusses with his wife and children, what should we plant?
"Grow ginseng." said Xiao Taohua, who just boiled a topaz ginseng last night and is still savoring it.

Cough, cough, Chu Shiluo coughed twice to hide his smile.

Goro didn't want to save Xiao Liu any face at all, he just laughed out loud, "Taohua, are you planning to have more varieties, and you'll be out of the pot in the future?"

"You said it as if you hadn't eaten it." Xiao Taohua looked at him in displeasure. "Every time I grab the most ginseng from me, you are the one who grabs the most ginseng. Next is dad!"

Cough cough, Chu Dashan turned pale on the little girl's face in annoyance, don't you know if you see it or not?

Chu Qi pursed his lips happily.

"Will the ginseng die after planting grass? After all, the weather is so hot?" Chu Qi asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm also worried about this." Qingmei followed suit.

Saburo and Shiro didn't talk very much, but it could be seen from their eyes that these two guys also like to eat chicken stewed with grass and ginseng.

"The various flowers, plants and small trees in our valley have died a lot, but the grass ginseng at home is not a problem at all. It grows very well, and the ones that were planted early have already become spiritual ginseng. I look at it in a year or two. It will bear fruit.”

Grass ginseng takes about three or four years to bear fruit and produce seeds by itself, while spiritual ginseng takes longer, about five or six years to bloom and bear fruit.The family started planting grass ginseng in the third year of Yuanwu. The earliest grass ginseng has become spiritual ginseng, and now it is four years old.His ginseng is very good, and it is not surprising to say that it blooms and bears fruit a year or two earlier.

"It seems that this grass ginseng is also extraordinary. The medlar tree of the Yuan family outside the mountain is fine, but the wild jujube tree has died half of it for some reason, and now it is sad." Chu Dashan said.

"Tell him to go to Baicao Pavilion to look for jujube saplings. The seeds they sell are all good. I didn't see the seeds planted by our family. Nothing died." Xiao Taohua said carelessly.

Chu Dashan slapped his head, "Oh, I actually forgot to mention such an important matter. I'll go find Yuan Feihu later."

"I said that the ginger planted by Uncle Chang Feng is fine. Uncle Chang Feng also bought the seeds from Baicao Pavilion." Sanlang said suddenly.

"Uncle Chang Feng probably planted thirty acres of ginger?" Chu Shiluo thought for a while and asked.

"No, it's already fifty acres. Didn't Uncle Changfeng buy some more land recently? He also plans to plant some honeysuckle." Saburo said, "When I was invited to his house to kill insects last time, he Jia Xiao Dalang told me."

Xiao Dalang is the eldest grandson of Chu Changfeng's family, so there is no way his father is Da Lang.

"Why don't we plant some common herbs?" San Lang thought for a while and said, "After all, [-] acres of land are all planted with herbal ginseng?"

"I think it's pretty good." Taohua is a persistent supporter of grass ginseng.

The key is that grass ginseng is much more valuable than ordinary herbal medicine, and it becomes even more valuable after transforming into spiritual ginseng.At the later stage, when the aura is strong, the value of a good-looking spiritual ginseng is not much lower than that of a spiritual fruit tree of the same level.

"Why don't we plant more peach trees? I think that snow fairy peach sounds delicious." Xiao Wu interjected again.

Shiro rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "Don't make trouble, our Qingyang spirit peaches are enough."

"It's okay if you want to plant Panlong peaches." Taohua said.Panlong peach is also a top-quality spirit peach, and now there are no spirit peach trees. It is good to plant ordinary panlong peach trees and wait for them to transform into spirit roots.

"You can take a break." Chu Dashan has been picking peaches every day for the past few months, even if he loves peaches, he is tired of it.No one should mention Taozi to him now.

"Oh, shopkeeper Guo is not here, or you can consult him about what to plant." Shiro sighed.

Chu Dashan thought the same way, where did Xiao Guo go?Why don't you come back?
Although Xiao Guo was not there, he still came to Baicao Pavilion in Miryang the next day.Received Song Guo, the servant next to the shopkeeper Xiao Guo, and Song Guo received Chu Dashan warmly.Ever since Guo Peng received more than 700 million catties of Qingyang Lingtao from Chu Dashan, Song Guo has always regarded Chu Dashan as the God of Wealth.

"God of Wealth, ahem, Keqing Chu, are you here this time to sell spiritual fruits or buy seeds?"

Chu Dashan was very happy to be called the God of Wealth by others.

"The Lingguo deal will wait until your shopkeeper Xiao Guo comes back."

"Okay, okay. Then Keqing Chu, why are you here this time? Do you need some sealed jade boxes, jade boxes, and jade barrels?" Song Guo asked.

"I want to buy some seeds. It's already August, what do you think I should plant?"

"We also have topaz ginseng, sapphire ginseng and black ginseng seeds here. It's not good to plant them in this season. Anyway, we can grow whatever we can. By the way, we also have some newly sent back by my shopkeeper Xiao Guo. Seeds, one of which is called red fire ginseng, this kind of ginseng is extremely drought-resistant, the bigger the sun, the better, and the hotter the weather, the better it grows. One is called Jinyang ginseng. Planting Jinyang ginseng is also more sunny, the better, but planting For golden sun ginseng, you have to sprinkle a finger-thick layer of metallic spirit stone powder on the land where golden sun ginseng is planted. Otherwise, you can plant them in places with rich gold. Metal veins or metal spirit sources nearby."

"It's still the old price, two coppers for one seed." Gritting his teeth, Song Guo still sells ginseng seeds according to the price set by his own little shopkeeper of the Bai family.

Chu Dashan was delighted when he heard it.

"Well, give me one thousand acres of red fire ginseng, five hundred acres of topaz grass ginseng and five hundred acres of green jade grass ginseng, one hundred acres of golden sun ginseng seeds, and besides, do you have Panlong peach seeds here? "

"Yes, two taels of silver is one catty, how much would you like?" Song Guo asked.

"I want to plant a thousand acres of Panlong peaches. How much do you think?" Chu Dashan asked back.

"How many peach trees do you plant per acre?" Song Guo asked.

"There are ten trees per mu."

"There are only [-] trees in a thousand acres, and there are about two hundred seeds in a catty of panlong peaches. Your fifty catties of seeds are enough. But it will take several years to grow the seeds until Zhang Da matures." Song Guo said .

"It's okay, my family can just plant it slowly." Don't worry, his peach blossoms will go to give the little peach seedlings a magic package if they are free.

(End of this chapter)

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