The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 170 Beheading

Chapter 170 Beheading
The last time it was 50 catties of coarse grains, and this time it was 50 catties of coarse grains again. The boys of the Miyang Guard Army have a good attitude towards the Chu family.Since entering the Chu Family Valley, each of them has become warm and polite.

Borrowing the open space in front of the Chu family's yard to temporarily store food and clean it up for others.By the way, the larger stones were picked up.

Naturally, Chu Dashan couldn't let a group of boys do their jobs for nothing, so he gave two roasted sweet potatoes that were burnt yellow and fragrant.That smell is so hungry, even when they were about to come out, the superiors worried that they hadn't eaten and could not move the food, so they gave them an extra meal, but everyone was still hungry, so they just ate all the roasted sweet potatoes .

You should know that each baked sweet potato is at least half the size of a human head.All of this was wiped out once, and Chu Shiluo also satisfied everyone's good appetite.

Xiao Juntou, who came from Linbing, ate more deliciously, as if he had been hungry for several days, and he still looked unsatisfied after eating.

Chu Shiluo simply handed them two roasted sweet potatoes.

"Heartburn from eating too much."

"Nothing, nothing, just a few sweet potatoes." Xiao Juntou was not afraid at all, and ate them all again.

Chu Shiluo: "..."

"By the way, they are all coarse grains, and your family's food is delicious. You don't even know that our military camp didn't get much of the 50 catties of grain sent by your family last time. The *ghost was given to the officials as a salary." Xiao Juntou said resentfully.

"Why should the officials be given coarse grains? Don't the officials distribute all fine grains?" Chu Shiluo asked in surprise.

"How much can you distribute fine grains, and four times the amount for coarse grains. Let me tell you, do you want fine grains or coarse grains?" Xiao Juntou asked.

"Fine grains." Chu Shiluo said.

Xiao Juntou gave him a speechless look, "You are mad at me, I know your family is not short of food. But we are short of food in Miryang, many people have no food to eat, so they can only go to Bibo Lake to fish for shrimps, Digging for loaches, shellfish, and fishing. Fortunately, there is Bibo Lake, otherwise Miryang City would starve to death.

You have never seen that kind of tragedy, the refugee camps outside the city are dying every day.The black smoke from burning the corpses was unbearable.What our guards hate most now is being assigned to garrison a refugee camp.Who can feel sick for several days a day and can't eat.

There are also cannibals over there secretly, eating children, eating women, eating old people, they can eat anything. "

Xiao Juntou's words finally succeeded and disgusted Chu Shiluo. "Stop talking, I'm going to throw up too."

"By the way, can you sell me some of your coarse grains? My daughter-in-law just gave birth to my little girl and is confinement. There is no food for her at home. She is so hungry that her face is yellow and her muscles have no milk. My little girl wants starving."

"You still have a salary, and are you short of food? Aren't you in the army?" Chu Shiluo was taken aback. He knew how much food was lacking outside.

"Why is there no shortage? We naturally have food and drink in the army, but our family members don't. They all rely on our little salary to live. But now there is no grain of food in Miryang, and the price of food in the black market is ridiculously high. The family members couldn't buy food, so naturally they were going to starve.

Didn't Master Cheng Ling ask everyone to donate money and food?

Those who donated less were beaten by the city magistrate, and at least half of their property was handed over before they were let go.Those who refused to donate were ordered by our city magistrate to ransack their homes.All the young and old were beheaded on the charge of being a bandit.

You are far away here, so it may be too late to know the news.It started last night, and it didn't end when we left the city. "

Chu Shiluo gasped.No wonder Guo Peng asked his father to donate 50 catties of grain yesterday.He was standing next to his father at that time, and he was as puzzled as his father, but he didn't expect that there would be such a follow-up.

Zhang Wei, the city magistrate, looked wise and mighty, but he didn't expect to be so cruel sometimes.

"Let me tell you, all the officers and officers in our army think that Master Cheng Ling is right. Why do they eat delicious food and drink spicy food, but we have to go hungry? Could it be that we have few weapons in our hands? If Cheng Ling If the adults don't solve them, we will solve them secretly.

Anyway, those people have a lot of money in their families, and they have all kinds of food and treasures. "

When Chu Shiluo heard this, he shuddered immediately.Troubled times are like bandits, this is really true.If there is really no way out, these sergeants have weapons in their hands, there is nothing they can't do.At this time, the more domineering Zhang Wei is, the easier it is for the soldiers to return to their hearts and trust them.

"Then how much food do you plan to ask?" Chu Shiluo asked.

The other party immediately became excited, "At least two hundred catties."

"Then you ask your people to move an extra thousand catties. Just give me the original price of coarse grains before the price increase. You know that my family has nothing else, but there is a lot of grain. There is really not enough food for the family. Don't we still It can be planted."

The little army leader was immediately amused by Chu Shiluo's tone.

"Our city lieutenant, Mr. Zhang, also said the same thing. He said that you are the only ones who can provide our army with a lot of food in Miryang."

When Chu Shiluo heard this, he cursed secretly in his heart, there really are no good people in the Zhang family, and Zhang Xiu, the eldest son of his family, has been secretly thinking about us all the time! !

But he asked with deep doubts, "That's not right, Miryang has many official villages, and there are also many Lingzhi husbands and old farmers."

"Come on, you will die if you grow anything. You are so angry that Lord Chengling is about to kill someone." Xiao Juntou couldn't hold back his complaints.

"Ah?" Chu Shiluo was surprised.

"Really, what you plant will die. Their theory didn't work in our Guanzhuang land. They also said that the land in Old Chuzhuang is good, and they said otherwise, how could you grow such a plant? Multilingual medicinal materials."

"Our Dalang Lord said, what about Old Qizhuang, Sanhezhuang, and Chaoxizhuang? The Zhuangzi near Bibo Lake, we can't grow anything in Guanzhuang. Neither herbs nor food. They all grow well. Yes." Xiao Juntou gritted his teeth in hatred.

"You said that your Zhuangzi surrounds Bibo Lake, and our official village is also built by the side of Bibo Lake, and the water drawn for irrigation is also from Bibo Lake, so why not?"

Chu Shiluo waved directly at him, don't ask him, he was also dumbfounded, what's going on?

"I heard Mr. Zhang Dalang said that he has already sent someone to the imperial capital to find some real capable husbands of Lingzhi. Those of us, let's do that first."

"By the way, I remember Master Cheng Ling also said that he planned to build a formation and elixir garden similar to ours." Chu Shiluo suddenly remembered this matter.

Xiao Juntou immediately said, "I've also heard about this, but Mr. Dachang said that the designation will not be completed for the time being. Now the spirit stone is tense, and there is no extra for the elixir garden to consume every day."

(End of this chapter)

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