The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 172 Success

Chapter 172 Success

"I don't know if his news lines have been exposed. I know that the enemy is strong. It's best not to touch the old things. The safest way is to establish a new news line."

Lin Changge almost vomited blood after hearing this.

"If Feng Er knows that you are cheating him so much, he will appoint you to come over and fight for your life."

Taohua immediately gave him an annoyed look, "What do you know, if Zhu Fenghe had been so cautious earlier, let his daughter live freely over there, and then found an identity to take care of her secretly, there would be no such thing."

"Hey, you're right. Zhu Fenghe shouldn't go back and get to know his daughter again. If he's determined to break up with the past, he won't be caught, and he won't lose the Hengshan Mace." Lin Changge said.

The point is that Zhu Fenghe couldn't survive without the Hengshan Mace.There is only one condition in which any piece can be separated from its master, and that is when the master is dead.

In order to save Taohua's life, they have to desperately protect themselves from being caught.

However, the birth of the Heavy Treasure Hengshan Mace was quite a sensation in the northwest region, but this Hengshan Mace did not fall into the hands of some special forces in the end.Because not long after the Hengshan mace was taken out, another master directly chased them to their lair, slaughtered all the eagle dogs of the opponent, and then walked away with the Hengshan mace.

This incident was extremely sensational when it happened, because it happened in Zhang Yucheng, and it was still in Da Baitian.The battle between high-ranking monks also affected half of Zhang Yu, killing many innocent people and Zhang Yu's noble officials.Even the Palace Master in Zhangyu City died.

At this moment, two of the six prefectures in the Northwest have no Fu Cheng.Many forces that originally only dared to toss in the dark immediately exposed their minions, and the fierce battles caused many people to be stripped of their glamorous skin of benevolence and righteousness.

In Qingyang City Commander's Mansion, Chen Gong has been a little decadent recently.

The Qingyang Guards were well rectified by him, but this couldn't relieve his mental irritability.The main reason is that Chen Shu, who was arrested, didn't talk about life and death at first, and he didn't spit out despite the multiple punishments.

But in the last few days, he explained with great joy how he was bought by the princess.In fact, this matter is also simple. Chen Shu followed Chen Gong because he was separated from his family and was rescued by Chen Gong.

After the princess found Chen Shu's family, she used Chen Shu's family as a threat to make Chen Shu use her.Because Chen Shu is by Chen Gong's side, Chen Shu knows many things.He knew Chen Gong's temperament too well, so he helped the princess in many scenes.

The more Chen Gong interrogated him, the more irritable his temper became.

Especially when Chen Shu looked at him with pity and sympathy!
"If the princess is a good one, how could she catch my family and use it to blackmail me, and make me buy her life and sell all kinds of news about you? Based on your relationship with her, if she really treats you all With good intentions, I sent my family to the Chen Mansion a long time ago, and sold you a favor by the way, which greatly increased your affection for her.

But she didn't do that. In fact, if I don't tell you, you can guess her disgusting thoughts, right? "Chen Shu still smiled even though he was hung in prison.

"She also took me to learn all kinds of skills that should be mastered by a secret worker while you were out on business. Such as lockpicking, ventriloquism, and disguise. In short, she specially found many people around her to teach me, and those around him What a lot of talent.

She has never told you these things, you don't know anything, in your eyes she is clearer than Tianshui Pool in Tianshui Pavilion!what! "

Chen Shu clearly knew what Chen Gong hated to hear the most, but he told him everything.Chen Gong was so angry that he gritted his teeth!
"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because the master told me that the Crown Princess lied to me. After looking for my relatives, she killed them directly in order to prevent future troubles and prevent me from finding them out of her control. She kept this matter from me. Myself. The master gave me the finger bones of my own father and brother.

You know yours, I am naturally sensitive, whether it is my real relatives, as long as I get a part of their body, I will know immediately. "

"Chen Shu!" Chen Gong really didn't know whether he should resent him or he should resent himself.If he didn't have himself, he wouldn't have been brought into the Chen family either.With Chen Shu's ability, he can continue to live, even if he doesn't live very well, he can still live.It is also possible for him to find his relatives, reunite with them, and live a peaceful and happy life, although not very rich.

"Second Master, I thank you for saving me back then. Unfortunately, my life was not good, and I met that kind of disgusting woman. I am sorry for you. I will take a step first. If there is a chance in the next life, I will pay you back this life." After Chen Shu finished speaking, he took poison and committed suicide. No one thought that he hid the poison in his hair.

Hearing that Chen Shu died, right in front of Chen Gong, Chen Dazhi smiled coldly.He said in his heart that the kid really deserves to be the masterwork trained by the princess.In the end, in order to disgust Chen Gong, the relationship between Chen Gong and the princess was actually used to remonstrate.

In the future, every time Chen Gong thinks of the Crown Princess, he will think of the death of Chen Shu and Chen Shu's family. The Crown Princess has lost so many lives, it's only a ghost that Chen Gong still likes her!

Very well, Chen Shu has served Chen Gong for more than ten years, and he is really good at controlling his master's character.

Even if such a person does not die this time, Chen Dazhi will not allow him to stay alive by Chen Gong's side.

His son is a bit stupid, but he is not for you to play with casually.A slave who just learned a little skill still wants to manipulate the master. Is it the courage given to you by the crown princess?Hmph, Chen Dazhi sneered again!

"Father, I want to go for a walk." Chen Gong suddenly said to Chen Dazhi one day.

"Where do you want to go?" Chen Dazhi asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Chen Gong simply wanted to go for a walk to relax.

"Then can you go to Miyang to your Uncle Dashan's house and give me something?" Chen Dazhi asked.

Chen Gongren froze for a moment.

"Xiaoer, your marriage with Qingmei has already retired, what about her Qingmei, you are too narrow-minded to avoid her in embarrassment. Even if our two families are not in-laws, it is still good as a family. You Parents, Chu Dashan and his daughter-in-law had a good relationship back then.

You haven't turned against each other now, otherwise, where did you get the spiritual food to organize the army?
Isn't it just to give something away!Just based on the relationship between our two families, we will always meet each other in the future, how can you still not see him every time?As for?

Of course, if you really don't want to go, forget it. When Qingmei gets married in the future, you won't be embarrassed when you meet again. "

After hearing this, Chen Gong felt even more embarrassed.

"Father, I'll take it there for you."

"That's right, you are a man, it seems too heartless for you to care about such a trivial matter." Chen Dazhi succeeded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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