The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 191 Combat Tool Man

Chapter 191 Combat Tool Man

"You plan to ask me to be your sister's deputy, why?" Lin Changge's eyes were full of puzzlement. "If the deputy is too strong, the chief officer will not only be suppressed in the opposite direction, but will also be hit to the point of doubting his life." He never thought that Taohua would let him help her sister achieve meritorious service and reputation.

Taohua is not that kind of person, unless she has a grudge against the other party.

Find someone to help you brush, and if you brush it for a long time, the owner will be useless. You doubt your ability, enjoy the comfort, and dare not make a decisive decision.Where can I be a chief officer in the future?
"Do you still remember Lady Ling, one of the four commanders-in-chief of the Northwest Migrant Army who wore a peach blossom mask in her previous life!"

Taohua never talked nonsense, so "Well, your sister is the lady Ling back then?" Lin Changge almost dropped his jaw in surprise.What Taohua didn't know was that Lady Ling once led someone to step in and helped him resist a chase, which indirectly saved his life!

Tao Hua's words instantly changed Lin Changge's eyes. "I really didn't expect it. It's so embarrassing. No one has found out about her before."

"It's easy to find out which of the Vagrant Army and the Yaozu is going to follow." Tao Hua said as a matter of course.

As soon as Lin Changge heard Taohua's tone, he immediately started to have a headache, "Please don't put the refugee army and the demon clan side by side. After all, one is a human and the other is a demon."

"But the destructive power is the same. Either no grass will grow, or people will die. Even Lady Ling couldn't completely restrain the entire army. She can only selectively release the inferior roots of the refugee army in certain places." Taohua sided While talking, she analyzed, "Obviously, my sister's previous life was not good. Not to mention her foundation is shaken, she still lacks a whetstone that can sharpen the whole army and herself."

Lin Changge suddenly felt bad, " don't want me to be a whetstone, do you?"

"Besides you, I can't think of anyone more suitable than you. Your family's Slaughtering Blade is a disaster. If you are the chief officer, you will die. The faster you rise to the top, the faster you die. On the contrary, if you hide in the Under my sister's command. That would be perfect, and you can use your strengths to the best of your ability. You don't have to waste time training the small evil organization in the Northwest like you used to.

You were put in charge of Chu's secret business at the beginning because the various positions on the surface were not suitable for you.

You guy is actually more suitable for the military battlefield.

Besides, in my previous life, I ate too much of the monster race and became deflated.I don't have to bring a group of brainless pig teammates this time.This time I will be sorry for myself if I don't get back my account. "

Lin Changge was startled suddenly, "Are you planning to attack the Yaozu?"

Tao Hua suddenly smiled after hearing what he said, and stopped talking.

Damn, Chu Xi, a dead woman, is the scariest every time she doesn't even speak harsh words.That means she has already started a long-term layout.

When Chu Qingmei came to find Lin Changge the next day, she found that the other party was very easy to talk to.

"My father asked me to come over to preside over the teaching of the exercises. I plan to be in the guard training yard here."

"Yes, yes." Lin Changge said that he had no opinion at all.

It is said to be a large courtyard, but in fact it has been repaired as a small school ground for military training.Not only can we organize formations and military formations.You can also practice basic skills collectively.

Every five days, young adults and long-term workers will come to exercise their bodies and practice basic skills.First, fists and kicks, and by the way, did various physical activities, followed by spears.Then came the sword.The last is the stick technique.

After punching a few times, everyone is sweating profusely. After breakfast and washing, they can go to work or do their own work.

The newcomers have a special teacher to guide them, and Ma Yuan and the others have come to this group training.

They were leaning against the courtyard wall, watching a group of about a hundred young men laughing and punching, the scene was really shocking.

The dozens of people flew and kicked together, and the other dozens of people rolled and dodged together, and the angle of the flying kicks was the same, and the landing point of the rolling was the same, so they directly looked at Ma Yuan and others.Then they kicked and rolled again. Ma Yuan and others discovered that the two sides just had to kick and roll with nine different kick angles, and nine different ways of evading and rolling.

The angle of every flying kick, and the way and landing point of the roll evasion seem to have been carefully calculated.The instinct and habit of human stress response have been fully calculated, as long as it is slightly adjusted according to various actual situations, after each flying kick, the angle can be changed slightly to continue kicking, and after each rolling, you can immediately choose the angle, use martial arts, or The weapon once again moved towards the enemy's vital wounds.

This plan is to adjust and polish everyone's fighting physical instincts according to the combat tools!

It will take a few more bloody battles to sharpen, then these young men will definitely become extremely powerful and first-class elite soldiers.

"The training time is a little shorter, and the number of people doing the training is a little less, otherwise it will be comparable to Da Qi's Dragon and Tiger Guard."

A well-built refugee in his thirties watched the training of the young men in front of him without blinking, and praised, "Good soldiers."

"You used to be in the Qi army?" A young man in his twenties walked over casually.

"Yes, I used to stay in the Dragon and Tiger Guard of the Qi Army for seven or eight years. Later, I was demoted to the frontier army because I offended the Shangguan. Afterwards, the frontier army had nothing to do, so I had to flee without food."

"No family?"

"My parents are dead, I'm the only one in my family."

"I see that you are fierce and fierce, and you are about to break through the innate realm of warriors with your eyes full of qi and blood?" The boy who was standing upright asked with a smile.

"No, one is that I have been starving recently, and my energy and blood have never accumulated to the peak, so I didn't try to force a breakthrough. Another thing I heard is that if you break through the innate realm, warriors will not be able to change into martial monks. of the skills.

I heard that there is still a certain difference between the martial arts techniques circulated on our Yun'an Continent and those of martial arts monks.The martial arts of our Yun'an Continent can reach the peak of the Xiantian Realm at most, and it won't be any higher.It's a dead end, no one cared about it before, after all, the innate lifespan of a warrior doubles when he advances, and because he is the top group of people in the mainland, why can't he enjoy it?Spread branches and leaves, form a family of your own, and no one cares about you.

Now martial monks are the orthodox path of warriors, and everyone has changed it.

It's not that I haven't been able to find a suitable martial arts technique, or else I would have changed it a long time ago. "

"You are only in your thirties and you are already at the peak of the day after tomorrow. It seems that you are also a martial idiot. If you change your cultivation now, you have to spend all your cultivation and start all over again. It's not worth it! You might as well go to the Baicao Pavilion in Miyang City to find Song Guo, you tell him that I, Lin Changge, introduced you, and ask him to transfer you to Kedan. After taking that kind of elixir, you only need to practice new exercises within 24 hours when you come back, and you can turn your whole body The foundation of martial arts is transformed into the true martial arts foundation of martial arts monks."

(End of this chapter)

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