The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 208 Chu Shinian is too greedy

Chapter 208 Chu Shinian is too greedy

Zhang Xiu's [-] soldiers began to move slowly as soon as they entered the boundary of Changyang.At that time, Chu Shinian was ordered to enter the Changyang jurisdiction to collect information on the rout and the refugee army, and to open the way for Zhang Xiu's [-] troops.

Chu Shinian took a dozen people away from the beginning, and not long after, he began to send people to contact Zhang Xiu in the rear, and cooperate with the army to clear up the mob along the way.

The several times of cooperation have been very smooth, and Zhang Xiu is very satisfied with Chu Shinian's ability to handle affairs.

Gradually Zhang Xiu felt that something was wrong. At first their army was able to hunt down some rioters, but later they couldn't even see their shadows.

When Zhang Xiu became aware of the abnormality, he sent someone to contact Chu Shinian, only to find that Chu Shinian had gathered the mob, and the disintegrated Changyang Guards formed a strange army on their own.This one definitely looks like an army of beggars.Use everything on your body.

According to this kind of mob, it shouldn't be scary at all.

But the liaison officer who walked into Chu Shinian's barracks felt the chill surrounding him completely.Let him, a big man, keep shivering!

When he happened to pass by the pot where these soldiers cooked meat, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that what was boiling in the pot were human corpses! !
Tens of thousands of sergeants are eating... people!

The liaison officer was so nauseated that he almost spat out. Fortunately, he was also a tough guy who had seen blood and killed people! !

But even so, he could only hastily send a message to his lord, then hurriedly drove out of the camp, and vomited outside.

No wonder Chu Shinian had no use for any supplies, so he directly pulled together a team of tens of thousands of people.

That Chu Shinian was not a human being, but a demon!
Zhang Xiu got the reward, and immediately sat in the big tent and remained silent for half a day.On the second day, the battalion was notified to speed up the speed of the attack.It turned out to be a step too late.When they arrived in Changyang, they deeply felt the emptiness of this ancient city!

There was black blood everywhere, but there was not a single corpse!

Now that everyone knew that Chu Shinian led the troops like this, they all vaguely guessed where the corpses were.

In addition to Changyang, Zhu Ting still happily returned to his dilapidated city magistrate's mansion that was burned down.

But the city magistrate's mansion can't live anymore, someone has to come and repair it.Zhu Ting hurriedly sent someone to find Chu Shinian, and asked him to bring some living people back to repair the Chengling and Changyang City.Not long after, hundreds, hundreds, thousands, thousands of refugees were driven over.

Regardless of their age, the expelled refugees were whipped and driven to repair houses for the city order.Two meals a day of porridge, smoke if disobedient.After being smoked to death, the corpse was dragged away, and there was broth to drink at the next meal.

Most of the troops under Zhang Xiu's command have never seen how they can play like this while working, so don't want to be disgusted for a while.

As a result, Zhang Xiu couldn't let the army stay in Changyang City. After only staying for three days, he returned in despair with a hundred thousand soldiers.

Chu Shinian stood alone on the top of the dilapidated Changyang City Gate, watching them leave with a charming sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Just when the distant team was about to disappear from Chu Shinian's sight, a man suddenly climbed up from under the tower.

As soon as he came up, he clapped his hands directly.

"Awesome, turning your hands into clouds and turning your hands into rain. With this hand, you not only disgusted Zhang Xiu, but also shocked Zhu Ting. From now on in Changyang, you will be the uncrowned king. You are just a weak little girl." A leader of the hidden guards trained by a noble family. I really underestimated you before, but I didn't expect you to have such talents.

Are you willing to worship under my door? "

The man stood in front of Chu Shinian and asked with a smile.

"Who are you?" Chu Shinian asked coldly.

"I'm the head shopkeeper of Changyang Xiancaotang. Feng Shenlou."

"Not interested." Chu Shinian turned around and left.

Feng Shenlou smiled meaningfully behind Chu Shinian, "I will always wait for you to come."

Changyang ordered Zhu Ting to take back Changyang with troops, and the news of appointing a little-known boy as Changyang Captain spread all over the world within a few days.

With the spread of the whole news, Chu Shinian, who was originally unknown, also became famous.

But along with his reputation, his brutality and ferocity, the Changyang Guard he led even eats people.The aristocrats and official families who originally had property in the Changyang area wanted to take back their property, but he would rip off their skins.

Moreover, Chu Shinian didn't have any shame, and dared to use any means.

If you dare not give me food or tell me the location of the secret granary, then hang your whole family up, cut your flesh every day, and see how long you can last.

There is not a single family that lasts a day.

What he did so arrogantly attracted a large group of desperate thugs! !
More and more brutal, tyrannical, or self-knowledge that they have killed too many people, and those who are afraid of being blamed will gather around Chu Shinian.Chu Shilai will not refuse anyone.But if you don't obey, you will kill and eat meat directly.

So a big devil led a group of little devils to roar throughout Changyang, making Changyang a place with extremely good law and order.

They gathered all the refugees from the Changyang area near Xifeng Mountain and camped around Xifeng Lake.

Then drive the refugees up the mountain and down the river every day, go down the river to catch monster fish and shrimp, and go up the mountain to catch all kinds of monsters to eat.

Anyone who dares to risk their lives will be taught the skills of how to risk their lives.

Once the hunt is successful, he will teach him a trick and give him a full meal.

A large number of refugees died directly on the mountains and in the lake, becoming food for monsters.But there are also a large number of monsters that have become food for the army.Eating monsters every day requires hard work.In just over a month, the entire army has doubled its manpower, and its combat power has increased several times.

This kind of elite soldiers who rely on war to support war and honed by a large number of casualties are inherently more elite than ordinary soldiers.

I can see that Zhang Xiu next door has hot eyes and has been getting angry recently.

Zhang Wei laughed and called his son to his side when he heard that his son had been getting angry recently.

"Do you think you were mistaken at the beginning and didn't see Chu Shinian's ability?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiu immediately nodded remorsefully.

"What are you regretting? It's impossible for all the heroes in the world to fall into the hands of my father and son." Zhang Wei laughed.

"But that Chu Shinian is too greedy. Why is the Changyang Chu family so stupid? You can't use it yourself, so you can contribute it to our Zhang family. It's no big deal for that old boy Zhu Ting to win him over. Son?" Zhang Xiu said angrily.

"Chu Shinian was not cultivated by the Changyang Chu family. His level of genius is actually the product of the Chu family's accumulation of thousands of years of great fortune at this time. The son of luck who can't live in his own family. First there is Chu Xi, and then there is Chu Shinian." Zhang Wei laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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