The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 215: Chu Changhua: Being Pitted

Chapter 215: Chu Changhua: Being Pitted

"It's already pretty good, alright, if others want to have it, they can't!" Tao Hua complained to him speechlessly.How many steps is she already ahead of others!How come you can't see it!
"Don't be too confident. Some guys already occupy a lot of spiritual veins. For example, the royal family of the Song Dynasty and the families of princes and nobles, each of them has a deep foundation." Chu Changhua can't see peach blossoms well. hatred.

"What is a spiritual vein? If it has no attributes, I don't know how long it will take to grow from a small spiritual vein to a medium one!" Tao Hua said to Chu Changhua as if she had come here. "Uncle, it's not that you don't know that the spiritual veins recovered in the early stage rarely have attributes. Most of the spiritual veins with attributes have owners."

Either in the hands of some remaining great demon forces, or in the hands of some hidden sect forces.

"It's rare for someone like me to start from scratch and get the Five Elements Land!" Tao Hua said proudly.

Chu Changhua couldn't complain anymore! !It's so annoying, why did he not find such a good five-element blessing in his previous life, but now it falls into the hands of this dead girl?

"How did you discover this blessed land of the Five Elements? Why didn't I discover it in my previous life?"

After hearing what he said, Taohua smiled and said, "Because I gave birth to this blessed land of the Five Elements."

Chu Changhua first said lightly, "Oh, you gave birth. Huh?" Then he lost his voice in shock, "What did you say, you gave birth? This is impossible. How could the Five Elements Blessed Land give birth?"

"Use the Five Elements Spirit Source, and then use the Earth Meridian Blessing Formation!!" The more excited and shocked Chu Changhua's expression became, the more arrogant and indifferent the expression on Tao Hua's face.

"You... Where did you find the source of the Five Elements? You actually have the Earth Meridian Formation? Isn't this the legendary ancient formation that has been lost?" Chu Changhua asked in astonishment.

"Good luck." Taohua said.

"Good luck!!" Chu Changhua watched with toothache, furious. "Why are you so lucky, why don't I have that luck?"

When Taohua heard this, she suddenly smiled shyly, "They all say that I am God's own daughter!"

Chu Changhua wished he could crush this god's own daughter into scum!

It's hard to get rid of the jealousy in his heart even if it is crushed to pieces! !

It's so unfair, he and his mother worked so hard in the previous life, why can they barely hug a super-large wood spirit vein!

Cough, cough, cough, "You have gathered the things about the Five Elements Blessed Land now, so don't spread it, otherwise, there will be a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood here now." And in the end, you have to take advantage of outsiders.

"If it weren't for a big monster like you living here, who would have discovered it?" Taohua shrugged.

"Oh, I said, why did you take the initiative to tell me? So you know you can't hide it! Let me just say that it is impossible to gather such a huge underground formation in the small valley where you live. The spiritual land in the area is right." Hearing what Tao Hua said, Chu Changhua couldn't help but get angry.

"How did I know that you would come back to live, uncle, if I knew you would come back to live, I would change the place." Tao Huaxin said that I was wronged. damage some foundations.She must have moved it.

Of course, if he hadn't discovered her identity in the previous life, and knew that the other party was her real uncle, and that the monster in the previous life was not bad, she wouldn't have directly told him about the Five Elements Paradise.

Anyway, even if he found the Five Elements Blessed Land and couldn't find the refining host, he could only watch.

Digging cannot take away the blessed land of the five elements.

Using the formation method to draw hard can only disperse the five elements of blessing.

"If it's really the Five Elements Blessed Land, you can plant some demon blood ginseng. But it's best not to have more than a hundred roots. Otherwise, your Five Elements Blessed Land will also suffer from demon blood ginseng." Chu Changhua said thoughtfully .The point is that the weak aura of Five Elements Blessed Land is not enough to raise too many demon blood ginseng.

"Grandpa, if you agree to give me more seeds of the demon blood ginseng. I also have a set of Qianyuan jug and four matching cups here."

After hearing this, Chu Changhua was very puzzled. "What is that Qianyuan Ju Kettle and matching cups?"

"Do you know the two super-large water spirit veins in Bibo Lake and Xifeng Lake?" Taohua blinked at him intentionally.

Chu Changhua immediately felt bad and said, "You don't intend to tell me that you made those two super-large water veins?"

"It's just the Qianyuan jug and its matching water jugs, and two water purification cups." Taohua said.

"You're not going to tell me that in addition to the Five Elements Spirit Veins, you will have two super-large Water Spirit Veins in the future?" Chu Changhua asked gritted his teeth.

"There should be no super-large water spirit veins. The five-element spirit veins will convert excess water-attribute auras into other five-element auras. What we need is the ability of the Qianyuan jug and its cups to generate huge water auras." Taohua Road.

Chu Changhua glared at her angrily, "You didn't do this earlier, and you didn't do this later, but you said to me at this time, is it because I came back and you found that you have a backer, so you put the set of cups and pots away?" Toss it out?"

"Granduncle, don't tell me if you see through. Besides, granduncle, the Five Elements Blessed Land develops faster, which is good for you and me. If you don't come back, I don't dare to use any good things."

Chu Changhua thought anxiously that using the Qianyuanju Kettle could indeed gather a huge amount of water spiritual power to assist the Five Elements Blessing Land to quickly develop into the Five Elements Spirit Vessel, which would indeed be of great benefit to him.But it’s even more beneficial to peach blossoms! !
"Why do I feel that I'm just being used by you as a tool?" Chu Changhua said with a dark face.

"What's not, we all prosper and all suffer. We are all descendants of the Chu family. One family does not speak of two families!" Tao Hua said with a vow.

Chu Changhua suddenly gave an evil smile, "Yes, we are all one family! Okay, here is this packet of seeds for you, there are a total of [-] seeds in it."

Taohua quickly took a small black bag thrown by Chu Changhua.Sure enough, it was filled with live demon blood ginseng seeds.

"Remember what you said, we are all one family!" After Chu Changhua said this, he disappeared in place.

"I didn't expect my uncle and grandpa's Earth Dungeon to be so good!" Tao was surprised, but felt something was wrong.Especially Chu Changhua's last words.Her great-uncle and grandpa took the initiative to run back from the fox's den, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Especially since he was reborn unexpectedly, so does his mother, the Silver Fox Empress, also have memories of her previous life?

At her level, she might remember everything clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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