Chapter 220 Nine Nether Black Water Drops

There is a golden mother lotus in the magma lake, the spring dragon's skeleton in the Xuanhuang Qijing, and the mutated ice lotus in the cold spirit spring, so they all metamorphose a little faster than Taohua expected.

So where should the seeds of the demon blood ginseng in her hand be planted?
Planted near the skeleton of the spring dragon, the little ginseng designated not to dare to run around casually.There is a dragon watching over there, and the corpse dragon is also a dragon.

Planted in the ground, the golden mother lotus is a bit careless except for trying to restore itself. The little ginseng running around and absorbing spiritual energy may destroy the stability of the fire-attributed magma lake.

But it is remote, and it is not easy for outsiders to discover the cultivation of demon blood ginseng.

Of course, she can also plant the seeds of the demon blood ginseng around the cold soul spring.It's extremely cold over there, but it's also beneficial. Apart from absorbing aura, the ginseng planted can't run around casually.It's time to dig one.Don't worry about finding it.

And it's so cold over there, not many people will be willing to go there in the future.

After much deliberation, Taohua asked her brother to buy her a set of arrays from Baicao Pavilion.It's called the spirit lock array.As long as it is a spiritual creature, it is difficult to escape from the blockade of the formation.This formation is a sixth-order formation, which cost more than 1 Lingshi.

In the past two months or so, Guo Peng has sold a lot of spiritual fruits from the Chu family.Especially Qingyang Lingtao, more than half of them have been sold.However, the more than 1 spirit stones obtained in exchange for countless spirit fruits in the past two months were also directly replaced by Taohua with arrays.

Even though Taohua is Chu Dashan's own daughter, Guo Peng thinks she is a prodigal.

But Chu Dashan didn't feel that his daughter was a prodigal at all, and he was very supportive!In Chu Dashan's original words, "Let your brother buy what is missing for you."

Of course, Peach Blossom wasn't just messing around, after she had arranged the array, she planted [-] ginseng seeds in the open space near the cold spring and ice lake in the frozen miscellaneous forest.As soon as the seeds were planted, she felt as if there were tens of thousands of small living creatures twisting their bodies, greedily absorbing the surrounding water-attribute cold aura.

As expected, this demon blood ginseng does not use ordinary spirit ginseng.Like plants, like animals.The adaptability is also particularly strong, whether it is the five-element aura, or the mutated five-element aura, they can absorb it.Not to mention these mutated auras, they can even absorb demonic and demonic qi.

The demon blood ginseng is a group of little monsters!

A group of little monsters who specialize in devouring energy! !
But devouring them, the benefits are inexhaustible.

As soon as these ten thousand seeds were planted, Peach Blossom felt that the cold miscellaneous forest had become less cold.

But just when Taohua was worried that these demon blood ginseng could absorb spiritual energy too much and might harm the cold spirit spring, she discovered that the spiritual plant ice lotus planted in the frozen lake had collectively released a strange freezing wave.

Swipe over the demon blood ginseng seeds under the ground.

However, after three waves of strange fluctuations, many of the seeds of the demon blood ginseng underground were frozen to sleep, their vitality dropped greatly, and the speed of devouring spiritual energy also dropped precipitously.

It's a pity that the strange fluctuations of the ice lotus can't continue to brush.

After brushing three waves, the ice lotus also stopped.

Puchi, Taohua laughed.

In fact, when she just set up the formation group, she discovered that the area of ​​the frozen miscellaneous forest was expanding, and the cold air was extending towards the periphery.At that time, she was still thinking that when she stocked the demon blood ginseng seeds, the cold air would become rarer and rarer.But I didn't expect that the ice lotus is quite capable, and it can also brush the waves to control the seeds of the demon blood ginseng.

Planting the demon blood ginseng and the ice lotus together, maybe it really made her hit the right way.

When Taohua walked out of the formation, he saw Chu Changhua floating towards him outside the forest.

"Why did Yimu's aura suddenly soar in your Five Elements Blessed Land?" Chu Changhua asked puzzled.

Taohua didn't want to tell him that she fed a small spirit vein to Xiaofudi and Chunlongzhike.However, the skeleton of the spring dragon cannot be hidden in front of Chu Changhua just like the blessed land. Taohua has no choice but to say, "I buried a skeleton of the spring dragon on the eye of the earth attribute to serve as a wood spirit vein."

"Pfft, the bones of the spring dragon, the bones of the real dragon?" Chu Changhua asked in horror.

Taohua nodded directly.

"Dig it out, dig it out quickly, you give it to me, and I'll exchange it with you for other attribute spirit veins." Chu Changhua said eagerly.

"It's useless to dig it out, it has already given birth to wisdom, and it has recovered." Taohua said dejectedly.

Chu Changhua pointed at Taohua's nose, angrily.The corpse dragon is also a dragon, and it cannot be easily refined by other monsters after it is revived.

"That's the skeleton of Chunlong. You clearly know that it retains the huge vitality of Chunlong. How can you bury it in the ground? Don't you give it a good chance to revive the corpse dragon?"

"After I got that skeleton, it obviously had been dead for a long time." Tao Hua gave me an innocent expression. "I thought it could melt into the earth, help me condense the aura of the earth veins, and condense a new wood spirit vein.

How do I know it can recover? "

"That is the skeleton of Chunlong who innately controls the power of Yimu, why is it impossible to revive it?
What are you going to do now?Don't look at it as if it contains infinite vitality now, but it is a corpse dragon after all.As it gets stronger and stronger, there will be more and more corpse and evil spirits, and finally it will become impossible for even you, the master of the spiritual vein, to suppress it.At that time, your spiritual vein will be swallowed back to death by it.

Do you want to fulfill it and finally raise a corpse dragon demon emperor? "

Chu Changhua questioned Taohuadao with a bad face.

Taohua shook her head directly. "I plan to find a suitable underground river, transform it directly into the Jiuyou Black Water River, and send the corpse and evil spirits of the Spring Dragon's Skeleton directly into Jiuyou."

"Wait, Jiuyou Heishuihe? You're right, right?" Chu Changhua asked.

Peach nodded.

"Do you know what the Jiuyou Black Water River is?" Chu Changhua asked her speechlessly.

Peach nodded.

"There is the Jiuyang Tianshui River on the top, and the Jiuyou Heishui River below. These two spiritual rivers are treasures of the gods, you know it? Are you sure you can create a Jiuyou Heishui River under your family's blessed land?" Tributary?" Chu Changhua looked at her in surprise.

"I got a Jiuyou Black Water Drop in a certain sect's ruins. It's a very old Jiuyou Black Water Drop. It was probably intercepted by an ancient monk before the Jiuyou Black Water River was controlled by the Shenting. It was refined in a section of Jiuyou Heishui River." Taohua said.

"Tell me, why are you so lucky?" Chu Changhua asked angrily.

"It's just a bead." Tao Hua said speechlessly.

"It's just a bead. This kind of bead can turn into a spiritual river, which can be used to defend a large formation, and can also be used as an attack method. If you want it, you can give it to me." Chu Changhua said angrily.

"Grandpa, you also said that the Nine Nether Black Water Pearl has many benefits. If I give it to you for nothing, then I will be at a loss. Why don't I use it, and then you will also get the benefits, grandpa?" ?” Peach Blossom said flatteringly.

(End of this chapter)

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