The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 222 Shentai 2 Heavy Chu Changhua

Chapter 222

If it weren't for the fact that there were these foxes watching him every day, Chu Changhua would have turned around and grabbed Taohua to ask for clarification.

Chu Changhua was not happy to expose Taohua's affairs to these foxes!

The man in red had discovered Chu Changhua's impatience and disgust a long time ago, so he had to leave with the beautiful woman.If they stay any longer, their little king will really get angry.

After driving away the foxes, Chu Changhua asked the family attendants to continue to demolish and renovate the house, while running to find Chu Taohua.

Chu Taohua was eating the spiritual fruit well in her retreat cave, when she saw her uncle and grandpa running over again.

Tired! !
"Why do you look depressed when you see me?" Chu Changhua accused her angrily.By the way, I picked a huge Qingyang spirit peach and started to eat it too.Woohoo, it's delicious.

A spiritual fruit garden was also opened on the spiritual vein of Qishan, but none of the spiritual fruits grown were as delicious as this. "How did you grow this fruit? It's really delicious."

"This is the top-grade spiritual root Qingyang spiritual peach. In two or three years, they will be able to advance to the first-level spiritual fruit tree, and the peaches will be even more delicious by then." Taohua rolled her eyes at him angrily.

"When it's almost the same as the five-element spirit condense?" Chu Changhua said thoughtfully, "You plan to use the five-element spirit condense, when the heavens and the earth bless you, and when your aura sublimates, push all these high-grade spiritual roots to the top in one fell swoop." level one?
To be honest, your Five Elements Blessed Land is a bit small. I just checked, and the scope includes Old Chuzhuang, Xiantaozhuang and some nearby Bibo Lake and Xiongshan areas.There is an extremely well-preserved small wood spirit vein on Mount Qi, and people directly occupy hundreds of hilltops.

There are less than five hills in your surrounding area. "

"What do you grow on those hundreds of hills? I have tens of thousands of high-grade spiritual roots on five hills here." Tao Hua said disdainfully. "I also raised a bloodline fruit tree, and tens of thousands of demon blood ginseng."

Chu Changhua gasped when he heard this, this stinky girl actually planted tens of thousands of demon blood ginseng.

But Tao Hua still disliked that he was not shocking enough, and finally said, "I have also raised millions of top-grade spiritual ginseng!"

"Millions of top-grade spiritual ginseng?" Chu Changhua stared blankly, "How is that possible?"

"How is it impossible? A small wood spirit vein of yours can occupy hundreds of hills. Why can't my Five Elements Paradise spread out even bigger. But there is no way, there are too many vampires in the Paradise. They are all top-grade spiritual roots. I'm not willing to dig them out now."

Chu Changhua immediately felt that his teeth were sore, his heart was sore, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in sour water.

So fucking annoying!
"I think you led the Chu family to fight against others for two acres of spiritual fields. Look at how many spiritual plants you have now. In your previous life, you were really the patriarch of the Chu family for nothing."

Tao Hua didn't care about his complaints, "I can't help it. Even though I was the patriarch in my previous life, I can't just do whatever I want. The clan doesn't agree with us to spend a lot of effort on cultivating spiritual land and planting spiritual fields.

Ling Zhifu, who was cultivated in the family, was poached away by other forces as soon as he emerged.

what can I do? "

After hearing this, Chu Changhua was extremely speechless.

"Why do I feel that you are free from Chu Chu, as if you were freed from a heavy burden, and now you are completely free?"

Taohua smiled and said, "Actually, my father is very supportive of me. He encourages me to do whatever I want to do now. I feel very comfortable."

It hurts again.

Chu Changhua remembered what he wanted to do, those foxes who always wanted to stop him, and his mother always said, "Leave these small things to others." That kind of understatement wiped out everything about him. tone of effort.

Qishan is indeed not his home!

"Your Land of the Five Elements seems to have evolved a lot recently, and the sudden increase in Yimu Qi, don't tell me it's all because of the awakening of the Spring Dragon's Skeleton. I don't believe it."

This stumped the peach blossoms who were just about to say the reason.

Taohua glanced at him aggrievedly, and said, "Actually, I just got a small wood spirit vein recently, but after I got it back, it was shared by Chunlong and Wuxingfudi."

"A small wood vein can wake up Chunlong, and it can almost evolve the Five Elements Blessed Land into a five element spirit vein. How much contribution can a small attribute spirit vein have now?" Chu Changhua asked in surprise.

"The main reason is that the scope of my family's Five Elements Land is relatively small." Tiao Hua said.

"It's not too small. It's enough for our whole family to breed high-level spiritual plants." Chu Changhua immediately retorted, "I also know the location of a small fire-attributed spiritual vein in Xiongshan Mountain. You say we can get it back too." how about it?
The Five Elements Blessings devoured it, can you advance to the Five Elements Spiritual Meridian all at once? "

Taohua was really surprised this time, "There is a small fire attribute spiritual vein in this Xiongshan Mountain?"

"Of course I have, otherwise what would I tell you?" Chu Changhua said reservedly.

"The question is how to get it here?" Taohua said with a headache.

"How did you get that small wood spirit vein back?" Chu Changhua asked.

"Yellow disc chasing the dragon pile! But I only got one." Tao Hua said.

Chu Changhua gritted his teeth angrily, one treasure after another, I tried so hard to collect it, but I couldn't see a single good thing.

"Then how many levels can you arrange the formation now?" Chu Changhua asked.

"I can get up to the third level at most, mainly because my cultivation base can't keep up. I'm only at the middle level of the eighth level of the Meridian Realm."

"Then you are not as good as me, I'm already at the second level of the altar." The aura of heaven and earth has just recovered for a few years, and my brother has reached the altar, the altar! ! !

Tao Hua looked at the shy Chu Changhua contemptuously, and said in her heart that Uncle, you are the biological son of the Demon Emperor, isn't it normal for you to cultivate faster than us?Regardless of your resources, the key is your blood!

"Then how many levels of formations can you arrange?" Tao Hua asked back.

"Tier three."

Peach Blossom: "..."

"What do you look at, I'm normal, okay? You're abnormal. Don't normal monks arrange formations across the first level? The first level arranges the second level, and the second level arranges the third level! Like you It is rare to arrange formations across two levels." Chu Changhua did not say at all that although he likes to specialize in formations, his talent for formations is not strong at all.Always hold him back!
Although he is not good at formation, he is very talented in alchemy.

Although he is only at the second level of the altar, he can already refine the third-order spirit pill.

"Then why don't you buy a few sets of spirit vein transfer array disks from Baicao Pavilion?" Taohua asked.

"Didn't that just tell Baicao Pavilion that we found the spiritual vein?" Chu Changhua immediately retorted.

"But Baicao Pavilion shouldn't pay much attention to just a small spiritual vein." Taohua argued. "If we don't tell them that what we found is an attribute spirit vein, it's over."

 Let's speak for the 400 million-word fantasy of my own cub "Lord of the Dan Palace".

(End of this chapter)

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