The rebirth of God's boss

Chapter 231 Chen Dazhi's Decision

Chapter 231 Chen Dazhi's Decision
It's a pity that Chu Shiluo didn't think so at all.

The Chu family has few people, but they have the advantage of having few people. If the Crown Princess and her family really want to fight them to the death, then they just need to hide their family members.With just such a few people, how can we find them in the entire Northwest?
After hiding yourself, buy a murderer to kill someone.

Anyway, I don't have many other things, but I have a lot of spirit stones.If the Chu family is not strong in other things, they are good at planting Lingzhi!
Let's sell the Lingzhi at home, it's not you.

"Then why don't you send a letter to all the nobles and official families in Miryang, saying that you have never been engaged to my sister at all, and that you have had dirty thoughts about my sister because of your own lust, so you instigated Shao Wu to corrupt me everywhere?" My younger sister's reputation is to threaten my married daughter.

Now you know you were wrong, so I apologize for your previous bad behavior.You are willing to kneel at the gate of the city for three days in order to atone. "Chu Shiluo said quietly.

"You know the consequences of your actions. You are making a death feud with our Chen family." Chen Gong said angrily.

"I'm not even afraid of the crown princess, but I'm afraid of making a death feud with your Chen family?" Chu Shiluo sneered. "Could it be that you ate too much lard and blinded your mind. What is the current world, what noble family, what official family, are just stepping stones for future monks.

If it's true, what about your Xi Guogong Chen's family, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, let him send someone if you have the ability. "

Chen Gong's face was as black as an iron pan.

The Chu family is not big, but their energy is not small, and the sky is high and the emperor is far away, which is the biggest advantage nowadays.The emperor is now devastated by the invasion of the two countries, and has no time to pay attention to these trivial matters.Moreover, it is difficult for both the Crown Princess and Duke Xi's government to extend their hands to the Great Northwest, which is five or six times farther away.

"I can make a public apology to Zai Miryang and try my best to restore your sister's reputation. I can also compensate your family with all the properties of my Chen family in Miryang. There is nothing else. If you must insist on my family and the Crown Princess Family feud, you can do whatever you want."

After hearing Chen Gong's words, Chu Shiluo narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"I can also persuade Lord Cheng Ling to clarify for you publicly that your eldest sister Chu Qingmei has never had any engagement with Chen Gong. It is all rumors spread by other people maliciously. As long as Lord Cheng Ling stands up, Mi Yang will not There will be no one who dares to ruin the reputation of the eldest lady of the Chu family." Xun Shijiao immediately added.

"Okay then, you take this thing and get out of Miyang immediately. Don't let me see you again." Chu Shiluo sternly said.

"Okay." Chen Gong could only compromise.

Otherwise, Chu Shiluo has at least a hundred ways to make them never get out of Miryang.

The Chen family has four houses and six large shops in Miryang.One of the largest shops serves as the headquarters of Chen's firm.I heard that my second master lost all his property in Miryang to the Chu family just to save Shao Wuzhou.

The shopkeeper of the firm looked at Chen Gong like a prodigal.

The people from Chen's House did not go with Chen Gong when they left, and left by themselves.

Chu Shiluo accepted the four houses and six large shops, and temporarily sealed them all up.He also asked Xun Shijia to take care of it more. As for how to manage these houses and shops, he had to go back and discuss with his own father.

After Chu Shiluo went back, he told Chu Dashan everything about Chen Gong and Shao Wuzhou.

After hearing this, Chu Dashan sighed and said, "After all, Chen Gong grew up in the imperial capital. Shao Wuzhou couldn't give up on him because of emotion and reason, and it was even more impossible for him to lose his arms and legs. The Chen family compensates us for our property. Just keep it, you can manage it however you want.

I won't have any contact with you, Uncle Chen, in the future, so the relationship between the two families will be broken. "

Although he was very sorry, but Chen Gong repeatedly damaged his own interests and reputation for others, Chu Dashan couldn't ignore it at all.No matter how good his relationship with Chen Dazhi is, it is impossible to disregard the feelings of his own children.The same is true for Chen Dazhi.

The Chu family forced Chen Gong to make a compromise so much, he believed that Chen Gong would not stop hating their Chu family.

Before Chen Gong and his party could leave the border of Miryang, someone from Qingyang came over to quickly take over Chen Gong's work and sent Shao Wuzhou away.If you don't go, you will be stunned if you don't go!

Then he was tied up and thrown directly into the carriage.

Chen Gong watched Shao Wuzhou being forcibly sent away speechlessly, and then he himself was escorted back to Qingyang.

Back at Qingyang City Commander's Mansion, Chen Dazhi didn't come to visit him, only his mother came to talk to him every day and cook him more delicious food.

After seven or eight days of care, Chen Gong's injury has healed, and there is basically nothing wrong with him, but Chen Dazhi still hasn't seen him.Chen Gong felt a little nervous, so he went to Chen Dazhi's study by himself.


When Chen Dazhi saw him coming in, he sighed and said, "Sit down."

Chen Gong sat down on the chair at the side in a regular manner. "Father, I'm sorry, I lost all of Miryang's property to the Chu family."

Chen Dazhi looked at Chen Gong, feeling a little melancholy, "Your elder brother was too bottomless and too purposeful when he did things. I hate his dirty mind of clinging to the powerful. So I kicked him out of the house.

In order to prevent what happened to your elder brother from happening to you, I have stricter requirements on you, and I always teach you to keep the bottom line in life.

But this time your bottom line is too good, you are worthy of the crown princess, Shao Wuzhou who was watched and raised by you since childhood, and you are worthy of the trust of the crown princess family in you.But we are done with the Chu family. The friendship between me and Lao Chu for so many years has been completely ruined by you. "

When Chen Gong heard this, he felt guilty.

"Father, why don't I go to Uncle Chu and confess my mistake."

"Then how do you admit your mistake and kneel down to beg him? Have you ever thought about the difference between pleading like this and threatening someone to forgive you? People can't be so shameless!"

Chen Gong's face turned green and pale at what Chen Dazhi said.

"This is really a bad fate. I thought you could stop being entangled with her after you left the imperial capital. Who knew that you still made me lose my friends for many years because of her. I, Chen Dazhi, didn't know what I did in the first half of my life." What kind of evil made you have such an evil relationship with her.

Chen Gong, your mother is pregnant.

If this fetus is a son, then if one day you do something beyond the bottom line of my tolerance, then don't blame your father for me to drive you out of the house.After all, I have expelled an unfilial son, and I don't mind doing it a second time. "

Chen Gong's face immediately turned blue.He looked up at his father in disbelief.

"Look, your father and I are still very young. I have a good body, and your mother is also in good health. There is no problem at all with a few more babies. We also have enough time to raise your younger brothers and sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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