Chapter 233

"Chu Shinian is two years younger than Erlang. He's only 20 years old this year." Chen Dazhi praised Chu Shinian in various ways when he mentioned Chu Shinian.

Nowadays, there are very few people in the entire Northwest who say they don't appreciate Chu Shinian.A hero emerges in troubled times, Chu Shinian is well-deserved!
If it weren't for Changyang Commander Zhu Ting's trash, there would be no Changyang incident, and if there were no Changyang incident, there would be no Chu Shinian, the leader of the dark guard of the small family, standing out.Every time everyone praised Chu Shinian, they regretted that the Changyang Chu family was simply a scumbag, and even such a talent could not be retained.

If they change these Patriarchs, Ke Ke will not be able to keep them either.

Chu Shinian was a strong horse who couldn't easily tie the bridle!
"Master, if you really like him, I can find someone to contact him."

Chen Dazhi shook his head.

"Master also thinks he's reincarnated and hard to control?" Chen Fu asked curiously.

"I don't think he's rebellious. Someone can control him even if he's rebellious.

Some people control people with emotion, such as the princess in our imperial capital.She is particularly good at controlling men with emotion.The prince is like this, and so are other men.They both love and hate her, and they can't stop.The concubine likes to be such a moth.

She also looks like she hates the sky and the earth, and hates the men in the world for not being sincere to her!
The man she was following was simply the worst luck for eight lifetimes!
I'm just stupid, if I put ten or eight other rooms in Chen Gong's room, she would guarantee that she wouldn't even give Chen Gong a good face.

I forced Chen Gong to be a child chicken because of the daughter of my old brother's family. Who would have thought that Bai would take advantage of the Crown Princess, a woman who loves to be a demon. "

Chen Dazhi had a look of remorse for his original appearance.

Chen Fu wanted to be happy, but he didn't dare to be happy at this time, otherwise Chen Dazhi would designate him to spray him with blood.

Chen Dazhi didn't notice Chen Fu's strange look either, he was still trying to figure out how to control people.

"But there are also people who control people with wisdom. Such people generally have great wisdom and can easily turn other people's chess pieces into their own.

Just like Chen He, that kid is cold-hearted and cruel.But I have to say, his brain is enough.As long as he uses dim sum, anyone can handle it.For example, my silly daughter-in-law, the third princess. "

Cough cough cough, Chen Fu didn't even know what to say.After all, he also grew up watching Chen He, so he also knows what kind of guy that kid is.

"Chen He can't have any heirs, otherwise the rule of the royal family of the Song Dynasty will be shaken. At that time, the first sacrifice will be the whole family of Duke Xi's family. After all, he is the one who is born rebellious. Others think I am He was too ruthless, too vicious, and even poisoned his own son. The ghost knows what happened to this kid. He went to the imperial capital to rely on a number one scholar, and he actually aroused his ambition to become emperor.

I didn't think of that at all. "

Cough, cough, Chen Fu was speechless, and thought that Mr. Da Lang was really doing a good job.

His father is the uncrowned king of the Northwest, and his son wants to be the emperor of the Song Dynasty.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if Mr. Da Lang really wants to be the emperor. Who stipulates that the emperor must belong to the current royal family?" Chen Fu defended his Mr. Da Lang.

Chen Dazhi snorted angrily. "You say he wants to be the emperor. I don't support it, but I don't object either. When my son grows up, he can do whatever he likes.

I don't care if he stepped on the princess, he actually dared to secretly want to step on the flesh and bones of the Duke Xi's mansion.Not only did he secretly sell himself to the emperor, but he also conspired with the emperor to take over the entire Xiguo mansion.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu sensed something was wrong and took the initiative to go back.Otherwise, this kid will sell all the details of the entire Duke's mansion by relying on his status as the eldest grandson living abroad.

Even though I was stolen and sold back then, and I suffered a lot in my youth, but after all, those are my biological parents, my own brother.

The little slippery guy is so shameless, he dares to play with anything.Lao Tzu taught him to be good, and Lao Tzu was Lao Tzu.Damn, he plotted against his father and mother, so his father asked him to cut off his children and grandchildren. Even if he came to the throne in the future, he could only make wedding dresses for others. "

In fact, even if Chen He didn't take over Xiguo's mansion at that time.When Chen He's plan was exposed and he broke with the emperor completely, Duke Xi's mansion would also play the role of a sacrificial offering.This was also the reason why Chen Dazhi insisted on driving him out of the house.

They all publicly broke up with their father and son. If the emperor makes another move, don't blame him for doing it too.

It was only at this time that Chen Fu realized why his master had broken Chen He's body, leaving him childless for many years.

"Master Da Lang, does he know why you ruined his body, master?" Chen Fu asked in shock.

"Of course I know. Even if he didn't know at the beginning, he would think about it later. You see, Chen and him have never said that he blamed me for so many years. It's because he knew that there was no limit to what he could do, and he lost his heart , ashamed of me.

Ah Fu, Chen He is very vicious and vicious in his dealings with others, but he can be very frank and selfless. If this boy was born in the royal family, the old emperor's fifty sons would not be able to deal with him.

He was born as my son, and he was indeed a bit inferior. "

Hearing this, Chen Fu shook his head directly and said, "It is said that my son, Father Xiao, Da Langjun is so talented and outstanding, it is also because of inheriting your blood."

Hehehehe, Chen Dazhi laughed complacently.

"Hey, compared to the boss, the second one is so stupid. What can I do?" Chen Dazhi scratched his head again.

Chen Fuxin said that there is nothing I can do about it.

Having a son depends on luck, but the younger brother can't give birth to you? !
"Hey, I think that in the first half of my life, I did everything I wanted, drank the strongest wine, and made friends with the strongest heroes in the Northwest. How come life has been so rough since I gave birth to these two little boys?

Ah Fu, send a message to Tianming, ask her if my third child is a son, can it save me some trouble? "

Chen Fu said in a particularly speechless manner, "The destiny is not fortune-telling."

"Her mouth is better than a fortune teller." Chen Dazhi said naturally.

"I think Master, if you ask, the destiny will come and beat you."

Cough cough, Chen Dazhi gave Chen Fu a sad look, can't he let him have extravagant hopes?

"Why don't you save Mr. Erlang again." Chen Fu said.

"Of course I still have to take care of Xiaoer. He's not his big brother Chen He. If I don't care about Xiaoer, just let him out like this. In a few days, he will be used to death by the princess. I have taken good care of him for more than [-] years. How could you take advantage of that bitch for nothing?" Chen Dazhi rolled his eyes and said with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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