Chapter 235

"Captain Qingmei, if you don't dislike the ugliness of their handwriting, the copying speed may be a bit slow, and there may be mistakes in copying, I will ask them to come and go back with you." The bookboy baby was belittled a bit.

Qingmei didn't mean to dislike her at all, Taohua never lied to her, she said yes, Chu Moyan and those two little bookboys would definitely do it.

Chu Moyan's two little bookboys look exactly the same, they are the kind of pink, cute and cute little guys who can make women laugh like their aunts.They are not very old, only about ten years old.I heard that Chu Moyan spent a lot of time thinking about the names of the two cubs, and finally decided on Jin Bao and Yin Bao.

The two little babies just got their household registration.

Qingmei asked the two little ones if they could read and write, and if they could copy books.Both cubs nodded obediently, and Qingmei happily took him away immediately.

Chu Moyan shook his little hands and cried behind them, oh, his treasure, why did Chu Taohua take aim at him!

Qingmei brought Jinbao and Yinbao to the main team compound of the two village guards, put the two little ones on the side of the table, provided enough pens, ink, paper and inkstone, and the two little ones could quickly copy various exercises for her .

She's so cute and cute. Compared with her sister Taohua, a dead girl who always wants to be lazy, she's so useful and perfect!
Maybe she can borrow more people from Chu Moyan in the future!
Chu Qingmei thought happily.

She didn't know that it was not due to her that she succeeded in borrowing someone this time, but because of her sister's great reputation.

If Chu Moyan was not afraid that Chu Xi would take care of him, how could he send his baby out? !

It's okay to shake your little hand and break your heart behind them.

The two babies, Jinbao and Yinbao, really deserved to be trained by Chu Moyan, and the writing was pleasing to the eye.

Even if Qingmei thinks that she can write well, she doesn't think that she can write more beautifully than the two babies.Oh my god, in this comparison, the one-handed dog crawling characters written by their Xiaowu is simply unsightly.

After thinking about it, Qingmei still felt that Xiao Wu had to train him well while he was young.

"Father, you look after the handwriting written by Chu Moyan's book boy. It's so beautiful. It's well-regulated and has a strong character. It's pleasing to the eye.

If you look at the words written by our little five, it seems that a monster grabbed it with its claws.It's so ugly that people can't go down.

How about we send Xiao Wu to Chu Moyan to practice calligraphy every night.Chu Moyan can teach his little book boy so well, I believe he can also teach Xiao Wu's characters well.

If he grows up and still writes such ugly characters, he probably won't even be able to speak of a lady. "One day after dinner, Qing Mei took a newly obtained manuscript and showed it to Chu Dashan while complaining.

With a click, Xiao Wu's job was crushed by his pair of small claws. "Sister, what enmity do I have with you, why do you hate me? Why do you keep staring at me? Xiaoyao can play as much as she wants, and run as much as she wants. As for me, I was caught by you and given to those old men and women. It's fine to go to class, but you still plan to send me to Chu Moyan to torture me by learning characters?
I have heard from Jinbao and Yinbao that they drop a stone on their wrists every day, and they cannot sleep without writing [-] qualified characters every time, and they have no food.

Wuwuwu, my sister actually wants to abuse me, how can I be sorry for you? "

Looking at Xiaowu who was crying while touching her tears, Qingmei was speechless.

"It's been said that strict teachers lead to high-quality apprentices!" Qingmei took the initiative to defend Chu Moyan.

"I won't do it, and I won't suffer that crime."

"Then your handwriting hasn't improved all the time, and you don't like to practice handwriting. Do you want to write such ugly handwriting all the time?" Qingmei asked.

"Then I'll practice when I have free time. Anyway, I won't go to Chu Moyan's place."

"Do you see that Jinbao and Yinbao didn't complain about suffering and being abused?"

"Both of their families are dead, and they are very happy when someone adopts them and feeds them. Do they dare to complain? I am the treasure of my parents, why should I be treated like that?" Asked her sister proudly.

"Then you have to endure hardship in everything you do. How can you get good grades if you don't endure hardship? You can see that Jinbao and Yinbao are suffering now, but they will succeed in calligraphy and studies in the future. Many people will envy them." Qingmei continued to lobby Little five.

"I am very talented and can use the five elements of spells. I can still teach other magicians. Why do I need to envy others? They are all looking at me with envy and admiration, okay? No matter how bad my handwriting is, they I will also tell you how beautiful your handwriting is." Xiao Wu raised her face very reservedly.Now whether it is Old Chuzhuang or Xiantaozhuang, who doesn't know that he is the fifth child of the Chu family, Chu Shiyuan? !
Chu Qingmei looked at him speechlessly.I always feel that letting him be a teacher did not raise Xiao Wu to be more humble, broaden his horizons, and sharpen his little spells more skillfully. Instead, he raised Xiao Wu's arrogance and coquettishness?
This is really bad.

"Xiao Wu is gone, brother, hurry up and hit him." Tao Hua directly yelled at him.

Xiao Wu immediately said angrily, "Xiao Liu, you call me Xiao Wu again, I was born 1 minute earlier than you, and that's your brother."

"You are so good. It takes three days to learn a small spell. I learned it in half an hour. But you compare yourself with a group of people who are more talented every day. On the contrary, you are the pride of the sky. Our family is actually Count your slowest mastery of small spells.

The stupidest one is you.

If you teach others, you don't know how much you will mislead your children. No wonder those guys have been unable to learn small spells for a long time, and few of them have been born in the first level of connecting veins.

Now it seems that you are too arrogant in this teaching, let the elder brother let you recognize the reality. "Taohua caught him and hit him.

Anyway, Peach Blossom was discovered, and my little brother is a guy who can shine brightly when given a little sunshine. If he is not beaten frequently, this guy can raise his tail to the sky.

"Hey, I said you are jealous that I am more popular than you in the two villages? People greet me respectfully when they see me, but they only touch your head when they see you. Ha, you feel sour Is it?" Xiao Wu proudly showed off to Tao Hua.

Tao Hua directly inserted a chicken leg and blocked Xiao Wu's mouth.

"It's okay not to go to Chu Moyan's place to learn calligraphy, then you can practice calligraphy with big brother every night. Big brother won't put a stone on your wrist to force you to practice calligraphy, and he won't ask you to write every day. Complete [-] qualified characters.

But it's not difficult to write ten sheets of paper seriously for the eldest brother every day, right? "

After hearing Chu Shiluo's words, Xiao Wu immediately felt distressed. It's not difficult, but it takes time to write ten big characters carefully, okay?Every night he has to spend at least an hour practicing calligraphy.

(End of this chapter)

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